Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 442 The old lady Guan died in the new year 3

Chapter 442
With the sound of crackling firecrackers in the yard, Su Yun and the others sat around the table with laughter and enjoyed the dinner on the last day of [-].

After eating this meal, tomorrow will enter the new year.

In stark contrast to the extremely lively atmosphere of Xiao's family, it was cold pot and cold stove, and everyone still had an impatient Guan family on their faces.He Cuiping looked at Guan Qiuju's tightly closed door, and wanted to rush over to kick the door open more than once and drag him out.

How can a married woman stay at her natal home for the New Year?When she got up in the morning to instruct her two daughter-in-laws to do the cleaning, she beat Guan Qiuju around the bush by herself. She thought she was smart enough to read her face and go back to Chen's house, but Guan Qiuju ignored her.

This made He Cuiping very angry.

"I don't know what the hell the old woman wants to do? My family's life is not going well, so I want to come and harm my mother's family, don't you?" He Cuiping sat in the main room of their house, staring at the closed door opposite. , speaking in a low voice.

Her wife, Boss Guan, held his hookah indifferently and smoked, as if he didn't care about anything, which made He Cuiping so angry that he wanted to kick someone.

"I said his father, don't you just ignore it?"

Boss Guan was named, so he raised his head to look at He Cuiping, who was furious, and said slowly, "Little sister is right, she bought this house, and it's only natural that she lives on the opposite side."

"What's a matter of course? Don't you know that a married daughter can't go back to live with her natal family? Do you want us to die next year?" Thinking of this, He Cuiping felt that she couldn't go on like this.

Guan Qiuju must be kicked out of their house today.

For those who celebrate the new year, they must not let their married daughters come back.

She thought for a while and pulled up her sleeves, and called her two daughters-in-law to find fault.Boss Guan glanced at each of his restless wives, and continued smoking while holding his hookah without saying a word.

The family can make as much noise as they want, as long as he can eat when he can.

Guan Qiuju was locked in the room alone, and she didn't think about food or tea.He Cuiping knocked on the door outside, and she opened the door impatiently.

"He Cuiping has been doing it endlessly every day, right?"

He Cuiping, who was originally thinking of persuading Guan Qiuju to leave with good words, was instantly ignited after hearing Guan Qiuju's words.

"Who is endless?"

He Cuiping stepped forward, stretched out her hand and pushed Guan Qiuju's shoulder, "You are a married daughter who has become someone else's grandmother. During the Chinese New Year, my family will not go back to her mother's house. If you say you, you still say Are we done?"

"How can there be such a thick-skinned person like you in this world?"

He Cuiping is used to rough work, so she has relatively strong strength.She originally wanted to push Guan Qiuju to keep her away and go in by herself.

Who knows because she didn't hold back her strength, or because Guan Qiuju didn't eat anything all day and night, she became extremely weak.So when He Cuiping stretched out her hand to push Guan Qiuju, she took two steps back and fell to the ground.

He Cuiping:? ? ?

Guan Qiuju looked in disbelief at He Cuiping, who ate and clothed herself and raised her whole family by herself. She couldn't believe that she dared to do anything to her.

"He Cuiping, what are you doing?"

"What can I do?" He Cuiping sneered.

The moment she pushed Guan Qiuju down, she was a little flustered, but soon she returned to normal.Now that he's already planning to tear his face apart, there's no need to pretend anymore.

She has been led by Guan Qiuju all these years, but now that Guan Qiuju is despised by the Chen family, it is obvious that she will be kicked out by the Chen family soon, and their family will not be able to pick anything from Guan Qiuju anymore.

If that's the case, then tear your face off.

He Cuiping pointed at Guan Qiuju with her hands on her hips and yelled, "Who do you think you are? A high-ranking general's wife? Have you forgotten that if it weren't for us, you could be your general's wife?"

"It was your elder brother and second brother who helped his uncle to drink your drugged wine, so he went to your bed in a daze, and you had to marry him. Otherwise, do you think his uncle will take a fancy to you?"

"It's just a country girl with muddy legs, who flies up the branches and turns into a phoenix, and even her family doesn't recognize her?"

He Cuiping has studied for several years, and Boss Guan and the others always call themselves cultural people, so He Cuiping has been fascinated by it and can speak a lot of idioms.

Guan Qiuju was so angry with He Cuiping that she was about to ascend to heaven.How dare this vulgar village woman who had been trampled under her feet and held her up for decades dared to scold her like that?

Dare to mention what happened back then?
Furious, Guan Qiuju got up from the ground and rushed towards He Cuiping. The two old women who were nearly 160 years old were torn together.

He Cuiping's two daughter-in-laws were frightened by the battle. He Cuiping's hair was messed up. When he saw the two dumbfounded daughter-in-laws, he yelled, "What are you still doing? You want to watch your old lady be beaten. Did you kill someone? Why don’t you hurry over here?”

Her two daughters-in-law came forward in a daze, still not daring to attack Guan Qiuju.Seeing this, He Cuiping became even more angry, gritted her teeth and pulled Guan Qiuju who was facing her, and threw her aside.

Rolling up her sleeves, she was about to go up and teach her two daughters-in-law a lesson.

There was a bang from one side.

Guan Qiuju, who was pushed away by He Cuiping, slammed into the wall!The body fell limply.

A shocking mass of red was left on the wall.

"I said you two are trash..." He Cuiping didn't know what happened behind her, but her two daughters-in-law spoke out in horror and helplessness.


"What's it called?" He Cuiping said angrily.

Her eldest daughter-in-law, He Cuiping's natal niece, pointed at He Cuiping's back in horror, "Mother... sister, sister..."

He Cuiping turned around suspiciously, and saw Guan Qiuju lying on the ground, and the bright red blood flowing all over the ground.He Cuiping was terrified. Holding her beating heart, she walked towards Guan Qiuju step by step.

"Guan Qiuju?"

He Cuiping stretched out her hand tentatively, just as she felt Guan Qiuju's breath, He Cuiping fell to the ground with a thud.

His complexion was paler than dead gray.

Her lips trembled and trembled.

"Dead... dead... dead..."

Her two daughters-in-law were also scared out of their wits!


Su Yun's family's New Year's Eve dinner was finished at four o'clock in the afternoon. After the meal was full, the old lady pretended to have a lot of food for Lao Hu and Wang Yufen to take back.

They live farther away, and they have to go home to post couplets, so Su Yun and the others didn't keep them any longer, and let them go back after eating and packing food and some snacks.

As soon as they left, Zhao Meiyu also said that she would go home and call her mother for a while before coming back to set off firecrackers together, so she left with Gu Jinnian.

Because they live close to each other, so I didn't pack food for them.It's the same when I come to Su Yun's house to eat when I'm hungry at night, it's just two steps away.

When Zhao Meiyu and the others left, there were only three of them left in the family.

The old lady was a bit overwhelmed after a busy day, so she went back to her room to rest. Su Yun and Xiao Lin were watching TV and chatting on the sofa together. Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

"Little aunt, little uncle, something happened."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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