Chapter 332

Wu Shishi frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I will pester my mother and grandma to persuade their respective men not to force me."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and then continued, "If it doesn't work, I still have my eldest brother and second brother. They can't just watch their younger sister marry a piece of black charcoal!"

Su Yun: ...

Although I don't know how black the young man from the Lu family who has a marriage contract with Wu Shishi is, but being treated by Wu Shishi as a black charcoal, this... is a bit too tragic!
They were chatting here, while Lu Zhenghuan successfully bought four sleeper tickets.

He folded the tickets neatly in his handkerchief, and put them in his breast pocket together with their IDs.Then I went to the department store and bought some milk powder, malted milk extract, and some biscuits and pastries that are good for digestion.

These things were taken back to Mrs. Liu. When he paid, he saw that there were fresh oranges on the counter. The yellow oranges were very gratifying.Lu Zhenghuan bought some more and divided them into two bags.

One bag was taken back to my uncle's house, and the other bag was going to be eaten by two lesbians in the car tomorrow.

When he returned to Liu's house, Mrs. Liu couldn't help feeling very sad when she heard that he was going back to the capital tomorrow.

She is getting older, and her health is getting worse day by day, and this grandson is in the army, so it is rare to have a holiday, and it is possible that there is not one holiday in a year, and I don't know when we will see each other again.

The old lady couldn't help being sad when she thought of this, she took Lu Zhenghuan's hand, and earnestly told him to pay attention to safety in the army, and not to work too hard during training.

Lu Zhenghuan responded one by one.

"Don't worry, grandma, I will."

"You, if you really want to make grandma feel at ease, find someone early. How about the girl your uncle mentioned a few days ago? If you think she is suitable, you should take the initiative. Don't wait stupidly for the girl to be picked up by someone else. Chase the lad."

"At that time, you will regret it."

The old lady said that she wanted to introduce someone to Lu Zhenghuan, and even made a plan code-named "Journey to Find a Partner". It seemed that she wanted to find a partner for Lu Zhenghuan no matter what, but in fact, she respected Lu Zhenghuan very much.

What grandson likes is the best!

Lu Zhenghuan nodded in agreement.

When Secretary Liu and his wife came back from get off work, they also heard that their eldest nephew was going back. The couple were also very reluctant. The family went out for dinner. Early the next morning, Secretary Liu personally drove Lu Zhenghuan to the station.

Lu Zhenghuan was a little embarrassed, but he also asked his uncle to take a detour to Su Yun's house!Secretary Liu had been to Su Yun's new home, and he was a little surprised when Lu Zhenghuan reported the address of Su Yun's new home.

"Are you familiar with Boss Su and the others?"

Lu Zhenghuan explained with a smile, "Yes, brother Xiao was the man of the year when I was in the military academy."

"Huh? What a coincidence!"

Secretary Liu didn't expect that after going around, they still have such a fate.He chuckled, and reached out to pat Lu Zhenghuan on the shoulder, "Good boy, Boss Su's couple are great people, and you can learn a lot from them."

"Well, uncle said so."


Su Yun and the others were going to the capital by train this morning. Li Wei drove Song Yinyin and Mrs. Xiao over to see them off. They were standing in the yard talking at the moment.

Zhao Meiyu walked up to Su Yun with a package, and handed it to her coyly.

"What is this? For me?" Su Yun laughed and took the package that Zhao Meiyu handed over. It seemed to be a pair of shoes and clothes?Clothes are guesswork, shoes are sure because she feels their outlines.

It looks like a pair of men's shoes.

Su Yun asked Zhao Meiyu knowingly, deliberately teasing Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Meiyu blushed slightly, cast an annoyed glance at Su Yun, then lowered her eyes, "You know how to make fun of me!"

"No, I'm wronged!"

Su Yun felt that she was wronged, "I thought you felt sorry for me when you saw that I was pregnant, so make me a pair of cloth shoes!"

Su Yun can make cloth shoes by herself, but Xiao Lin won’t let her do it. She feels sorry for her hand hurts when she puts on the layered soles. He bought all her shoes. There are all kinds of shoes, but one pair is missing. cloth shoes.

"I can't do without you."

Zhao Meiyu glared at her again and said angrily.

Su Yun said, "Did you really make it for me? What kind? I don't want a black cloth cover, can I change to a blue cloth cover?"

Which one she is accepting the gift doesn't prevent her from making her request.

Zhao Meiyu responded several times one after another.

"Meet your request, I will give it to you when I go to the capital."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your...cloth shoes!"

Zhao Meiyu: ...

Can't you say wait for her?
The few people chatted for a while, and Secretary Liu's car also drove outside. He and Lu Zhenghuan got out of the car. Only then did the people in the yard know that Lu Zhenghuan and Secretary Liu were relatives.

Seeing that the time was almost up, they didn't talk much and were going to the station.

Secretary Liu's car was stuffed with a lot of things prepared by Secretary Liu and his wife, for Lu Zhenghuan to bring back to the capital for his parents, and for his grandmother, for him, for his parents...

Li Wei wanted to take Su Yun and the others to the train station, but his car couldn't hold people when it was full of luggage, and it couldn't hold things when it was full.In the end, there was only one person to sit with Secretary Liu and the others.

In the past, of course it was Wu Shishi.

Originally, Wu Shishi wanted to pester Su Yun to ride in the same car with Su Yun, but she wanted to chat with Su Yun for nothing else.But under Xiao Lin's cold gaze, she couldn't stand it at all.

He could only run to Secretary Liu's car in despair and sat down.

Su Yun and Xiao Lin said goodbye to their relatives and friends.The old lady Xiao grabbed Su Yun's hand and told her to pay attention to her body, and to tell Xiao Lin immediately if she felt any discomfort.

To put it simply, Su Yun doesn't need to treat Xiao Lin as a human being, but should use him as a mule!
Su Yun nodded and agreed, "Grandma, you should also pay more attention to your health. When Brother Lin and I find a suitable place in the capital, Brother Lin will pick you up when Brother Lin returns."

Old lady Xiao nodded her head.

"Okay, okay, grandma will follow you wherever you go!"

Mrs. Xiao has been in Nancheng for more than half a year, and she is about to move out as soon as she develops a little affection with her neighbors.She is definitely not used to it in her heart, but she also figured it out, she is an old bone, and she lives only for Su Yun and Xiao Lin.

Wherever the two of them went, she would naturally follow them!

After saying a few words reluctantly, he got in the car and left.

Seeing the old lady Xiao standing outside the window waving, Su Yun leaned her head on Xiao Lin's shoulder and said softly, "Brother Lin, let's make our home in the capital from now on."

Never want to go again.

Xiao Lin let her rest his arm on his pillow, stroked her cheek with his generous palm and hummed, "I won't leave in the future."

"Brother Lin, you are so kind."

Su Yun tilted her head and smiled at him with one eye narrowed, her sweet voice praised him a little bit.

"The daughter-in-law is also very good!"

No denial, mutual praise.

"Brother Lin is the best!"

Li Wei, who was driving in front, felt a bit chilly for some reason. This was really strange. Now at the end of June, when Nancheng was at its hottest, the sun was shining brightly outside. Why was it so cold inside the car?

 Here comes the babies
(End of this chapter)

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