Chapter 331

Wu Shishi shook her head, "I haven't bought the ticket yet, but I should buy the earliest train tomorrow."

She paused, then said again, "Sister Yun will come with me. I'll ask her."

"Comrade Su will go back with you?"

Lu Zhenghuan's tone was slightly surprised.

Wu Shishi nodded.

"That's right, Sister Yun is going to the capital, and she has been admitted to Peking University."

"That's it!"

Lu Zhenghuan nodded thoughtfully.

Wu Shishi looked at the tall and straight person beside her, and felt that the topic shouldn't just be on her. She tilted her cheeks and asked with a smile when Lu Zhenghuan was going back.
Lu Zhenghuan answered tomorrow without much thought.

As for the ticket for the day after tomorrow that I already bought, let's just pretend it never happened!
"Are you going back tomorrow too? What a coincidence? Should we buy tickets together? It's also convenient to take care of each other, isn't it?"

Wu Shishi is a ghost, and she talks about taking care of each other, but she actually wants Lu Zhenghuan to take care of her goods.

After all, they were traveling with a pregnant woman, so she naturally didn't have so much energy to take care of her money-making treasures if she wanted to take care of the pregnant woman, so she could only trouble Lu Zhenghuan?

Besides, he goes back alone, and he goes back with them, so why not have a companion together and serve the people (her) a little more?
Lu Zhenghuan was very clear about the small calculation in Wu Shishi's heart. He had already bought the ticket for the day after tomorrow, thinking about it in embarrassment, and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go buy a ticket. I just happen to be able to buy a sleeper berth. Comrade Wu Shishi just give me your and Comrade Su's IDs!"

"Is that so? How can you be ashamed? It's really troublesome for you, let me give you a little more money!"

Wu Shishi didn't pretend to be good-looking when she got a bargain, she smiled and planned to give a little more money.

Use money to make up for her guilt of letting Lu Zhenghuan run errands!
Lu Zhenghuan definitely refused.

"Didn't you spend all your money on these things? Do you still have any money?"

Wu Shishi snorted, indeed!

In order to make a big fortune, she almost spent all her money.Next, I plan to ask Su Yun for dozens of catties of jerky, which may be on credit!
It's just... miserable!

Lu Zhenghuan kept looking at Wu Shishi from the sidelines, he couldn't figure out why Wu Shishi could make so many expressions on the same face.There are small secret joys after the scheme succeeds, sweetness when happy, and frustration when thinking that you have no money...

No matter what the expression is, she makes it very vivid and real, making people smile and feel very cute at the same time.

If it wasn't for the fear of offending her, Lu Zhenghuan really wanted to say that he still had money, he didn't spend all the allowances, subsidies and bonuses these years, and he still had some money to give her.

When he was struggling, Wu Shishi was already in high spirits again, because she figured it out, she didn't have money, she just temporarily converted the money into items, and when she sold it, she would be rich again !

Yes, Wu Shishi never thought that there were things she couldn't sell. If there were, it would only prove that she had found the wrong customer, just change the customer.

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to Su Yun's house.

Seeing Wu Shishi and Lu Zhenghuan who were holding a lot of things, Su Yun immediately stood up and went to open the door. She helped take the things in Lu Zhenghuan's hands and put them aside, and asked Xiao Lin to cook more, so that Lu Zhenghuan could stay for dinner.

"No need, sister-in-law."

Lu Zhenghuan waved his hand, "I didn't tell my grandma when I first came out, she was still waiting for me to go back. I'll go back now."

"Is that so?"

Su Yun looked at Wu Shishi, who was on the side, to see if Wu Shishi wanted to keep Lu Zhenghuan for dinner?Who knew that Wu Shishi had no such plan at all, she ran to find out her ID, then asked Su Yun to take out her ID, and handed it to Lu Zhenghuan to let him buy the ticket.

This... really doesn't treat people like outsiders!

Su Yun was a little funny.

"Shishi, don't bother Comrade Lu, brother Lin is going to the capital with us, just let him buy the ticket."

"It's okay, Sister Yun." Wu Shishi tugged at the corner of Su Yun's clothes, and said to Su Yun in a low voice, "Comrade Lu has a special status, so it is easier to buy a sleeper ticket."

Although Xiao Lin is indeed quite powerful in Wu Shishi's eyes, the current sleeping berths are really sold to Lu Zhenghuan and the others first.That's why she was so active in getting Lu Zhenghuan to help buy the tickets.

Before Su Yun made a decision, Xiao Lin, who was cooking in the kitchen, came over with a spatula. He glanced at Lu Zhenghuan, but was not polite to him.

"Daughter-in-law, please give my ID to Comrade Lu."

Su Yun nodded.

Now that brother Lin has said so, they can only trouble Lu Zhenghuan.

Lu Zhenghuan got the IDs of the three of them and agreed to buy the train tickets right away.Su Yun wanted to give him the money first, but Lu Zhenghuan was unwilling to accept it, saying that he would accept it after buying the ticket.

Su Yun thought that everyone would ride in the same car, so she didn't say much.

She thanked Lu Zhenghuan again and again and watched Lu Zhenghuan go out. When they were far away, she looked at Wu Shishi who was counting her goods and said, "This Comrade Lu is really a warm-hearted and good person."

Wu Shishi nodded affirmatively, "Yes, he is really a good person."

Su Yun tried to find something on Wu Shishi's face, but found nothing abnormal.She couldn't help but think of Song Yinyin. When her eldest brother was interested in Song Yinyin, Song Yinyin was too slow to understand.

So their family members are genetically unresponsive to emotions?

Su Yun smiled and shook her head, patted her stomach and sat down on the sofa beside her, chatting with Wu Shishi without saying a word.

"Shishi, you said earlier that Grandpa Wu ordered you to marry Comrade Lu's cousin with a baby. Does Comrade Lu know about this?"

Wu Shishi raised her head, looked at Su Yun in surprise, and shook her head in confusion, "I don't know, should I?"


"If he didn't know that Lu Heitan and I have an old-fashioned marriage contract, why would he help me? Is it really serving the people?" Wu Shishi thinks the former is more.

If it was the latter, then Lu Zhenghuan would be too willing to help others.When he sees a person in trouble, he helps, and when he sees a person in difficulty, he helps. How busy is he?
So Wu Shishi believed more in the former.

Lu Zhenghuan knew that she had a marriage contract with Lu Heitan, so he specially helped.But he didn't mention it!
Su Yun didn't expect Wu Shishi to think this way, but this also proved her judgment was correct, whether it was Song Yinyin or Wu Shishi, they were relatively slow to feelings.

She smiled, didn't talk about this anymore, but asked, "Then you go back tomorrow, what will you do with your engagement?"

As someone who has experienced it, Su Yun can see that Lu Zhenghuan has different feelings for Wu Shishi. Now let's not talk about what Wu Shishi didn't feel, just say that Wu Shishi has a marriage contract on her body. If she doesn't handle the marriage contract properly However, Lu Zhenghuan's continued sinking is not an option.

Moreover, the other party is still engaged to his cousin.

Wu Shishi waved her hand indifferently, "Hey, I don't like Lu Heitan, it's impossible for me to marry him."

"Huh? What about the elders?"

 The update is complete, good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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