Chapter 446
"Okay." Gu Jinnian hastily followed Zhao Meiyu's instructions and went to feed water to the most gentle brother.

Xiao Lin, who was waiting outside the operating room, finally waited until the door of the operating room opened again.Su Yun and the old lady that he was worried about were just pushed out one after the other.

"Daughter-in-law, grandma." Xiao Lin hurried forward.

Chen Jinzhou, who had been staying by the side, also hurried up.Seeing the thick gauze wrapped around Mrs. Xiao's head, Chen Jinzhou frowned.What's going on with his sister-in-law?

"How is grandma?"

He was the first to ask the nurse on the side.

The nurse replied: "Fortunately, you sent it in time, otherwise the old man's injury would be serious."

"The old man is getting old, you juniors should take care of them more at home. The old man can't help knocking!"

Chen Jinzhou kept nodding at the side, agreeing yes yes yes.

"Then grandma... when will she wake up?"

"Wait for the anesthetic to wear off. She will wake up when the anesthetic wears off. Now push the old man back to the ward."

"Okay, thank you, doctor, thank you."

Together with the nurse, Chen Jinzhou pushed the old lady to the ward.At this time, there is not enough manpower, so Xiao Lin can only ask Chen Jinzhou to help.

He also asked the nurse when Su Yun would wake up.The answer given by the nurse is the same, that is to say, the time when Su Yun wakes up also depends on the time when her anesthetic wears off.

"My daughter-in-law, is everything okay?" Xiao Lin still asked a few more questions.

There is no way, if Su Yun doesn't wake up, his heart will not settle down.The only way to be sure that his daughter-in-law is really okay is through the doctor's constant reassurance.

"Don't worry if you're fine, Comrade Su Yun is in good health."

"That's good, that's good. Thank you nurse, thank you."

Xiao Lin thanked her again and again, and then pushed Su Yun into the ward.

This hospital in Beijing is a large hospital, where obstetrics and surgery have separate floors.The maternity ward where Su Yun lives is on the second floor.The surgical ward where the old lady lives is on the first floor.

Here, Xiao Lin told the hospital leader about the specific situation of his family, and let the doctor know that their family is not enough. Can the old lady and Su Yun be arranged on the same floor for easy care.

The doctor thought about it, Xiao Lin's family really didn't have enough staff.

In line with the concept of serving the people, he made an exception and changed the ward of Mrs. Xiao to the next door to Su Yun's ward on the second floor.

Xiao Lin also reserved the entire ward.

Not only that, he also gave the hospital an extra 200 yuan.Ask the nurse to find a familiar and trustworthy nurse to take care of the old lady.

Nurses deal with care workers for a long time.They couldn't be more clear about who is more reliable.Soon, a 40-year-old aunt was found for Xiao Lin.

The nurse's aunt is a very simple looking person, she was a little nervous when she saw Xiao Lin, and was afraid that Xiao Lin would not want her to do this job.

Her family is short of money, and she doesn't want to give up this job.

Xiao Lin nodded after hearing clearly the identity of the nurse's aunt through a simple question.

"Aunt Lin, I will ask you to take care of my grandma. If you take good care of her, wait until my grandma recovers and leaves the hospital. You can follow us to the house and continue to take care of my family. I will pay you the salary according to the market price."

Lin Chunhua nodded gratefully.

"Comrade, please rest assured, I promise to take good care of the elderly."

"Okay, then please."

After making arrangements, Xiao Lin personally took Lin Chunhua to the old lady Xiao's ward next door, and showed Lin Chunhua the luggage brought by Zhao Meiyu, so that she knew what to expect.

Lin Chunhua is a person who is used to doing farm work, and her hands and feet are very nimble when doing work.As soon as Xiao Lin said this, she knew what to do. She sorted all the old lady's clothes and things neatly for easy access at any time.

Seeing this, Xiao Lin nodded.Tell Lin Chunhua that when the old lady wakes up, she will call him in the next ward.

Then he went out to the next room.

It was also given anesthesia, perhaps because Su Yun's body is younger and her resistance is better.She woke up a little earlier than Mrs. Xiao.

Open your eyes and look at the white ceiling.Su Yun was at a loss for a moment, wondering where he was now?
Thinking that she was still pregnant with a child, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to touch her belly, but the movement was a little bigger.The wound on the stomach hurts a bit.


Su Yundao took a deep breath, almost bursting into tears.

Xiao Lin's voice sounded from one side.

"Daughter-in-law, are you awake, daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Lin's magnified face appeared in front of his eyes, holding an enamel cup in his hand, and gently shaking the milk powder in the cup with one hand.

There was concern on his face.

Su Yun grunted.

"Where's the kid? Where's grandma? How's it going?"

She wanted to sit up, but the wound in her abdomen would not allow her to do so.So Su Yun could only lie on the bed anxiously and ask Xiao Lin.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, grandma is fine, and the child is fine. They are sleeping there."

Xiao Lin turned his gaze to the three baby carriages side by side.Su Yun followed his gaze and saw three babies wrapped in flowery quilts in three small strollers.

Her heart melted.

"Brother Lin, are the three children healthy? Why aren't they crying?"

Novice mothers would think that this newborn baby usually loves to cry, that's why Su Yun asked this question.

Seeing that Xiao Lin's daughter-in-law was fine, a smile appeared on his face.

He said softly: "They just fell asleep after eating. The nurse said that if the children are not uncomfortable now, they have eaten and slept. So it is normal not to cry."

"is it?"

As soon as Su Yun finished speaking, the older brothers and sisters among the three babies burst into tears at the same time.

That booming voice was about to blow the roof off.

Su Yun was both funny and distressed, "Why are the two brothers crying together? Hurry up and hug me and show me."

"Not brothers, but brothers and sisters."

"Brother and sister?"

Su Yun was dumbfounded.

"Is there a daughter among our three children?"

"um, yes."

Xiao Lin stretched out his hand, first of all he picked up the crying sister, and handed it carefully to Su Yun's hand.

Don't forget to tell Su Yun how to hold the baby correctly.

"The nurse said to hug like this, daughter-in-law, you hug our daughter."

Su Yun sighed, she is lying down now.It must be a bit awkward for her to hold someone when she can't sit up.

But even so, she felt satisfied.After all, what she holds in her arms is the child of her and the man she loves!

There is nothing more blissful than this.

The joy of seeing the baby washed over the pain in her body.Su Yun was not partial either, hugging all three children for a while.He also asked Xiao Lin and the others to put them back on the bed.

"Brother Lin, have the names of the three brothers and sisters been chosen as they said before?"

They had previously named their three children.

Because the genders of the three children were not sure, three boys' names and three girls' names were chosen.

Now it's just a matter of picking three of those six names.

"There is no rush for the name, let's think about it slowly."

"Well, what else is there to worry about?" Su Yun, who had just worn off the anesthetic, felt that her head was not bright enough, and there were some things she couldn't think of.

Xiao Lin coughed with embarrassment, and under the gaze of Su Yun's puzzled eyes, he spoke coyly.

"Daughter-in-law, the nurse said that you have to feed the baby when you wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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