Chapter 325

Su Yun frowned and thought about it.

"A little impression."

It's not that she deliberately remembered what Zhao Xiaogang was like, but that Zhao Xiaogang's fashionable attire really impressed Su Yun deeply.

Big back, suspenders, and exaggerated big leather shoes...

This kind of dress is very fashionable in Nancheng, so Su Yun can remember it.

"What's up with him?"

"That Zhao Xiaogang's father is the director... and that director is inextricably linked with the Wu family in the mountain city..." Xiao Lin selected a few important information and briefly told Su Yun.

Su Yun is not stupid, and she quickly guessed the reason for this.

"So, Director Zhao was investigated, but his wife didn't know about it, and still allowed his grandson to cause trouble outside?"

Xiao Lin nodded.

"My daughter-in-law is so smart."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, no matter what she did, she was the best in Xiao Lin's eyes, even if she farted... Bah, she can't be so disgusting.Su Yun quickly shook her head, shaking off the messy thoughts in her head.

"Brother Lin, why did you pay attention to Director Zhao? Does he have any business involvement with you?"

Xiao Lin is a businessman, not the bureau chief, there can be no relationship between the two of them.Su Yun would ask more, because she was worried that Xiao Lin would be choked up in business.

Xiao Lin had to admit that his daughter-in-law was indeed smart.


He nodded without denying it.

"After the Wu family over there in the mountain city collapsed, some relevant departments found an excuse to go to our company to investigate..."

Of course, there will be no problems with their company, but when the relevant department went to investigate, the attitude was aggressive, not at all like the routine investigation they said.

It didn't take much effort for Xiao Lin to find out that Director Zhao was the mastermind behind the scenes.Then follow the clues and found out his relationship with the Wu family in the mountain city.

It turned out that he had a most beloved outer room, which was the daughter of the Wu family in the mountain city. After something happened in the mountain city, his outer room immediately cried and begged him to help find a solution.

Even if he can't think of a way to save the Wu family members, he still has to deal with Xiao Lin to suppress Xiao Lin and give the Wu family a bad breath...

Director Zhao's ears were soft, and after being blown by the pillow wind from the outside room, he acted...

After hearing this, Su Yun hissed and took a breath.

Good guy, this is purely courting death.

She couldn't help but think of Wang Chunhua, who was ostentatious outside under the name of her husband.She probably didn't know that her proud husband had put so many cuckolds on her outside, right?

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help sighing, in this society, the rich and powerful people are more likely to go bad.

"Brother Lin, you won't be like other men who want to raise three, four, five good sisters outside when you have money, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

The tip of Su Yun's nose was pinched by Xiao Lin's hand, she frowned in disgust, Xiao Lin turned and gently scratched the bridge of her nose, "Am I that kind of person?"

For Xiao Lin, he is always worried that he is not good enough, and his wife will be abducted by other good people.Take that Zhao Xiaogang as an example, if nothing happens to the Zhao family, then Zhao Xiaogang will be a powerful enemy.

Why do you say that?

Because Xiao Lin investigated and found out that Zhao Xiaogang hired someone to take the exam for him, and then he was admitted to B University in Beijing.His daughter-in-law was admitted to B University, and Zhao Xiaogang also chose this school. One can imagine what kind of thoughts he has.

That's why Xiao Lin handed in the evidence as soon as he had the evidence.

He doesn't want to see a love rival who uses someone else to take the exam, and follows his wife every day...

Because of Xiao Lin's report, Zhao Xiaogang's grades were naturally cancelled.Knowing that he has no chance to pester Su Yun for the time being, Xiao Lin just let it go.

Anyway, Director Zhao's incident was enough to cause the Zhao family to suffer for a while.

Su Yun didn't know that Xiao Lin had done so much in secret, and she didn't bother to break the casserole to find out. The two had already walked home by this time.After changing into comfortable soft-soled shoes, the couple went upstairs for a lunch break together.

While the husband and wife were on their lunch break, Wu Shishi, who was wandering alone in the street, unexpectedly met robbers who robbed her of money on the street?It was an old woman who was robbed!
How can she bear this?

Wu Shishi stared at the fast-running robber and was about to chase after her. A strong arm rested on her shoulder.

"do not go."

Wu Shishi turned her head and looked at Lu Zhenghuan behind her in surprise.

"Comrade Lu? Why are you here? Weren't you in the restaurant just now?"

The street she was on was quite a distance from the restaurants on Jiefang Street.

Looking at Wu Shishi's extremely focused eyes, Lu Zhenghuan coughed, his eyes flickering slightly.

He wouldn't say that after he left the restaurant, he happened to see Wu Shishi walking this way alone, and then followed her by a ghost.

After he coughed and adjusted his state, he said to Wu Shishi, "Don't chase after me, I will go."

"Huh?" Wu Shishi didn't quite understand why.

"My brother-in-law said that a gang was arrested in this city some time ago. Those traffickers are full of tricks. It's hard to guarantee that this is not a trick of the traffickers!"

At the same time, there is no guarantee that this is really being robbed.

That's why Lu Zhenghuan said this to Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi nodded, feeling that what Lu Zhenghuan said made sense.But when he looked up, he saw that the person who robbed the money was almost running to the end of the street at the time they were talking.

Can you still catch up?

Wu Shishi glanced at the old lady who was sitting on the ground crying loudly, and couldn't help being moved with compassion. When she went over to ask the old lady how much money she had lost, she would pay the old lady the corresponding money...

Before she could finish thinking about the words, she heard gasps from the surroundings. She raised her head and found that Lu Zhenghuan, who was still standing beside her, unexpectedly ran out at some point, and even caught up with the fleeing robber. Hold the man's arms with one hand, and escort him back.

Good guy!
Wu Shishi seemed to see the shadow of her elder brother and second brother.

It's also the same way to shoot decisively and neatly.

Wu Shishi smiled and ran over, "Comrade Lu, how did you catch him? He has already run so far, did you use a lot of strength to catch him?"

She was really curious.

In a pair of black grape-like eyes, there is a curious light!
Lu Zhenghuan smiled, and kicked the dishonest robber's knee. Wu Shishi followed his movements and looked down, only to find that the robber's knees had a big hole in his trousers.

The knee protruded from that hole, dripping with blood!

It just fell, and it fell hard.

Wu Shishi probably knew how Lu Zhenghuan caught up with him.He must have stopped the robber's running legs first, and then caught up with him.

"You are amazing!"

Although Wu Shishi didn't see clearly how Lu Zhenghuan made the robbers kneel down, it did not prevent her from praising Lu Zhenghuan.

Lu Zhenghuan lowered his eyes rarely, and a suspicious blush appeared on the base of his ears.

This scene was seen by Secretary Liu who happened to be nearby.

He pushed his glasses, looked at his eldest nephew and the girl standing beside him, and nodded involuntarily.

"Good girl, not bad not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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