Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 443 Doubts About Guan Qiuju's Death

Chapter 443 Doubts About Guan Qiuju's Death
Xu Wanhao hurried in through the snow, Su Yun stood up with Xiao Lin's support, and Xu Wanhao had already opened the door and walked in.His hands were full of things, which were New Year gifts for his aunt Su Yun.

It's just that the expression on his face was not relaxed, as if he was about to give a gift.

Xiao Lin took the things in his hand and put them on the table beside him, poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Xu Wanhao who was sweating, "Drink some water and talk slowly."

Xu Wanhao groaned and drank half of the water in the enamel cup in one breath, wiped his mouth with his sleeve with ice slag indiscriminately, and said, "Azhou's grandma died."



Not only Su Yun was surprised, but even Xiao Lin was surprised.

You must know that Guan Qiuju, whom they only saw a while ago, although she is a little old, looks energetic but does not look like a dying person.It's only been two or three months, why did she die suddenly?
Xu Wanhao knew that they didn't believe it, and he actually thought the same as them.

It's just that on the way here, he actually saw the Chen family guarding a coffin, and Guan Qiuju's family was crying on the coffin, saying that her sister died unjustly...

"I didn't go there at the time, but I saw Azhou and other Chen family members in the crowd, so it must be his grandma who passed away."

As for why Guan Qiuju died in the Guan family, Xu Wanhao hadn't thought about it yet.

Su Yun didn't expect that the New Year's Eve would hear such news. She looked at Xiao Lin who was on the side, and asked him what should he do now?
"Want to go over and help?"

The relationship between their family and the Chen family is not very good whether they are present or not.

Xiao Lin frowned in thought, the door of Mrs. Xiao's room opened, and she walked out, "On the day of the burial, An Zi will go over and follow the funeral ceremony."

The old lady made this decision for the sake of the descendants of the Chen family.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"I know grandma."

Xu Wanhao sat in their house for a while, said a few words, and left again.He came out to give gifts today, and he will go home for dinner after the delivery is over.

"It may be snowing again soon, drive slowly on the road." Xiao Lin took Xu Wanhao out of the yard with the return gift from their family.

Xu Wanhao sighed, "Okay little uncle, my mother told you to come over for dinner when you are in the second year of junior high." Xu Wanhao now accepts this little uncle who is not a few years older than himself very well.

"Okay." Xiao Lin patted him on the shoulder, watched him leave before turning and entering the room.

As the sky darkened at night, they set off fireworks to celebrate the New Year as usual, but there was a trace of sadness in everyone's brows and eyes.Zhao Meiyu went crazy playing with fireworks and didn't notice that something was wrong.

Gu Jinnian carefully found out that something was wrong. After their respective daughter-in-laws got tired and went home and fell asleep, Gu Jinnian came to ask Xiao Lin what happened.

Xiao Lin had nothing to hide, so he told Gu Jinnian about Guan Qiuju's death.

Gu Jinnian and Xiao Lin have doubts about the same type of husband and wife.

"This... That old lady doesn't look like someone who passed away in recent years? Her complexion doesn't seem to be a sick one. Could there be any other misunderstandings here?"

Gu Jinnian works in finance, and he has a more sensitive sense after being exposed to a lot of numbers.He felt that the cause of Guan Qiuju's death was a bit strange.

Xiao Lin felt the same way.

"Maybe you need to go to Guan's house to find out why she died suddenly." Guan Qiuju's life and death has nothing to do with Xiao Lin, and he will not take her death seriously.

The reason why he was a little worried was because he was worried that someone would blame his grandma for Guan Qiuju's death.

He doesn't care about the life and death of outsiders, but he can't wrong his grandma because of it.

Gu Jinnian also knew about the embarrassing relationship between the Chen family and the Xiao family, so he nodded and told Xiao Rin, "Pay more attention these few days."


After the two men finished talking, Gu Jinnian went back to his home opposite, and Xiao Rin also turned back to the house.

Early the next morning, they packed up their things and went to Mr. Fang's place to pay New Year's greetings.

Originally, Su Yun asked Mrs. Xiao to go there with her, but the old lady said she was old and didn't want to move around, so they had no choice but to ask the old lady to get something to eat at home, and then they went out with their things.

They brought a lot of things, some of which were cooked yesterday and left untouched for eating, and some pastries that Xiao Lin made many times under Su Yun's guidance and finally got Su Yun's approval.

Xiao Lin also brought two bottles of Moutai.

The big and small bags are really like a married girl returning to her natal home.

Mr. Fang got up early in the morning, and after doing a set of punches in the yard, he changed into the new clothes that Su Yun helped buy before the Chinese New Year and sat at home waiting for Su Yun and the others to visit.

Hearing the sound of a car coming from outside, he stood up and walked from the house to the yard to greet him.

"Grandpa, why did you come out? It's cold and go back to the house, be careful of catching a cold." Su Yun was wrapped up like a bear with only a pair of eyes exposed. Seeing Mr. Fang coming out and standing in the yard, she felt a little nervous. in a hurry.

Old Master Fang let out a sigh and replied with a smile, "Grandpa is fine, Grandpa is in strong health!" After he finished speaking, he did not forget that Su Yun should be careful and pay attention to her feet.

"Don't flash on my great-grandchildren."

Mr. Fang was even more nervous than Su Yun.

After instructing Su Yun, he looked at Xiao Lin, who was fetching things, and said angrily, "I said, what do you do with so many things every time you come here? You have to take care of Xiao Yun first, don't you know?"

"Grandpa, I'm fine. Brother Lin personally made horseshoe cake for you. You can try it later."

"Is what he cooks edible?" Mr. Fang expressed doubts.

Xiao Lin sneered, "Then I won't bring it in?"

this person...

Su Yun smiled and took a look at Xiao Lin, and explained softly, "Grandpa, brother Lin's cakes are delicious, I want to eat a second piece after I eat one!"

Old Man Fang snorted, "You will speak well of him."

"No, Grandpa."

Xiao Lin handed the things to Mr. Fang's attendant, and he helped Su Yun walk inside with Mr. Fang.It was only when she was inside the house that Su Yun took off the layer upon layer of padded jacket that wrapped her body.

After taking off three pieces of clothing, she suddenly felt a lot lighter.

Xiao Lin prepared breakfast with Xiao Zhao, the servant, and Su Yun chatted with Mr. Fang on the sofa.The old and the young chatted all over the world, just like a real grandpa and granddaughter have a harmonious relationship.

Su Yun likes to chat with Mr. Fang very much, talking about the special food from various places that Mr. Fang has eaten. Su Yun silently remembered all the things Mr. Fang mentioned in her heart, and decided that it would be convenient after giving birth, so she would make it for her. he eats.

Xiao Lin's voice calling to eat interrupted their chat, the old and the young stood up and moved to the restaurant to eat.

After dinner, Su Yun took a nap here. Her room has been reserved here, and Mr. Fang specially asked Xiao Zhao, the servant, to decorate the room in a way that lesbians like.

It can be seen that he really treats Su Yun as his own granddaughter.

Su Yun and the others didn't have any ties with the old man, and they wholeheartedly treated this old man who had suffered all his life but was still alone when he was old, as the real family of his mother.

After taking a nap, they prepared dinner again. After dinner, Su Yun and Xiao Lin set foot on their way home.

As soon as their car entered Wutong Street, Su Yun saw a familiar person running out of Wutong Street in a hurry, Su Yun gave a bewildered cry.

"Isn't that Teacher Chen? Why is she here?"

(End of this chapter)

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