Chapter 323

"And your son, Zhao Xiaogang, asked others to help him get into college..."


Wang Chunhua never dreamed that a random person he met on the street happened to know about her family's situation.She didn't dare to be brave anymore, and a look of horror appeared on her face.

When Zhao Junjun was still thinking of rushing up to fight Xiao Lin, Wang Chunhua grabbed her grandson.

"Stop making trouble, Junjun, good boy, stop making trouble."

They can't afford to mess with this man!

How can Zhao Junjun, who has never suffered a disadvantage since he was a child, be willing to let it go?
He was caught and couldn't break free, so he punched and kicked Wang Chunhua, scolding her that the old woman was useless, and couldn't even help him when he was bullied...

Wang Chunhua could only bear with it.

A fat, eight- or nine-year-old child was beating a middle-aged aunt while cursing, and this scene attracted many people to watch.

While watching, there was a burst of sighing, someone stepped forward to pull Zhao Junjun away, but he scratched, scratched and spit on him!
Su Yun stood aside and looked a little startled, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to caress her stomach, how did such a child be raised?
"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid."

Xiao Lin squeezed her hand, knowing her thoughts and softly reassured, "Our children won't be like this."

Su Yun hummed.

She didn't go to see Zhao Junjun's beating of Wang Chunhua anymore, Xiao Lin also called Shang Lu Zhenghuan, and the group left together to eat at a restaurant at the end of Jiefang Street.

Not long after they left, Zhao Xiaogang ran over in a hurry and saw his stupid nephew beating his mother, Zhao Xiaogang kicked him without saying a word, causing Zhao Junjun to kneel on the ground with a puff.

"Stinky boy, you dare to beat me up?"

Zhao Xiaogang cursed angrily, dragged Zhao Junjun and his mother Wang Chunhua to leave.When he returned to Zhao's house, Zhao Junjun was inevitably beaten.But before that, Wang Chunhua grabbed Zhao Xiaogang and asked if what Xiao Lin said was true.

"Xiao Lin?"

Zhao Xiaogang asked clearly what happened to Wang Chunhua just now, and learned that the person Zhao Junjun pushed was actually Su Yun, his face turned green with anger.

"You stinky boy..."

Zhao Xiaogang turned around and slapped Zhao Junjun's ass fiercely, "If you don't make trouble for a day, you won't feel well, will you?"


Zhao Junjun burst into tears, he dared to play tricks on Wang Chunhua, but he didn't dare to play tricks on Zhao Xiaogang.I can only cry when I was beaten!
Zhao Xiaogang was very angry.

Before his father was investigated, he felt that he still had the capital to compare with Xiao Lin.Unexpectedly, his father was suddenly investigated. Not only did he lose the qualification to compete with Xiao Lin in an instant, he even lost face in front of him today.

This was unbearable for Zhao Xiaogang who unilaterally regarded Xiao Lin as his rival in love.

So I can only vent my anger on Zhao Junjun!
Also, he really likes Su Yun!So I can't tolerate Zhao Junjun bullying others!Even if she is married, he is not happy for Zhao Junjun to bully others.


This is Su Yun's third visit to the restaurant at the end of Jiefang Street.This store has a different feeling every time I come to it, either there are more decorations, some decorations are changed, or there are a few more dishes on the menu.

It can be seen that the owner of this shop has been changing with the times.

That's a good sign.

Xiao Lin supported Su Yun and sat down on one side. He originally wanted to sit next to Su Yun, but Su Yun gave him a glare and glanced at Wu Shishi, so Xiao Lin had to sit on the opposite side.

Wu Shishi smiled and sat down beside Su Yun, not forgetting to thank Xiao Lin.

"Thank you brother-in-law."

Xiao Lin snorted, took the menu and handed it to Su Yun.

"Daughter-in-law, let's see what you want to eat today?"

Su Yun: ...

There are guests, how can he be so careless?She handed the menu to Wu Shishi, who waved her hand, "Sister Yun, watch carefully, I just ate a lot at your company and I'm still full, I'll just have a little porridge."

Su Yun handed the menu to Lu Zhenghuan again.

Lu Zhenghuan definitely wouldn't order it either, so he waved his hand and refused.

"Just order Comrade Su."

Everyone is so humble?
Since they are all so humble, Su Yun can only order the food.

There were four of them, considering Xiao Lin's appetite, she ordered four meaty dishes and one stir-fried vegetable, and then there was a pot of taro tofu soup, and a big pot of rice.

During the time when the food was served, several people chatted without saying a word.

The main speakers were Su Yun and Wu Shishi, Xiao Lin was paying attention to Su Yun the whole time and had nothing to say.As for Lu Zhenghuan, there was nothing to talk about.

The way the two men got along, Su Yun felt awkward looking at it.I don't usually see Xiao Lin talking so little, why is he talking so little today?Su Yun's head was dizzy, and she wanted to talk to Lu Zhenghuan by herself, but she didn't know what to say.

She could only hand over this difficult problem to Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi is secretly observing Lu Zhenghuan!She always felt that she had forgotten something, she was thinking about it, when Su Yun's elbow touched her, she immediately spoke.

"Have we met before? Except for the time on the train, have you met before? Why do I feel that you are so familiar?"

She really wasn't getting close, she really felt that she had met Lu Zhenghuan before.

Just can't remember.

She remembered?
Just as Lu Zhenghuan opened his mouth, Wu Shishi let out a cry.

"You are... you are the elder brother of Lu Changzheng and Lu Heitan, right? I remember seeing you when I was a child, no wonder I said it looks so familiar!"

Wu Shishi finally remembered that Lu Zhenghuan was Lu Changzheng's cousin, no wonder she always felt that Lu Zhenghuan looked familiar.It turned out that I saw it when I was a child.

Now, it was Lu Zhenghuan's turn to be stunned.

He did not expect that Wu Shishi actually knew Long March.

"Are you a classmate of Long March?"

Are you classmates with Lu Changzheng?Wu Shishi quickly shook her head like a rattle, "No, no, how can it be that he is so black and he is a classmate?"

Wu Shishi thought of the only time he saw Lu Changzheng when he was a child, he was as black as a monkey, following behind his elder brother Lu Zhenghuan with a runny nose, and now he still remembers it deeply.

So her parents told her grandparents that she had engaged Lu Changzheng for a baby kiss?It's no wonder she didn't run away.

Let her marry that snotty black monkey...

Wu Shishi felt terrible when she thought of it.

Lu Zhenghuan also thought of Lu Changzheng's appearance when he was a child, and his serious face changed into a little softness, "He was still young at that time, but now that he has grown up, he is not dark anymore."

"Hey, the foundation is black, if it is not black, it is impossible to be white."

If it is said that Lu Changzheng's dark skin was tanned, then Wu Shishi would still believe that it is possible for him to come back in vain.But he inherited his uncle and the others, he was born with dark skin, how could he be whiter?
Wu Shishi's dislike for Lu Changzheng was too obvious, and while Lu Zhenghuan felt heartbroken, it was also a little funny.

The reason for his heartache is that the man from the Lu family was disliked like this. What's funny is that the dislike of the little girl across the way with her nose and eyes wrinkled together made him think of the word cute.

Lu Zhenghuan was taken aback by the thoughts in his mind. He raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed to cover up, but he almost knocked over the water glass on the table. But it has inevitably spilled some out...

Wu Shishi sitting opposite and Su Yun by the window:? ? ?
This Comrade Lu seems a little unsteady!At least it doesn't look like him!
At the table, maybe only Xiao Lin, who is also a man, knows the reason why Lu Zhenghuan lost his composure.He pursed his lips slightly, as if he couldn't see it.

Lu Zhenghuan already wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in!
He had never had such a gaffe before.

 The update is complete, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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