Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 324 Want to leave a good impression

Chapter 324 Want to leave a good impression
It was an embarrassing meal!

Specifically, it was Lu Zhenghuan who was very embarrassed. He could not sit still, as if there were nails on the stool under his buttocks. Compared with his usual military posture, where he stood still for hours without moving like a mountain, it was simply abnormal. It's him.

At the dinner table, besides Lu Zhenghuan, Su Yun was also quite embarrassed!
Because she seemed to have miscalculated Lu Zhenghuan's appetite.

People who thought they could eat at first should at least have about the same appetite as Xiao Lin, right?Because they both look about the same size!Who knew... Lu Zhenghuan's appetite was even smaller than hers...

This directly caused a lot of leftovers from the meals she ordered.

Wu Shishi babbled twice, and looked at Lu Zhenghuan in disbelief, "I didn't expect you to eat so little? It's worse than a girl."

Lu Zhenghuan blushed slightly, coughed and raised his hand to cover his mouth to cover up his gaffe.

Su Yun is not a wasteful person, and waste is not popular now. She who 'misjudged' Lu Zhenghuan's appetite, looked at Xiao Lin who was a little embarrassed, she was used to seeking his advice at critical moments.

"Daughter-in-law, ask Comrade Wu Shishi to accompany you to pay the bill."

Xiao Lin dismissed Su Yun and the others.

Although Su Yun didn't know what Xiao Lin's purpose was to send her away, she nodded kindly, "Let's go, Shishi."

"Okay, sister Yun, please slow down and pay attention to the table."

Wu Shishi helped Su Yun's arm, and the two left the table together to pay the bill.The meal for the few of them cost more than 20 yuan. Wu Shishi was rushing to pay for it, but Su Yun didn't let her succeed.

"It doesn't make sense for you to pay when you come to Nancheng."

Su Yun pressed Wu Shishi's hand, and Wu Shishi didn't dare to flirt with a pregnant woman who was pregnant with a child, so she could only express in words that she was really rich, Su Yun didn't believe it.

Last semester, Wu Shishi made a lot of money by selling the dry goods sent by Su Yun.There are more than 2000 yuan in her passbook, which is enough for her to treat Su Yun to dinner many times.

Moreover, Wu Shishi's thinking belongs to the typical type of money that is earned and spent. As long as money can be earned, the money spent can always be earned back, so she is not stingy at all.

Not to mention that the meal cost more than 20 yuan, even if it was more than 200 yuan, she could pay without blinking.

Listening to Wu Shishi's 'fallacy', Su Yun frowned with a smile, "Okay, well, I know that Shishi can make money and has money, so when I go to the capital, Shishi, don't forget to invite me to dinner."

"Huh? Sister Yun, when are you going? Do you want to wait until school starts or go early? Do you want to live on campus or outside? If you live outside, do you want to go there in advance to find a house?"

When mentioning places Wu Shishi was familiar with, Wu Shishi's tone was filled with excitement.

And she also thought that next semester, she and Su Yun will be classmates in the same school. Well, although they are not in the same major, it's good, at least they are in the same school.

"Sister Yun, let me tell you that I know a lot of people in the capital. I have two classmates whose homes are built and sold. Would you like to say hello to them?"

Wu Shishi is very enthusiastic about Su Yun.

Su Yun thanked her first, "I will definitely ask Shishi for help when I need it!"

"Okay, sister Yun, please don't be polite!"

"You're welcome."

The two stood there chatting for a while, and then saw Xiao Lin walking over.He walked to Su Yun's side and took Su Yun's hand naturally, "Let's go, daughter-in-law."

Su Yun blinked and nodded, "Where is Comrade Lu?"

"He said he would sit down."

"Oh, ah... what's the matter?"

Su Yun was led out by Xiao Lin, she was still a little dazed and didn't know if Lu Zhenghuan had something to sit down again.

"Could it be that the dish I just ordered is not suitable for his appetite, and he needs to order something he likes alone?"

Su Yun made a bold guess.

It has to be said that she guessed a small part of it right.

Lu Zhenghuan stayed at the end, not to order another meal, but to receive a 'task' to clean up all the food on the table!

In fact, the bowl of rice he ate earlier was not his real appetite at all.A man who has trained for a long time like them can eat at least half a pot alone.

The reason why he put down the bowl and chopsticks after eating only one bowl was entirely because he had never eaten with a strange lesbian, and he was a little bit tied up for a while, and didn't know what to do.

There is a burden in his heart, he is afraid that if he eats too much, he will scare the lesbians!

It was obviously just a simple lunch, but it gave Lu Zhenghuan the feeling of a blind date feast.Of course, the blind date was Wu Shishi who never remembered that they had met in the family compound...

Born as a scout, Xiao Lin, who is also a man, knows exactly why Lu Zhenghuan reacted in this way.He dismissed Su Yun and Wu Shishi, and stayed alone to tell Lu Zhenghuan to finish the meal.

Lu Zhenghuan didn't intend to pretend to be in front of Xiao Lin, so he just called his name and let him do it naturally.

"If you want lesbians to have a good impression of you, you don't have to eat less."

Xiao Lin pointed it out.

Lu Zhenghuan felt a little wronged.

"Squad leader, I..."

Those of them who are still in service are called squad leaders for the seniors who have retired.This is just a title, and has nothing to do with Xiao Lin's actual rank in the army.

"I am……"

Lu Zhenghuan didn't know how to explain it.

Xiao Lin raised his finger and pointed to the food on the table, "Finish? Don't waste food?"

Lu Zhenghuan stood upright and saluted.

"Yes! Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

Xiao Lin just nodded and left...


Su Yun didn't participate in the process, so of course she didn't know about the conversation between the two men.When they went out, Wu Shishi slipped away on the pretext of going to other places, leaving time for the two of them.

Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin somewhat depressed.

"You are so scared that Shishi ran away."

Xiao Lin didn't care, he didn't think he did anything wrong.Wu Shishi is not a child who has not yet been weaned, but a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, what does it look like to pester other people's wives all day long?
Speaking of this, Xiao Lin had to think of Song Yinyin, and sighed that Song Yinyin and Wu Shishi were indeed sisters, and they both liked to pester his wife.

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin, who made up some content in his brain, was a little aggrieved, "What should I do if you are too popular?"

Su Yun blinked, a little confused.

"what happened?"

Why did you feel wronged all of a sudden?
Also, where is she popular?Isn't it normal life?Su Yun frowned and couldn't figure it out, the husband and wife held hands and walked slowly along the street towards home.

It has opened up a lot now, and couples or partners holding hands can occasionally be seen on the street.

The people who saw it no longer made a fuss, but turned their faces away and felt shy and unable to watch.

Su Yun is already used to Xiao Lin's need to hold hands when going out, she has adapted well now, and can walk beside him without looking sideways and not paying attention to those blushing people.

"Brother Lin, what did you tell that aunt just now?"

About to get home, Su Yun suddenly thought of Zhao Junjun and the others, so she asked Xiao Lin curiously, "Do you know them?"

Xiao Lin nodded, raised his hand and rubbed Su Yun's hair and said softly, "Daughter-in-law, do you still remember that Zhao Xiaogang who was in the same exam room as you during the college entrance examination?"

(End of this chapter)

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