Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 327 Meeting an acquaintance in a mental hospital

Chapter 327 Meeting an acquaintance in a mental hospital
"That depends on Grandpa's performance."

Mr. Wu became even more angry. He didn't expect that his precious granddaughter, who was reluctant to beat and scold him since he was a child, asked her to bring him something to eat from outside, and she would even negotiate terms?


It doesn't get any worse than this!

The old man really wanted to hang up the phone with a snap, but he was afraid that he would be getting farther and farther away from the delicious food.

He cleared his throat, and pretended to be serious, "Shishi, how is your sister recently? Let her answer the phone."

Caring about Song Yinyin's health is secondary, and the main thing is that Song Yinyin sent him delicious food.

The old man in his 70s and almost 80 years old, his teeth are not very good, and he still thinks about the dry food made by Su Yun all day long.

How could Wu Shishi not know what her grandfather wanted to do?
She snorted twice and said, "I don't live at my sister's house, I live at Sister Yun's house."

"Sister Yun? That girl who makes everything delicious? Hurry up and answer her on the phone, I have something to say to her!"

The old man became even more excited.

Wu Shishi pouted, not wanting to.

It's just that from the corner of her eye she saw Su Yun coming in, she thought about it and gave Su Yun the phone.

Su Yun took the phone suspiciously and put it to her ear. After reporting her name, the cheering voice of the old man on the phone could almost penetrate her eardrums.

Su Yun subconsciously moved the phone away.

When she looked up and saw Wu Shishi, she realized that her actions were a little rude.

Wu Shishi cheered and waved her hands, "Sister Yun, please take care of me, my grandfather is like this, just like a child, he is more excited than me when he meets his favorite food."

Wu Shishi even thought that the reason why she loves food so much is completely inherited from her grandfather.

This was the first time Su Yun heard a granddaughter comment on her grandfather like this, but this also proved that their family relationship is very good.The smile on her face deepened, and she sat on the sofa with the phone and chatted with the old man on the other end of the phone...

During this chat, Su Yun discovered that the old man is indeed an old professor of University B, he is really very knowledgeable.Su Yun talked to him for a while, and it really felt like listening to Jun's words was better than reading books for ten years.

The two also naturally became friends who forget the year.

Just because of a phone call!
It was agreed to bring food to the old man, and the voice of other people rang on the other end of the phone, so old man Wu hung up the phone reluctantly.

Before hanging up, he asked Su Yun to hand the phone to Wu Shishi.

Wu Shishi answered the phone thinking that her grandfather wanted to chat about other things, but who knew that her grandfather actually asked her to go and see Wu Xiaoli.

Wu Shishi:? ? ?

Grandpa didn't make a mistake, did he?Let her see Wu Xiaoli?Doesn't he know that every time he and Wu Xiaoli meet, they strangle you to death?

Before Wu Shishi could figure out the old man's intentions, the phone hung up with a snap.

Wu Shishi looked at the phone with a blind tone, and she wanted to crawl over the phone line and ask her grandfather what it meant.

"what happened?"

Su Yun asked.

Wu Shishi shook her head and put down the phone, "Is my grandfather crazy? He asked me to visit Wu Xiaoli? Did he expect me to beat Wu Xiaoli? Or take a knife to clean up the Wu family?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Wu Shishi suddenly cried out.

"Oh, maybe the old man really wants me to clean up the house? Yes, it must be. It's not that he doesn't know about my relationship with Wu Xiaoli, and he let me go when he knew it. There is only one explanation. .”

I have to say, Wu Shishi is really smart, she guessed the old man's intention.

After guessing the old man's intentions, Wu Shishi couldn't wait for a moment to go to the mental hospital to see Wu Xiaoli.

Last time, the gang of human traffickers headed by Wei Ge was all arrested, and the abducted girls were rescued. They just suffered some abuse and nothing else, so they were quickly taken home by their respective families.

But Wu Xiaoli was not so lucky.

Her identity was originally different from those ordinary rural girls, and she, who claimed to be superior to others, was not only insulted by the group of human traffickers, but also kicked heavily by Xiao Lin, the object of her fantasies.

This is simply a fatal blow!

She was hit physically and mentally, and was admitted to the hospital when she returned to the city. Not long after she was admitted to the hospital, she heard the bad news from the mountain city. was found out.

All the members of the Wu family were dismissed from their posts to wait for the final trial...

Wu Xiaoli couldn't stand the successive blows and went completely crazy.

After going crazy, she kept talking nonsense all day that her target was Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin is a great hero, he will definitely come to rescue her, and then kill all those who bully her...

Wu Xiaoli fell into her own hysteria and became seriously insane.Ordinary hospitals can't treat her, so they can only send her to a mental hospital...

Su Yun has heard about these things.

Wu Xiaoli has come to this day, it can be said that her family has been ruined!But this is all done by themselves, and they deserve it!

Su Yun and Wu Shishi came to the mental hospital together, and after telling the doctor to visit Wu Xiaoli, the doctor looked at Wu Shishi and Su Yun, and frowned slightly.

"Who are you from her?"

Wu Shishi immediately replied, "I am her cousin!"


After figuring out Wu Shishi's identity, the doctor didn't stop them from going in.It's just that he told them not to open the door and enter the house, but to look out of the window.

Moreover, it should not be too close to the window, so as not to be scratched by lunatics and they will not be responsible.

Wu Shishi agreed with a smile.

When only Su Yun and Wu Shishi were left, Wu Shishi took Su Yun's arm and said softly to her, "Sister Yun, have you seen the doctor's attitude? Judging from his attitude, Wu Xiaoli is very crazy. !"

Wu Shishi's tone was a little gloating.

Su Yun chuckled, "You'll know when you see someone in a while."

"Well, I'm really looking forward to seeing her."

While the two were talking, they walked along the long corridor. On both sides of the corridor were small rooms. The doors of the small rooms were all closed. Most of the doors were locked. There was only one A small window, through which you can see everything in the small house.

A small bed and a simple squat pit are everything in the house.

I have to say that the conditions are really rough.

And in such a simple house, each room is closed to one person.They saw Su Yun and Wu Shishi, some smiled and stretched out their hands from the iron bars of the window, some were crying and laughing, and some were tearing their clothes...

When she was about to reach the room where Wu Xiaoli was locked up, Su Yun saw an acquaintance.

An acquaintance whom I haven't seen for half a year.

She didn't yell like other lunatics, she sat quietly on the bed, and her clothes were tidied up.When she heard footsteps outside, she raised her head, and a faint smile appeared on her thinner face.

"Su Yun."

"long time no see!"

 There is another chapter under review, if you can't connect, I will refresh it tomorrow and have a look again

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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