Chapter 448 Stupid Chen Yuru
Chen Aiguo's face was also gloomy, and he turned to stare at Chen Yuru. The emotion in those eyes was something Chen Yuru had never seen before.

Chen Yuru hid aside in fright.

"Dad... What do you mean by looking at me like this? You wanted to bring that old woman back right after my mother died, right? You really wanted to..."

Before Chen Yuru finished speaking, Chen Aiguo raised his hand and slapped Chen Yuru on the face.

It knocked her cheek to one side.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of his lips.

She covered her burning cheeks, and turned her head to look at Chen Aiguo in disbelief. It was really hard to believe that her father would beat her, and it was because of a dead old woman.

"You hit me?"

With tears in Chen Yuru's eyes, she looked at Chen Aiguo with that extremely hurt look.

Chen Aiguo's face was gloomy, and his eyes narrowed slightly.The fierce aura that he deliberately suppressed after returning home was revealed at this moment.He just looked at Chen Yuru like that, and Chen Yuru couldn't help being afraid.

Such a father is too strange, this is not her father.

"I used to indulge your mother to discipline you, fully respect your opinions and let you grow up freely. But I didn't expect to make you look so crooked. Chen Yuru, have you forgotten that you are a teacher? As a teacher to teach Teacher, do you see that what you have done is worthy of your teacher status?"

"You are 32 years old, not three. Who told you that you can break into other people's homes and beat them? Is that what your mother taught you?"

Chen Aiguo was very angry.

Angry with Guan Qiuju, angry with Chen Yuru, more angry with himself.

If Chen Yuru had paid more attention to the child when he was young, wouldn't Chen Yuru be as indiscriminate as he is now?Chen Aiguo felt a deep setback sweeping over him.

No matter how successful he is at work, what's the use of climbing higher?In the end, I couldn't even teach a child well...

Chen Aiguo sat down on a chair on one side in a very dejected manner, bending over for a moment he seemed to be ten years older.

There was an eerie silence in the living room, and no one spoke at this moment.

Chen Jinzhou looked at Chen Aiguo, walked to the side and poured him a glass of warm water, "Grandpa, drink some water."

Chen Aiguo took the water glass, not intending to drink it right away.

Chen Jinzhou whispered again, "Grandpa, don't worry, the doctor said that Grandma Xiao's life is not in danger for the time being."

Chen Aiguo nodded, "Is your sister-in-law okay?"

"Well, when I came back, my sister-in-law had already returned to the ward. The doctor took out three children, and they were all healthy."

"Really? That's fine, that's fine."

Chen Aiguo closed his eyes wearily, Chen Jinzhou also sighed, and looked coldly at Chen Yuru who felt wronged and wronged.Chen Shennan also sighed heavily, "After your grandma is buried tomorrow, let's prepare some gifts and go visit them."

It was the only thing he could think of doing right now.

Chen Jinzhou snorted, "So don't worry about the murderer?"

Chen Yuru was irritated by this sentence, "Chen Jinzhou, what do you mean by that? What is a murderer?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Chen Jinzhou no longer wanted to pay attention to this little girl who had no brains.Xiao Lin would never leave this matter alone. If Chen Yuru was smart, she should surrender herself to the Public Security Bureau and strive for leniency.

But it was obvious that Chen Yuru was not that smart.

Since she wanted to die, he didn't interfere too much.

"Grandpa, I'll help you to rest." Chen Jinzhou turned around and spoke to Chen Aiguo. Chen Aiguo nodded and stood up, and was supported by Chen Jinzhou into his bedroom.

It was quiet outside for a while.

Chen Shennan looked at the dissatisfied Chen Yuru, "Why are you so confused? Did your aunt tell you something?" At this time, Chen Shennan still wanted to give Chen Yuru a chance.

As long as Chen Yuru was bewitched by He Cuiping, it would be convenient for him to intercede.

But obviously, Chen Yuru didn't think so.

She snorted, "Auntie is just telling the truth, it was Dad and the old woman from Xiao's family who pissed off my mother. It was that old woman who was so shameless that my mother hit the wall and died in anger."

Chen Yuru insisted on believing in He Cuiping's reason, and felt that it made sense. Her mother was mad at Mrs. Xiao, so she impulsively went to Mrs. Xiao to argue.

Who knew that the old woman would not eat the fine wine after toasting, and acted as if they had nothing to do with her in the current state of the Chen family's troubles, which made Chen Yuru's blood surge, and she lost control in an instant.

At first she thought that Mrs. Xiao was dead, and she panicked and frightened, but now that she knew that Mrs. Xiao was not dead, her arrogance became arrogant again.

Seeing that his sister couldn't make sense, Chen Shennan shook his head and pulled Fang Huiwen away.

Just like what his son Chen Jinzhou said, everyone is an adult. Although he is Chen Yuru's elder brother, he is not obliged to pay for what the adult Chen Yuru did.

Let her do what she wants, it has nothing to do with him.

Chen Yuru didn't know at this time that she had already betrayed her relatives.She was also secretly proud that she had done something for her mother, and as for her mother's life, she would slowly settle it with the old lady Xiao.

Xiaosan who wants to destroy other people's families, she will never let her go.

Especially when his mother passed away because of the other party, this hatred is even more irreconcilable.

Chen Yuru turned around and went back to her room, changed into a set of clean clothes and came out to watch the spirit. By the way, she 'reported' her achievements and plans to her mother beside the coffin...

The news that Su Yun gave birth to triplets on the night of the first day of the first lunar month spread among relatives and friends as if she had grown wings.

On the morning of the second day of junior high school, Mr. Fang was a little puzzled when he heard that Su Yun had given birth suddenly.When he heard the reason for this, his beard straightened with anger.

"Chen Aiguo, that old man, can't manage his wife well or his daughter. Does his pig head know how to work? I'm so pissed off, I'm really pissed off!"

Mr. Fang's position is much higher than Mr. Chen's, and he is also a few years older.Therefore, scolding people is not saving face at all.

The guard Xiao Zhao persuaded Mr. Fang, "Calm down, or your blood pressure will rise again."

What else can Mr. Fang care about his blood pressure now?Now he wants to kill that old boy Chen Aiguo to vent his anger on his precious granddaughter.

Xiao Zhao held back his laughter, not daring to express his opinion.

After venting his anger, Mr. Fang turned his head and asked Xiao Zhao, "Who is taking care of Xiaoyun and my precious grandchildren now? You go, call Zhang Ma over, and let her take care of their mother and child."

Mama Zhang was the one who took care of the old man in the past. She has been taking care of the old man for nearly ten years. Later, the old man felt that he didn't need so many people to take care of him, so he left a guard, Xiao Zhao.

Regarding Mama Zhang's character, Mr. Fang is still very trustworthy.

Xiao Zhao nodded after listening, "I'll make a call right away."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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