Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 338 You must respect yourself first

Chapter 338 You must respect yourself first

Old man Wu and Zhu Guiying were stunned for a moment.

Subconsciously murmured, "Who is it?"

Wu Shishi laughed, Xiao Lin crossed his arms, and looked coldly at the person in front of him, "Xiao Lin."

"Xiao Lin?" The old man Wu repeated Xiao Lin's words, and after he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and his voice also suddenly rose, "Xiao Lin? Are you Xiao Lin?"

Old man Wu showed a terrified and unbelievable expression on his face. He really couldn't believe that the person in front of him was Xiao Lin, the enemy of their Wu family.

Zhu Guiying on the other side realized it before Old Man Wu, who was grabbing something in his hand and wanted to throw it at Xiao Lin.

"What do you want to do?"

Before Xiao Lin could fight back, the train police officer who heard the news had already come over, and shouted loudly from a distance, "You two, take out the train ticket and have a look."

How could old man Wu and Zhu Guiying take out their tickets?
If it is brought out, the fact that they are hard seats will be exposed.Therefore, they absolutely cannot take out the ticket.

Old man Wu winked at his wife, Zhu Guiying, and Zhu Guiying immediately yelled, "Comrade Public Security, you have to decide for us! This Xiao Lin... this person named Xiao Lin is the one who ruined our Wu family." Murderer, you have to decide for us, arrest him!"

"Look at him, even on the train, he wants to do something to us two old people!"

Just marshals who want to keep order: ? ? ?

Is this old woman out of her mind?
He frowned, and Su Yun stood up and spoke.

"This comrade, these two uncles and aunts don't know where they came from. They not only want to seize our position, but also cursed me with very vicious words."

Don't think that Zhu Guiying will sue, Su Yun is also familiar with suing.

Moreover, her words are much more credible than those of Zhu Guiying, who is full of evil faces.

The marshals naturally believed Su Yun's words more.

He nodded and grabbed old man Wu's arm, "You two, take out the ticket immediately and I'll check it, or don't blame me for sending you to the Public Security Bureau at the next stop."

Now the train has left the mountain city, but it does not prevent the police from calling the two people off at the next stop.

The old couple were frightened when they heard that, Zhu Guiying turned pale with fright, and old man Wu immediately pleaded with Wu Shishi.

"Shishi, please tell this policeman comrade, the third grandpa is with you, please tell them."

Wu Shishi curled her lips, with a troubled look on her face.

"Third grandpa, are you telling me to lie? But what should I do? Grandpa taught me since I was a child, not to associate with wicked people, even if they are third grandpa and third grandma!"

Old man Wu: ...

Is this stinky girl cursing them around the corner?

He was a little angry, "Shishi, how do you talk, kid?"

"How do you speak? The third grandpa wants to hear what I say? Don't you and the third grandma be evil?" Wu Shishi raised her eyebrows, glanced at Zhu Guiying who was on the side, and continued with a snort, "An old shrew like the third grandma, no If you can curse others by opening your mouth indiscriminately, isn’t that what a villain is?”

Old shrew Zhu Guiying:? ? ?
Old man Wu: ...

Wu Shishi didn't stop, and continued to say, "Also, you have taught your own grandsons to be robbers, and your own granddaughters to be crazy women who rob other people's wives. If you are not bad, who else is bad?" ?”

What she said, it can be said that she didn't save any face for the Wu family.

Old man Wu was so angry that his face turned green, he stared at Wu Shishi and couldn't say a word.Zhu Guiying was furious, and immediately rushed forward to tear Wu Shishi apart.

It's just that the interior of the carriage is not wide, and with Xiao Lin standing there like a mountain, Zhu Guiying has no way to rush over.When Zhu Guiying was just rushing forward, Lu Zhenghuan, who had been sitting on the middle bunk opposite, jumped down with a long step.

Together with Xiao Lin, they formed two insurmountable human walls side by side.

"Ma'am, what do you want to do?"

Lu Zhenghuan frowned and looked at Zhu Guiying. He usually had less contact with outsiders, so it was rare to see top quality like Zhu Guiying.

Zhu Guiying was stopped by two people, unable to rush through, she could only yell a lot of dirty and ugly words, Xiao Lin saw that there was a rag in the policeman's hand, without saying a word, he pulled the rag, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it in Zhu Guiying's mouth middle!


His sword eyebrows stood erect, and a word was coldly squeezed out between his teeth.

Zhu Guiying was startled and stepped back. If it wasn't for the carriage behind to block her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Inside the carriage, anger and chills spread.The marshal took the opportunity to screw old man Wu and Zhu Guiying away.

"You two follow me to the conductor's office!"

In the distance, the voices of Zhu Guiying and old man Wu were still heard.

"Comrade Public Security, why did you arrest us? We bought tickets, we bought tickets."

"Yeah, do you know who we are? We are the brothers of Wu Changyou from the Wu family in the capital, and we are his family members. You are so rude to us. Be careful when I go to my elder brother to sue you, you will be in trouble." Let's go!"

It's this time, old man Wu hasn't forgotten to move out Wu Changyou to scare people.

Wu Shishi was so angry when she heard this, she pulled off the quilt and jumped off the bed, going to settle accounts with them.

"What are you doing, Shishi?"

Su Yun grabbed Wu Shishi's arm.

Wu Shishi hurriedly put on her shoes, "I'm going to make it clear to them that although my grandpa is that old man's cousin, my grandpa does not protect bad people."

After she finished speaking, she left, Su Yun naturally couldn't catch up with the child, she looked at Lu Zhenghuan, needless to say, Lu Zhenghuan would also catch up.

"Comrade Wu Shishi, wait for me!"

Lu Zhenghuan ran after him.

After they left, the box completely recovered and became quiet.Xiao Lin turned around and pulled Su Yun to sit down. Although his expression eased a lot, it could be seen that he was still a little unhappy.

Su Yun knew that he was brooding over what happened just now.

This man is really worried about her, so he will take extra care of every little thing about her.Like the thing that Zhu Guiying scolded her just now, Xiao Lin must feel more uncomfortable than her.

"Okay, I'm fine." Su Yun took Xiao Lin's hand and rubbed her cheek against his palm, "Brother Lin, don't be angry, we have no reason to bark at dogs when they bark at us." call back, right?"

Don't blame Su Yun for not respecting the elderly, it's because old man Wu and Zhu Guiying have nothing worthy of her respect.These two people can't educate their children and grandchildren well, and they are full of malice towards strangers.

Old people like this don't deserve respect.

Xiao Lin let out a muffled hum.

Now there are only the husband and wife in their compartment, so he hugged the girl next to him without any scruples.

"Daughter-in-law, I want to buy a car."

 update completed.

  Time to catch bugs!

  I've been really busy lately, and I've run out of manuscripts.Every day's article is written now, so I can only temporarily update three chapters every day recently.When I finish my work, I will write more manuscripts and try my best to restore the fourth update!
  I hope all the little cuties who like the text will continue to support!

(End of this chapter)

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