Chapter 339 More Than a Vixen

Su Yun raised her eyes to look at Xiao Lin's side face, and he just happened to look down at her, their eyes met, there was no need to say a lot of words, the husband and wife could understand each other's thoughts.

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, our family's passbook should be more than 3 yuan, and I still have a loan of 30 yuan in my hand. How much do you think you need?"

Su Yun can also properly meet the needs of her own man.

Xiao Lin was originally in a dull mood, but because of Su Yun's words, he became more relaxed. He chuckled and pinched her fleshy cheeks, "How could I ask my wife for a business loan?"

"Then you still have money?" Su Yun tilted her head and looked at him, "Brother Lin, don't you only keep 100 yuan on yourself every month, and hand in the rest? Then where do you go?" money?"

"Secretly hiding private money?"

She looked at him with a smile.

But Xiao Lin knew that it was his wife who was digging holes for him.

"I have no private money."

"Then how do you buy a car? Don't tell me that a car costs 100 yuan!"

Cars are still very rare at this time, not to mention expensive, most people can't buy them even if they have money!Take Li Wei's car as an example, he bought it in Xiangjiang, and he was able to buy it because he happened to know someone well and knew that someone else had a car that had been bought and sold for more than a dozen hands.

Yes, Li Wei's car has had more than a dozen owners.When it was in his hands, it was almost scrapped, and he spent a lot of money to repair it before he could barely drive it.

It is precisely because Su Yun knows that this car is difficult to buy, that's why she plans to use part of her loan to let Xiao Lin buy the car.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Lin didn't want it.

This surprised her.

Curious about how he could buy a car without money, Xiao Lin smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch the bridge of her nose, "Secret."


Are you still selling out?Why is this man so annoying?

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I'll tell you when I get it."

"You won't steal it, will you?" Su Yun guessed wildly!
Xiao Lin broke his kung fu completely, hugged her and chuckled softly, his chest trembled for a while.

"Daughter-in-law...why do you have such a rich imagination? How could I steal...haha..."

Su Yun: ...

Isn't it because he refused to tell himself, so he just guessed?So the responsibility does not lie with her, but with him!
The husband and wife were chatting, and Wu Shishi, who was in the conductor's office, was sparring with old man Wu and Zhu Guiying.

Don't mention how powerful Wu Shishi's mouth is!

She stood at the door of the office with her arms crossed, staring coldly at Old Man Wu and Zhu Guiying, her mouth crackling, her words were like bullets coming out of a machine gun, and they never stopped.

Papa papa papa papa papa papa papa, old man Wu and Zhu Guiying didn't even have room to resist!
Lu Zhenghuan, who was originally worried about Wu Shishi, stood behind Wu Shishi at this moment, and clearly realized that this little girl, Wu Shishi, is really not ordinary.

I just listened to her talking about old man Wu's childhood, one by one, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Even though she is only under 19 years old, she is like old man Wu's elder, scolding old man Wu for his inaction, all she knows is sticking to her cousin to suck blood all day long...

Lu Zhenghuan was stunned.

Not to mention Lu Zhenghuan, even the conductor, the policeman, old man Wu and Zhu Guiying were stunned.

This... This... This... Is there a girl who can talk like this?

How can she speak better than a shrew?
"Comrade Wu Shishi..."

The conductor tried to interrupt her.

Wu Shishi raised her hand, "Don't interrupt me, let me continue..."

A few minutes later, the marshal tried to persuade Wu Shishi, "Comrade Wu..."

Wu Shishi looked at the marshal with a puzzled expression.

"What's the matter with you? I haven't finished talking..."

A few minutes later, old man Wu and Zhu Guiying had embraced their heads and surrendered. Wu Shishi won, they couldn't say no to Wu Shishi, they lost...

"Do you know it's wrong? You two?"

Wu Shishi seemed to be about to stop at last. She crossed her arms and raised her chin slightly, looking down at the couple huddled in the corner condescendingly, "If you know that you are wrong, it is not a waste of what I have told you for so long. If you don't know..."

"How about it?"

Everyone in the conductor's office (except Lu Zhenghuan behind Wu Shishi, because he was standing at the door, so he was not in the office) looked at Wu Shishi and asked this sentence together.

Wu Shishi raised her eyebrows and snorted, "Of course I will continue to scold my great-grandfather to wake up his unfilial nephew! Otherwise, be more ruthless and clean up the house for my great-grandfather!"

She squeezed her fist, looking fierce!

Although the people in the office were not very afraid of Wu Shishi's fist, they were afraid of Wu Shishi's penetrating tongue.The train conductor saw that old man Wu and Zhu Guiying had been shrunk in a corner like quails by the little girl Wu Shishi.

He coughed, and said to Lu Zhenghuan at the door, "Comrade, please take your partner, Comrade Wu, back. We will deal with the matter of Wu Changmao and Zhu Guiying who bought hard-seat tickets but wanted to snatch your berths. "


Wu Shishi raised her hand to refute that she was not Lu Zhenghuan's target, but Lu Zhenghuan had already coughed and called her in a low voice, "Comrade Wu Shishi, let's go back!"

Wu Shishi pursed her lips and looked at Lu Zhenghuan.

Surprisingly, he found that his earlobe, which was exposed when he turned his face away, was a little red.

So he is being shy?

Wu Shishi seemed to have discovered a new continent, she was so surprised!She was no longer going to explain to the train conductor that she was not Lu Zhenghuan's partner, she walked towards Lu Zhenghuan with a smile on her lips, her eyes were full of mischief, and she smiled like a stealing cat.

Naturally, Lu Zhenghuan noticed Wu Shishi's eyes fixed on him, but he had no experience with lesbians, so he didn't know how to react.

I can only pretend to be stupid, keep coughing and move forward.

I was so nervous that I almost had my hands and feet together.

When they were about to reach their sleeper car, Wu Shishi grinned and stopped, crossed her arms and walked in front of Lu Zhenghuan, raising her small face to look at the man who had been avoiding her.

"Comrade Lu Zhenghuan."

Lu Zhenghuan was so nervous that his mind wandered all the time.So when Wu Shishi called him, he didn't react immediately.

When he reacted, he quickly agreed a few times.

"Comrade Wu Shishi, what do you want me to do?"

Wu Shishi clicked her tongue twice, she has never seen such a nervous gay man.He looked very old, why did he feel more jerky than those male classmates in her high school class?
It's just that the more jerky Lu Zhenghuan was, the more Wu Shishi's interest in teasing him aroused.

"Comrade Lu Zhenghuan, you seem to be very nervous!" When she spoke, she didn't speak well, but leaned forward with her arms folded, and she was about to stick to Lu Zhenghuan's body.

Lu Zhenghuan didn't dare to move!

"Is...really? I...I'm not... nervous...ah..." Facing Wu Shishi's approach, his body was so stiff that he didn't know how to react.

I can only bite the bullet and say that he is not nervous anymore.

"Really?" Wu Shishi smiled even more, she bent the corners of her lips, and she leaned forward again, the distance between the two bodies was only a thumb.

From a distance, it seems that the two have been completely attached together.

I saw Wu Shishi's red lips parted slightly, saying word by word, "Why are you sweating so much if you're not nervous?"

(End of this chapter)

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