Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 333 Encountered entanglement on the train

Chapter 333 Encountered entanglement on the train
Li Wei couldn't figure it out!
Unable to figure it out, he planned to find some other topics to talk about, to see if he could get rid of the chill.

"Rinzi, when you went to the capital, when you were looking for a house with my sister, I bought the house next to you or rented it for me to keep. Doctor Song, when she heard that my sister went to school in the capital, her heart was like It's like being scratched by a cat, constantly wanting to go to the capital."

Although it is said that Nancheng is the birthplace of their trading company, Li Wei also feels that it is not bad to settle in the capital.

Anyway, no matter where you go, as long as you are with Xiao Lin and the others, it will be the same wherever you go!
It's that annoying Dr. Song again.

Xiao Lin hated it very much in his heart, it seemed that Song Yinyin was really entangled with his wife and didn't know how to stop!He resolutely refused to admit that this was because he was so stingy that even the lesbians got jealous.

Su Yun agreed without hesitation, and would definitely take care of the house for Li Wei and the others.

Not only did she have to find a house for Li Wei and the others, but she also had to take care of Meiyu's house. When the three of them lived close together, they could often go shopping together.

The vehicle goes to the train station.When passing the intersection below the mental hospital, Su Yun saw Li Meng passing by in a flash. She came out of the mental hospital, and a tall and thin man was following her to hold things for her, with a cautious and cautious attitude.

I don't know if it was a feeling in my heart, when Su Yun's car passed by Li Meng, Li Meng looked back.

Su Yun bent her lips.

"What's the matter, daughter-in-law?" Xiao Lin, who had been paying attention to her, asked.

Su Yun shook her head, "It's okay, just do a good job every day, and then succeed."

"Huh? My daughter-in-law is so kind-hearted, she can succeed in anything!" Xiao Lin started his mode of praising his daughter-in-law again.

Li Wei, who thought the temperature had finally returned to normal, felt cold again.

This time he didn't question the weather anymore, he had already figured it out, it wasn't the cold weather, it was the couple sitting behind who were too sticky, which made his goosebumps unstoppable!

They are the real culprits!

Li Wei shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't bear it and at the same time he was reflecting on himself. Did he and Dr. Song treat each other too much like a guest?They are also husband and wife, why don't they have the sticky feeling like Xiao Lin and Su Yun?

Could it be that he is too sensible?

Li Wei nodded in self-affirmation!It must be so!
He didn't know that when he was with Dr. Song, the other people who were with them always thought that Li Wei was an unweaned child, and Dr. Song was naturally his mother...

This is probably called a fan of the authorities?

Two cars came to the station.

At this time, it can also be sent to the train station and sent to the train.Because they brought a lot of things, and there were two lesbians inside, Li Wei and Secretary Liu naturally stayed to act as coolies and helped them move all their things to the carriage that Su Yun and the others were riding in. .

Sleeper cars are much better than hard seats. When Su Yun and the others got on the car, there was no one in their six-bed car.

Lu Zhenghuan bought tickets for two lower berths and two middle berths. The seats are connected together, which is also convenient for taking care of lesbians.

It was inconvenient for Su Yun to climb up because she was pregnant, so she occupied a lower berth.

Originally there was another one that was intended to take care of Wu Shishi for her, but who knew that Wu Shishi kicked off her shoes and crawled to the middle bunk above Su Yun.

"I'll just sleep here, it's comfortable here. Give the lower bunk to someone so that he can take care of Sister Yun!"

The vinegar jar, of course, refers to Xiao Lin.

Seeing that she took the initiative to give up the lower bunk, Xiao Lin didn't bother with Wu Shishi anymore, he put the things on the empty bunk opposite, then tidied up the other lower bunk, took pictures to make sure there was nothing inside the quilt Things, put the quilt on the side by the window, let Su Yun lean on it.

"Daughter-in-law, it's more comfortable this way."

Su Yun was a little shy. He took care of her without any scruples in front of so many people.

She lowered her eyes and sat down on the bed, stretched out her hand and pushed Xiao Lin, "Don't just stand there stupidly, send eldest brother and secretary Liu off?"

Of course, Li Wei and Secretary Liu didn't need Xiao Lin to send them off. Seeing that Su Yun and the others had settled down, their hearts were more than half relieved.People kept coming up from the carriage, and it was not easy for them to stay here all the time.

After talking to them a few more words, they got out of the car.

Passengers walked to the car one after another, Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to sit in his seat, so that people would not think that there was no one here and just sit around.

It's not that she judges a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, but it's because everyone really has it now.There are indeed many simple people, but there are also many people who are greedy for petty gains.

No, as soon as Xiao Lin sat down, a middle-aged aunt with a large bag and a few bags slung over her body came into their carriage. She first looked inside and found that there were only four young people inside. Then, with a smile on his face, he pushed open the door of their room.

"Young man, this lower berth is yours, right? Auntie will change with you. Auntie is the upper berth in front."

The middle-aged aunt pointed to the car in front, but she didn't say which car it was.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to sit down in Xiao Lin's seat.

"This aunt!"

Su Yun said in time, "This aunt is very sorry, I'm not feeling well and my husband has to take care of me, so I can't change places with you."

Leaving aside the fact that Xiao Lin lives in the lower bunk just to take care of her, let's just talk about this aunt.

She just pointed to the ticket and didn't take it out. Who knows where she is?Sometimes it is not necessarily that the station ticket on the hard-seat car came over and pretended to buy a sleeper ticket.

It has to be said that Su Yun's concerns are still right.

Because the aunt's complexion darkened immediately after hearing that she was unwilling to change.

He didn't say anything reasonable, just howled at the top of his voice, "Do you still have a conscience? You are a young boy, what's wrong with changing places with me? You didn't see the big bags on me, Are you getting old again?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, they were young, but they were not as full of air as the aunt.

"Well, auntie, where do you say you are?" Su Yun leaned back, looked at the aunt with a smile and asked, "Don't lie, auntie, otherwise we have comrades from the People's Liberation Army here, and whoever lies will be killed." Arrested people!"

"You don't want to go out and get in the car. If you fail to do something, you will be arrested?"

Su Yun threatened with a smile.

When the middle-aged aunt heard this, she subconsciously looked at Xiao Lin and Lu Zhenghuan.

Although the two of them were wearing casual clothes, their demeanor made it look like they were not ordinary people.

The aunt shouted unwillingly, "Just because you are a comrade in the People's Liberation Army, shouldn't you serve the people more?"

"It's for the people, not for the people!"

Wu Shishi, who was in the middle bunk, hugged the pillow, looked at the aunt and interjected, "A aunt who messes around like you can't be called a people, but a troublemaker!"

The aunt was so angry that her face turned green.

"What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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