Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 328 Don't care about being a lunatic

Chapter 328 Don't Care Like A Madman

Su Yun did not expect to see Li Meng here.

To be precise, she had already forgotten that Li Meng was sent to the mental hospital by Ma Guanghua.

She remembered that when she heard that Li Meng was sent to the mental hospital, she wondered if this was Ma Guanghua's self-protection method.Seeing the clean and tidy Li Meng now, she can almost be sure that sending Li Meng to the mental hospital was indeed Ma Guanghua's means of self-protection.

Su Yun nodded slightly.

"long time no see!"

Say hello to Li Meng like a normal person.

Wu Shishi touched Su Yun's arm with some doubts, "Sister Yun, who is it?"

Su Yun bent her lips, "An old friend!"

Wu Shishi nodded.

Su Yun looked at Li Meng and smiled, "Don't bother Boss Li anymore." She walked away very simply.

Li Meng's good expression was gradually shattered. Seeing Su Yun walking away, she couldn't help herself anymore, stood up from the bed, rushed to the window, and stretched out her hand to the outside.

"Su Yun, wait!"

Su Yun paused, then looked back at Li Meng.

"Anything else?"

Li Meng felt that her words were a bit difficult to say, but she also knew that Su Yun was her only chance.She took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to speak.

"I was framed by Ma Guanghua, I am not mentally ill. Can you tell the doctor, and then you guarantee me to go out?"

"I will be grateful for your great kindness!"

Li Meng has had enough of being locked up in this small room every day.

Surrounded by some mentally abnormal people, yelling and screaming all the time, she has worked very hard not to be affected by them, trying to be normal.

But being in a group of mental illnesses for a long time, it is really too difficult for her to maintain her normality.

It's not that recently she has felt that her emotions are collapsing, and if she doesn't go out, she will really go crazy.It's just that no matter how she told the doctor, the doctor who was bribed by Ma Guanghua was unwilling to believe that she was not sick...

When Li Meng was thinking about other ways, he accidentally saw Su Yun.At first she was unwilling to ask Su Yun, but seeing that Su Yun was about to leave, she still lowered her face and begged Su Yun!
Su Yun smiled after listening to Li Meng's words.

"Boss Li, I have a problem with you."

Li Meng's face gradually turned pale!

She thought Su Yun would have a lot of...

"Boss Su..."

"But for the sake of getting to know each other, I can send you a message to your relatives and ask them to guarantee you. It is absolutely impossible for me to guarantee you!"

Whether Li Meng was really crazy or was framed by Ma Guanghua, it had nothing to do with him.She was able to pass on Li Meng's message because they knew each other once.

As for the rest, she will never do it.

Because their friendship is not that good yet.

Having said that, even if Su Yun didn't pass on Li Meng's message, it's normal. After all, Li Meng used such disgraceful means to deal with her, didn't she?But Su Yun didn't mind bringing a word for Li Meng to outsiders.

As long as she does good deeds every day.

Li Meng, who thought she was completely rejected by Su Yun, did not expect that Su Yun would still be willing to spread the word for her!Although this is different from what I thought, it is enough.

"Boss Su, please go..."

Li Meng told Su Yun the name of the person she believed to be reliable, Su Yun nodded to indicate that she remembered and said nothing else, turned around and walked away with Wu Shishi!
"Sister Yun, did that person really have a feud with you?"

Su Yun nodded, and casually talked about her holiday with Li Meng.

When Wu Shishi heard what a good guy, this Li Meng is so despicable?
"Then sister Yun, why do you still want to help her with the message? Don't help her!"


Su Yun smiled and patted Wu Shishi's hand, "Li Meng is a scheming woman, she was hurt so badly by Ma Guanghua, she will definitely not let it go."

If he could go out, even if Ma Guanghua was dead, Li Meng would definitely dig out Ma Guanghua's bones and throw them to ashes.

This can be regarded as fulfilling one of Su Yun's wishes?
After all, the Ma brothers have harmed her a lot. Although they have already died under brother Rin's gun, it doesn't mean that she can't take revenge again!

She, Su Yun, has never been a kind person!
Of course, she didn't tell Wu Shishi these words.Not necessary is one reason, another reason is that they have already come outside the room where Wu Xiaoli was locked up.

Wu Xiaoli just fell ill this morning, and she was sitting on the narrow single bed with disheveled hair, giggling and talking about something.

Wu Shishi raised her hand, knocked on the window, and called out, "Wu Xiaoli, I've come to see you, do you still know me?"

Wu Xiaoli obviously didn't know Wu Shishi.

But she knew to listen to the sound and heard the sound coming.She looked up.

Looking at Wu Shishi and Su Yun outside the window with a pair of eyes, hehe giggled.

"You two ugly monsters, get the hell out of here! Don't stop me from meeting my partner here."

"My partner will be here soon, he is very powerful! He will beat you all to death. Get the hell out of here, you ugly bastard!"

Wu Xiaoli didn't follow her words.As he spoke, he stood up suddenly and rushed towards them with a frantic expression.

"It's you, it's all of you. It's you who confused my brother Rin, made him no longer love me, and didn't want to come to see me. It's all your fault. I'm going to kill you!"

Wu Xiaoli's face was ferocious, and her facial features were distorted!He frantically grabbed the window with his hands, and made a puffing sound from his mouth, like a beast.

Wu Shishi and Su Yun, who originally thought she wasn't crazy, were also taken aback by Wu Xiaoli's reaction.

The thought of wanting to mock Wu Xiaoli also dissipated.

Forget it, Wu Xiaoli is a complete lunatic now, and they don't need to bother with a lunatic.

Su Yun and Wu Shishi glanced at each other.The two turned and left at the same time.

Behind him, Wu Xiaoli's howling was still coming.She cried terribly.Crying loudly, "Brother Lin, why don't you come to save me? Everyone here bullies me, they all bully me..."

Her voice was pathetic and desolate.

It really sounds like a broken heart.

Maybe, she really loves Xiao Lin, but she just used the wrong method, chose the wrong partner, and surrendered her heart in a hurry...

When Su Yun returned home from the mental hospital, her spirit was a little listless, and she couldn't get excited all the time.I feel a little stuffy, a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Lin came home and saw something wrong with his daughter-in-law.He pursed his lips and walked up to Su Yun.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter?"

Su Yun raised her head, looked at Xiao Lin and shook her head.

"I'm fine. I just went to the mental hospital for a look today. I was frightened by Wu Xiaoli."

When Xiao Lin heard it, there was something about Wu Xiaoli, you crazy woman.His expression darkened.The hand holding Su Yun was also tightened.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid. I'll find a way to..."

"do not!"

Su Yun raised her hand to cover Xiao Lin's mouth.

"I just think that people who are mentally disturbed are too scary. Wu Xiaoli didn't cause me any harm, so don't target her anymore. That's it, forget it."

Wu Xiaoli is already crazy, and Su Yun doesn't want to argue with a lunatic anymore.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"Then you have to promise me that you won't let the madman affect your mood."

"OK, all right!"

Su Yun raised her eyebrows and showed him a sweet smile.

"Is this okay?"

She tilted her head slightly, looking at him with clear and clean eyes.The reflections inside are all little him.

Xiao Lin's heart moved, and he stretched out his hand to embrace him in his arms.

"Oh my god! When I don't come in, you go on, you go on."

Wu Shishi's voice came from the door.

Su Yun blushed slightly, and quickly withdrew from Xiao Lin's embrace.Xiao Lin frowned, this Wu Shishi is really an eyesore.

(End of this chapter)

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