Chapter 447 Becoming Parents
Xiao Lin was a little embarrassed after speaking, and Su Yun was not much better.Her face was reddish, and her chest was swollen badly.

Just at this moment, Xiao Bao made a humming sound, and Su Yun asked Xiao Lin to hug Xiao Bao to his side, "You ask my brother to come over and have a drink."

"it is good."

Both the novice parents were inexperienced in feeding their children for the first time, and Su Yun could not move while lying down, so she could only pull up her clothes and asked Xiao Lin, a novice father, to help.

Embarrassment and shyness, there will definitely be some at the beginning, but as her chest becomes more and more uncomfortable, Su Yun has no embarrassment or anything. She just wants to let the babies drink their rations as soon as possible. clean.

With the help of Xiao Lin, the three brothers and sisters were full and went to bed, they were unwilling to open their mouths, and fell asleep with their eyes closed and their mouths twitching.

They were asleep, but Su Yun was extremely uncomfortable.

The pain of the wound and the pain in her chest made her tears fall down.

Xiao Lin had no choice but to run to call the nurse.

The nurse is an elderly aunt, she is also a parent herself, she couldn't help laughing when she heard Xiao Lin's words.

"At first, the child ate less, and the excess can only be squeezed out or sucked out with the help of you, the husband. You can't let it stay in it, and your daughter-in-law will feel very uncomfortable at that time."

Xiao Lin's face was burning badly, and he listened to the precautions explained by the nurse, then turned around and returned to the ward.

Su Yun touched the flesh that was swollen like a stone, and when her fingertips touched it lightly, it hurt so much that she was about to cry. When she saw Xiao Lin walking in from the outside, she couldn't help it anymore, tears fell down .

"Why didn't the doctor come?

Xiao Lin looked slightly ill, he locked the door of the ward, drew the curtains and then walked back to Su Yun's bed, and whispered in her ear what the nurse had explained.

Su Yun is already suffering so much that she is about to die, why does she still have so many worries?

"Then why don't you hurry up? Do you want me to suffer to death?"

Tears were falling while she was talking, the wound was also hurting, and her chest was hurting too, there was no place that didn't hurt.

How could Xiao Lin bear to see his daughter-in-law suffer so much?Changed to a suitable position, and helped Su Yun relieve her pain according to what the nurse said...

The Chen family is still holding Guan Qiuju's funeral.On the night of the first day of the first lunar month, the Chen family, which was supposed to be immersed in an extremely festive atmosphere, removed the red flowers and replaced them with large white paper flowers.

It was late at night, and apart from the family members of the Chen family, there were only one or two people left in the hall to chat with Chen Shennan in a low voice.

Chen Aiguo did not come out in the study, while Chen Shennan and Fang Huiwen were in the hall outside.Chen Yuru walked in from the outside with a dazed expression on her face. Fang Huiwen saw it and thought about it before walking over.

"Where have you been, Yuru? There's so much snow on your body, go and change your clothes and be careful not to catch a cold."

When her mother-in-law Guan Qiuju was still alive, she loved her sister-in-law Chen Yuru the most.Now that her mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly, she and her husband were guarding the coffin all day long, but her sister-in-law was not at home, which was really unreasonable.

Chen Yuru's face was pale, and she glanced blankly at Fang Huiwen who was asking the question, her mind was in a mess.

The image of the old lady Xiao lying in the blood stains after being pushed by her repeatedly appeared in front of her eyes, and her ears were buzzing even more, and she couldn't hear what Fang Huiwen was saying at all.

"Yuru? Yuru? What's wrong with you?" Fang Huiwen looked at Chen Yuru worriedly. Although this sister-in-law was a bit arrogant, Fang Huiwen still did what a sister-in-law should do very conscientiously.

Seeing that Chen Yuru's expression was not right and she hadn't answered her question, she couldn't help stretching out her hands worriedly, but before she touched Chen Yuru, she was pushed away by Chen Yuru.

"No, it's none of my business. It's her who can't stand firm. It's her own. Don't blame me, don't blame me."

Chen Yuru's loud shout for no reason attracted the attention of the people on the side. Chen Shennan, who was talking with someone, walked over quickly, supported Fang Huiwen, who was pushed back a few big steps, and asked her if she was okay.

Fang Huiwen shook his head.

"I'm fine, Brother Nan, Yuru she..." It's this time, and she still doesn't forget to worry about Chen Yuru.

No wonder she was soft-tempered.

Chen Shennan frowned, and glanced at Chen Yuru disapprovingly, "What's the matter with you? When did you run out? Your sister-in-law cares about you and you just push him away. Is there anyone like you who is a sister-in-law?"

Chen Shennan is very protective of Fang Huiwen.

And he also felt that Chen Yuru usually just messes around, but what day is today?
Their mother passed away, Chen Yuru should restrain himself and stay at home obediently before the funeral, right?

"Mom has loved you the most since she was a child. After her death, you can stay quietly in front of the coffin for two days? Is there anyone like you who is a daughter?"

If there was no such thing as overthrowing Mrs. Xiao, then Chen Yuru might have resisted her brother's accusations on this special day.But the situation is different now, she pushed the old lady Xiao down, and thought that she had killed her by mistake.

She has already carried a human life on her body, what else is there to worry about?
Chen Yuru's face darkened and she said sharply, "I ran outside? That eye of yours saw me running outside? I know Mom loves me, so why doesn't Mom love you anymore?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you more, go back to your room and change your clothes, don't be ashamed here."

Chen Shennan stayed up all night last night and didn't sleep. He was in a bad mood and his temper was not very good. He didn't want to talk about these things with Chen Yuru.

Chen Yuru heheed twice, looked at Chen Shennan with a sneer, pointed to one side of the dark coffin and said, "This is what you call being nice to your mother? What else can you do besides shedding a few crocodile tears here?" ?”

"Chen Yuru!"

Chen Shennan lowered his voice, very angry.He was about to continue talking, when the half-hidden courtyard door was pushed open, and Chen Jinzhou strode in from the outside with a cold air.

Those slender legs walked over with big strides, making a creaking sound as they stepped on the snow.

"The kindness you said to grandma is to hurt the innocent old man? And then caused the pregnant woman to give birth prematurely, and almost killed her?" Chen Jinzhou's eyebrows were condensed with a little frost, but at this moment his face was more frosty than frost. freezing people.

He approached Chen Yuru with a chilly aura that could destroy everything.

Fang Huiwen and Chen Shennan were stunned at the same time.

Chen Yuru stepped back, and subconsciously shook her head in denial, "No, it wasn't me, it was because she didn't stand still and fell down, I didn't push her, I didn't push her."

Chen Yuru, who had never killed a chicken since she was a child, was indeed frightened by the way old lady Xiao was lying in a pool of blood.That's why he was so panicked at this moment, and kept stepping back.

Chen Aiguo, who was not planning to listen to their quarrel in the study, came out of the study after hearing this sentence.

"Azhou, what do you mean by that? Who did your sister push down?"

Chen Jinzhou turned around and looked at Chen Aiguo with scarlet eyes, "She ran to Wutong Street and pushed Grandma Xiao down, causing my sister-in-law to be emotional and give birth prematurely..."

As long as he thinks back to that scene now, he can't stop feeling cold all over his body.

If something happened to Su Yun, he really didn't know what he could do.

" did this happen?" Fang Huiwen covered her mouth and exclaimed immediately, and asked anxiously with tears in her eyes, "Then how is your sister-in-law? She has such a big belly..."

(End of this chapter)

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