Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 445 The reason for Grandpa Xiao's remarriage, triplets

Chapter 445 The Reason for Grandpa Xiao’s Remarriage, Triplets

As for why she saw Grandpa Xiao's young hand after she was unconscious, Su Yun couldn't find the reason.But she believed that what she saw in front of her eyes must be true, just like what she saw in the white mist after her death in her previous life.

It's all true.

As for the reason, she didn't understand.

She interpreted this as a special opportunity for God to let her live again!It's just that this time it's not the future, but the past.

She followed the screen and looked forward, and saw that Grandpa Xiao's injury was getting better little by little. After staying for two months, his injury was completely healed, but she couldn't remember who she was from and where she came from. She only remembered herself. Be a revolutionary fighter.

Everyone in his original unit died, and everyone who knew his identity died.But despite this, Grandpa Xiao decided to continue to devote himself to the revolution.

His firm belief in the revolution will not be shaken no matter how many times he loses his memory.

After he recovers from his injury, he will bid farewell to the farmer and prepare to leave.

It's just that the girl in this family, that is, Guan Qiuju, has already taken a fancy to this handsome and extraordinary person in the past two months.She told the Guan family's parents about her heart, and the Guan family's parents also fell in love with Grandpa Xiao, an extraordinary young man.

Not only Guan Qiuju, they also want this young man to be their son-in-law.

After all, looking at their entire Guanjia Village, there is no other person who is as handsome and extraordinary as Grandpa Xiao.And he is still a soldier, even if he forgets who he is, it doesn't matter, as long as he treats Guan Qiuju well.

The Guan family told Grandpa Xiao what they thought in their hearts, but Grandpa Xiao declined.The reason he gave was very reasonable. Now that he has lost all his memory, he might already have a family, so he really can't agree to their kindness.

The couple of the Guan family, who had encountered a soft nail, conveyed this to Guan Qiuju, and Guan's mother persuaded Guan Qiuju to find another young man.Guan Qiuju was determined to be with Grandpa Xiao.

For this reason, she found her two elder brothers, conspired with them to get Grandpa Xiao drunk, and then brought him to her bed, creating an established fact that at that time, with Grandpa Xiao's character, he would definitely not be dissatisfied. Responsible.

Seeing this, Su Yun was about to explode with anger. She never thought that the Guan family would be so shameless that they would rely on Grandpa Xiao in such a way.She watched helplessly as Grandpa Xiao drank the drugged wine handed over by the brothers of the Guan family, and watched him being carried to Guan Qiuju's room by the brothers of the Guan family...

"It's so annoying!"

Su Yun stomped her feet in anger, but she couldn't do anything, she could only watch Guan Qiuju take off Grandpa Xiao's clothes...

In the real world, two different loud voices sounded in the operating room. Doctor Zhang took out the twins of the triplets and handed them to the nurse on the side. The nurse slapped them on the buttocks, and the two children let out a wow Big cry.

With that loud voice, he knew that he was absorbing nutrients in his stomach.

"What a lovely brother and sister."

Although they were born one month prematurely, they didn't have the weakness of premature birth, and they looked like they were born at full term.

It can be seen that during pregnancy, Su Yun did not lack nutrition.

Dr. Zhang, who was worried that the child's indicators would not meet the standards, was relieved.

Smiling, she took the last baby out of Su Yun's stomach, and the nurse took it and patted the baby's buttocks, and the baby let out a gentle cry.

Compared with the previous brothers and sisters, the voice of the third child is really too gentle.

"Examine the children to determine their physical condition."

Dr. Zhang explained to the nurse on the side, and turned around to do his own work.The child was successfully removed, and the next step was to suture the wound.

Fortunately, Dr. Zhang has done about a dozen laparotomies, and he has a lot of experience in this, so the stitching went smoothly...

The nurse marked the three children, put them in the stroller and pushed them out.

The door opened, and Xiao Lin, who was waiting outside, immediately stood up, "Nurse, how is my wife?" The child didn't ask anything, and the first thing he asked was his daughter-in-law's physical condition.

The nurse smiled, "The mother is in good condition and will be out soon. Now you take the baby to the ward and wait for the mother to come out?"

At this time, Xiao Lin lowered his head to look at the three red-faced children who looked like three little old men, and a flash of disgust flashed in his heart.

"This is our child?"

The nurse burst out laughing, "What's the matter? Isn't this your child? Comrade Su Yun is the only one who is pregnant with the third child?"

Xiao Lin didn't suspect that this was someone else's child, he just thought it was wrong, his wife is so beautiful, how could the child he gave birth be wrinkled like a little old man?
I have to say that he has read a lot of books about pregnancy and how to take care of postpartum confinement, but he has never read a book about what a newborn baby is like.

Zhao Meiyu came up from behind, and seeing the three children in the nurse's car, she burst out laughing, "Brother Lin, do you think these three children are too ugly?"

Xiao Lin thought so in his heart, but he dared not say it out loud.

Afraid of hurting the child's self-esteem.

His wife said that children also have self-esteem, parents should not be dictatorial, they must fully respect their children's opinions, and the idea of ​​a filial son under a stick will not work.

In order not to be a strict father hated by his children, Xiao Lin told himself to respect them since the children were still in the womb.

So seeing these three ugly kids, he still respects their looks...

"Brother Lin, you are finished, you dare to despise your child, I will tell Xiaoyun when she comes out." Zhao Meiyu threatened Xiao Lin with a wicked smile.

The corner of Xiao Lin's mouth twitched, and he turned to look at Gu Jinnian.

Gu Jinnian coughed, "Okay, Xiaoyu, let's take the child back to the ward and let brother Lin wait for Xiaoyun here."

"Yes." Zhao Meiyu liked these three children so much, she wanted to carry them back to the ward, but she didn't know how to hold such a soft baby, so she could only look at them with envious eyes.

The couple pushed the three children back to the ward. Xiao Lin paid some extra money and rented the other two beds in the same ward, so that Su Yun and the children could live in a separate ward without having to follow them. Other maternity crowd.

This was done in full consideration of Su Yun's need for quiet self-cultivation after giving birth, and the fact that their family had many children and few hands.

And now there are quite a lot of things about stealing children. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xiao Lin simply booked a ward.

At this moment, Su Yun hadn't returned to the ward, but her brother and sister were already crying. Under the guidance of the nurse, Zhao Meiyu dipped a little water on the lips of each brother and sister who were crying very sadly.

Seeing their little mouths wriggling like newborn chicks, Zhao Meiyu's heart almost melted.When the brothers and sisters stopped crying, a relatively soft cry rang out.

That's my brother crying.

Zhao Meiyu was feeding her sister, and she told Gu Jinnian without looking back.

"Jinnian, take a quick look at your younger brother. Does your younger brother want to drink water? Pay attention to the temperature of the water, and test the water temperature on the back of your hand."

 Good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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