Chapter 450: Protect Your Family
Su Yun nodded.

"Okay, I know, Grandpa has a heart."

This mother is only about 40 years old, and she looks like a quick worker.The old man recommended her over, and Su Yun definitely had no reason to refuse.And their family does need someone to take care of the children.

After keeping him there, Xiao Zhao went to take a closer look at Dabao and Erbao before leaving.

The old man is alone at home, so he can't afford to stay outside for too long.

After Xiao Zhao left, Zhang's mother was busy making arrangements.It happened that the baby was crying at this time, Zhang Ma first opened the quilt that wrapped them and took a look to make sure that the baby was not peeing or smelly, so she wrapped the quilt and carried her to Su Yun's side to let the baby drink milk.

"Xiao Su, can you lie on your side? It will be easier for the baby to drink and make you more comfortable." Zhang Ma knew that Su Yun had a caesarean section, and the situation must be quite serious, so she took extra care of Su Yun. .

Su Yun hummed, and with Xiao Lin's help, she slowly turned her body, and Zhang Mama nimbly carried the child to a position where she could drink milk comfortably.

There were other people in the ward, Xiao Lin naturally walked away a few steps and turned his face away.

Hearing the sound of the child drinking milk, he felt that his chance was gone.

After all, his daughter-in-law had to feed the three cubs together, and there would be absolutely no food left over.It is impossible to want the same 'welfare' as last night.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help recalling the taste of last night...

Fortunately, Su Yun didn't know what Xiao Lin was thinking at the moment, otherwise her wound would definitely hurt even more.

She had just finished feeding a few children, when she heard Xiao Lin say that people from the Chen family had come.Guan Qiuju was buried this morning, so the Chen family was free.

Chen Shennan and his wife came here with Chen Jinzhou. They were in the old lady's ward.

Compared to the traumatized old lady Xiao, Su Yun who had just undergone surgery must be much weaker.Moreover, the three children are still young, so it is inconvenient for so many people to come in and watch.

After they came, Xiao Lin walked back to the ward and asked Su Yun if he wanted to let them in.

Su Yun hummed.

"If they want to see the child, let them come. But... grandpa didn't come?" Su Yun was quite surprised, and she thought of the scene she saw in the white mist during the operation.

When the old man was young, he was plotted against by Guan Qiuju and her two older brothers, so the old man was also a victim.

Su Yun is absolutely convinced that what she saw was the truth back then, but there is still no evidence for this matter, and she has to ask Xiao Lin to find out the evidence another day.

Xiao Lin nodded, pinching the corner of the quilt for her.

"He probably felt sorry for grandma."


Su Yun couldn't quite understand the old man's concerns.

"Daughter-in-law, rest, if they want to come to visit the child later, I will let them in again."

He won't keep taking the child out. After all, it's still freezing outside. Taking the child out of the ward, it will be warm and cold for a while, and it's easy to catch a cold.


After Su Yun finished speaking, she slowly closed her eyes and rested her mind. When Chen Shennan and his family of three came over, she cheered up and talked to them for a while.

In the third year of junior high, Xu Wanhao and Xu Meifen came to the hospital again. When Xu Meifen heard that Su Yun gave birth early because of Chen Yuru, she was so angry that she cursed.

"Huiwen has a soft temper. It's my sister-in-law. I slapped her head off. I have to let her know why flowers are so popular."

Xu Meifen spoke angrily.

Su Yun burst out laughing.

Accidentally pulled the wound on the stomach, and the tears burst out again, "Sister, don't tease me."

It was really hard for Su Yun to suppress her laughter, but Xu Meifen's question about why flowers are so red really made her want to laugh.

Xu Meifen snorted twice, and took out the old hen stew with wild ginseng specially made by the chef of their restaurant.

"The cooking skills of your brother-in-law's restaurant are not as good as yours, but you can just drink some. If you like it, I will give it to you tomorrow."

"Sister, you don't need to bother me so much to bring food to me if you live far away. Meiyu and the others can just bring it to me when they come over."

The meals for her and grandma these two days were prepared and delivered by Zhao Meiyu. Compared with where Xu Meifen and the others live, the distance between Wutong Street and the hospital is indeed much shorter.

It is also more convenient to bring food over.

Xu Meifen waved her hand nonchalantly, "I came here by car, what's the trouble? Besides, there's that brat at home, he stays at home all day with nothing to do, what's wrong with running errands for my aunt?"

Xu Meifen didn't regard herself as an outsider at all, she paused and continued.

"And Meiyu is also pregnant, right? It's not appropriate to let a pregnant woman run around in this winter."

Su Yun nodded, "Then I will trouble my sister and brother-in-law."

"It's okay, what a big deal, the family doesn't have to be so polite."

Xu Meifen and the others stayed in the hospital for a long time, and it was Su Yun who was so sleepy that they almost fell asleep that they got up and left.Xiao Lin sent Xu Meifen and Xu Wanhao downstairs, Xu Meifen put away her gentle demeanor in front of Su Yun, and looked at Xiao Lin with a serious face.

"His little uncle, what are you going to do about this?"

If Xiao Lin was concerned about Chen Yuru's relationship with their family and chose to settle the matter, then Xu Meifen would definitely be the first to refuse.Now she and Mr. Fang didn't make a move, they just wanted Xiao Lin to make a choice by himself.

For this kind of person who hurt his family, even if he has a blood relationship with him, Xu Meifen thinks that he should not be tolerated.

Xiao Lin's thoughts are naturally similar to Xu Meifen's.

"I have entrusted the Public Security Bureau to file a case, and this matter will not end like this."

Xu Meifen was satisfied with his answer.

Knowing that he had plans of his own, Xu Meifen nodded, "That's fine. Now you are not only a husband, but also the father of three children. You must have a charter in your heart on how to protect your family."

"I know, thank you sister for your trouble."

Xiao Lin rarely called sister Xu Meifen.Now that she suddenly called this sentence, Xu Meifen was almost so happy that she stepped on the ground.If Xu Wanhao hadn't stretched out his hand to hold Xu Meifen in time, then she would have stepped down the stairs and rolled down the stairs.

"It's scary, his little uncle, why is your sudden sister so scary?"

Xu Meifen patted her chest while opening her mouth with lingering fear.

Xiao Lin had a faint smile on his face, while Xu Wanhao couldn't help complaining about how big his mother is and still looks like a child, really...

Naturally, his complaints were inevitably dismissed by Xu Meifen, and the mother and son waved goodbye to Xiao Lin, bickering and walking away.Xiao Lin smiled and turned back to the ward.

Su Yun stayed in the hospital for six days. Dr. Zhang came to check and said that she could be discharged tomorrow.

The old lady's symptoms are milder than Su Yun's, but because of her older age, she will not be discharged from the hospital until tomorrow.

The husband and wife thanked Dr. Zhang, and the nurse came and told them to take the child to take a bath.

Together with Zhang Ma and Xiao Lin, they pushed the three children to let the nurse take a bath.The seven-day-old baby has lost the initial redness and wrinkles, and has gradually become pink and tender.

The child who is white and tender and full of nutrition at first sight is very attractive.Not only the nurses who helped the children take a bath, but even some parents who brought their children to take a bath paid special attention to the rare triplets.

Behind the crowd, a gloomy gaze flashed past.

(End of this chapter)

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