Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 329 Follow Sister Yun to Make Money

Chapter 329 Follow Sister Yun to Make Money

Wu Shishi didn't know that she had become a member of Xiao Lin's unwelcome list.Its position is second only to her cousin Song Yinyin!
Not to mention Wu Shishi, even Su Yun, the person next to him, didn't know that Xiao Lin still had an unwelcome list in his heart.

The next day, Su Yun agreed to take Wu Sisi to the countryside to see the farm.She did what she said, she came up together in the morning, and went out after breakfast.

Xiao Lin, the clingy spirit, wanted to follow, but was stopped by Su Yun!And she said to the reluctant man with a serious face, "Don't follow me all day, you have to go to business. Forgot our bet?"

In fact, for Xiao Lin, taking care of his pregnant daughter-in-law is the most serious thing right now.As for other things, such as company affairs, there are people from the company.

It is impossible for his company to entrust him with everything.

As the boss, he only needs to control the general direction of the company.A lot of things really don't need to be done by yourself.

But Su Yun repeatedly emphasized to let him go to the company, in order not to worry his wife.He had to follow suit.

Finally 'shake off' Xiao Lin and Su Yunyun, and brought Wu Shishi to the farm together with Xiaodao.

The scale of the farm with four houses is large, and there are already more than 100 cattle and pigs in it.

Brothers Zhang Wen and Zhang Wu managed the farm very well.There is also Dr. Zhang who sits in the town and monitors the situation of the cattle and pigs in the farm at any time. If there is any trouble, he will immediately kill the possible infectious diseases in the cradle.

The large-scale plague like the rabbit breeding in Qinjia Village at the beginning of the year would not happen in Su Yun's farm.

Su Yun took a cloth mask they made from Zhang Wen, put it on, and led Wu Shishi into the clean and bright factory building!
It was the first time for Wu Shishi to see such a large-scale breeding factory.She kept her eyes wide open the whole time, looking at everything in front of her in disbelief. Was it really a 20-year-old girl's idea?
"Sister Yun, you are too powerful, aren't you?"

After visiting the farm, Wu Shishi recovered from the shock, and took Su Yun's arm to praise her.

There are stars in her eyes, as if she has seen her own future.

Su Yun smiled, "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and I dare not take all the credit for it."

"Anyway, sister Yun, you are the one who leads the way."

Wu Shishi really admired Su Yun more and more.At the same time, she also thought that in the future, she must become such a powerful person as Su Yun.

After returning from the farm, Wu Shishi started to pack her luggage, ready to go back to the capital.

Su Yun was taken aback by her actions.Didn't this person just cry and shout yesterday that he would never go home easily?Why did it change right now?It seems that I can't wait to grow a pair of wings and fly back to the capital?

What stimulated her.

"Shishi, are you sure you want to go back now? I won't stay for another two days, and I'll take you to visit Nancheng again."

Wu Shishi nodded like pounding garlic.

"Um, um, um, um. No more shopping, no more shopping, I'm going back. Sister Yun, your business is doing so well. How can I still hang out on the street? I'm going back to start a business too. "

Her serious appearance made Su Yun chuckle uncontrollably.

This girl is really impatient.When I think of starting a business, I will go back immediately, and I can't wait for a moment.

"Have you figured out what to do?"

Su Yun asked again.

Wu Shishi, who was packing her luggage, paused.

Yes, she is full of enthusiasm.But what is she going to do?Continue to sell things to Yunji as an agent?Earn some middle price difference?Or do you want to start your own business?Looking for a new way to make money that no one is doing?
Wu Shishi was confused.

Because she hadn't thought about it.

Su Yun could tell by her reaction, she walked over with a smile, and took out a piece of paper from the drawer under the table.

"Look, this is an idea I had with your sister before. But it hasn't been put into action yet. Look, if possible, can we cooperate?"

"What is it?"

Wu Shishi took the paper over.It says Traditional Culture Communication Company?

She didn't quite understand what it meant, so she looked down carefully.There are more and more smiles on the face.Seeing the end, she hahaha and laughed out loud.

"Sister Yun, you are really a genius in business. How did you come up with the idea of ​​starting this embroidery business?"

Wu Shishi was born and grew up in the capital.She has seen a lot of well-embroidered clothing or bed sheets and quilt covers since she was a child!
Later, although it was banned on the surface, many people still secretly searched for the works of famous masters!

What Su Yun proposed, the establishment of a studio with traditional ethnic handicrafts as its main business, just fits the current needs.

With the recovery of the economy, people's pent-up demand will also recover. At this time, Su Yun chose this craft that has been passed down for thousands of years but was suddenly interrupted as a breakthrough, and it will definitely be very popular.

Wu Shishi slapped the table in front of her, and said a dry word with pride.

"Sister Yun, I will make a fortune with you from now on!"

Su Yun burst out laughing, "When I arrive in the capital, I have to ask Shishi to take care of me."

"Good talk, good talk."

Wu Shishi clasped her fists with a smile!
Su Yun smiled even more happily, and called Xiao Dao to take Wu Shishi to the train station, and agreed to call immediately when she returned to the capital!

Wu Shishi nodded in agreement, and dragged her suitcase out the door!
After Wu Shishi was sent away, the family suddenly became quiet.Su Yun was still not used to it, she thought about it carefully, Gu Jinnian and He Wanmin have been in the capital for several days, right?I don't know what's going on with them?

Just as she was thinking this way, the phone rang at home.

She picked up the phone, and He Wanmin's voice came from the other end of the phone.Su Yun thought to herself that this person really couldn't remember, no, they called just as soon as she thought of them.

Su Yun chatted with He Wanmin and learned that everything went well with them.She was so happy that she hung up the phone and started planning the day to go to the capital.

School starts in September in the Gregorian calendar, and before that, she has to rush to the capital.

Su Yun suddenly wanted to chase Wu Shishi back, and then go to the capital with her.

However, she did not wait for her to chase.Xiaodao came back with Wu Shishi again.

After Su Yun asked, she found out that there were no tickets to the capital today.

Seeing Wu Shishi's drooping appearance, Su Yun couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, don't be sad. I can't buy a ticket today, so I can go to the capital with me. I was very scared when I went out for the first time. Lucky to have you by my side.”

Wu Shishi didn't know what Su Yun meant, she looked up at Su Yun.

"Sister Yun, what do you mean? Are you going to the capital with me?"

Su Yun smiled and nodded.

"Well, let's go together. Please take care of Shishi on the way."

After getting a definite answer, Wu Shishi shouted, yes!The loss just now was swept away.In an instant, she regained that full of vitality.

Su Yun laughed, she was still a little girl after all.This mood really changes fast!
Wu Shishi is happy because Su Yun is going to the capital with her.

She immediately went out to buy gifts in a big way.

After returning home, Xiao Lin who heard the news was very unhappy.

"young married woman……"

Like a wronged puppy, he pitifully buried his head in Su Yun's arms, "Is my wife going to abandon me?"

(End of this chapter)

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