Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 451 Someone sneaked into the ward in the middle of the night

Chapter 451 Someone sneaked into the ward in the middle of the night
Xiao Lin keenly felt that line of sight, but when he turned his head to search among the crowd, he couldn't find it.He narrowed his eyes slightly, taking this matter to heart.

After the sky completely darkened, Mama Zhang proposed to watch the night here and let Xiao Lin go back to rest.

"I'm fine, you go back to rest and come back tomorrow morning."

The three babies in their family belong to the kind that is not particularly noisy. Even if the eldest and the second two look scary when they cry, they all belong to the kind that sleeps obediently and does not make trouble when they are full. people people.

So Xiao Lin can take care of them alone at night.

Mama Zhang looked at Su Yun who was on the side.

Su Yun also thought that Xiao Lin could go back and rest for a night, after all, he stayed in the hospital day and night and kept spinning, even his body couldn't bear it.

"Brother Lin, why don't you go home? My health is much better, and I can take care of the babies with Mama Zhang."

Although she can't say that she can walk like flying, and she is still relatively weak, but at least she can go to the toilet and get out of bed by herself, and she is no longer as weak as she was a few days ago when she needed someone to support her every step.

If the baby cries in the middle of the night, she can also hold and nurse it by herself.

Xiao Lin shook his head, "I'm not tired, it's the same to sleep here at night, let Mama Zhang go back to rest. Mama Zhang will have to work hard after she is discharged from the hospital."

If he insisted on not going back, then Mama Zhang could only go back and rest.

After Zhang Ma said a few words, she turned around and left the ward to go out. Xiao Lin went to the next ward to see the old lady, and after making sure that nothing happened, she returned to their ward.After entering the door, lock the door and block it with a table.

Su Yun was taken aback by Xiao Lin's actions.

"Brother Lin, this is it?"


Xiao Lin walked over and moved the empty hospital bed next door to Su Yun's bed to visit side by side, and then carried the three sleeping cubs out of their small beds and put them side by side on the empty bed.

As for the empty crib, Xiao Lin folded the rest of the quilt into a ball and placed the ball on the crib.

Then put the small bed about two meters away from the window, making sure that a person sleeping on the small bed can be seen from the window in the corridor, but it is not possible for people to directly move the person on the small bed from the outside. 'Fill away.

If Su Yun was a little confused in the early stage and didn't understand what Xiao Lin was doing, then she understood at this moment.

After figuring out what Xiao Lin meant, Su Yun's heart tightened suddenly.

"Brother Lin, someone wants to do something to our child?"

Her tone became tense.

Xiao Lin shook his head, raised his hand to stroke her hair, and pressed a kiss on her forehead through the three little boys, "It's just suspicion, daughter-in-law, don't worry about me being here."

Su Yun nodded and lay down, Xiao Lin covered her with the quilt, checked for the three kids to make sure no one had kicked the quilt (they didn't know how to do it yet), then got up and turned off the lights, the tall figure Lying on the edge of the hospital bed, her body completely covered the three cubs and Su Yun.

If you look from the outside, you can't see the situation around Xiao Lin at all.

Although Xiao Lin repeatedly assured, Su Yun also tried to comfort herself that nothing would happen with Xiao Lin, but she was still a little scared deep in her heart, so that she couldn't really fall asleep at all.

In the middle of the night, when she finally couldn't stand it anymore and was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard a slight noise from outside, as if someone was knocking on the door of their ward.

Su Yun opened her eyes reflexively, and simultaneously covered her lips with a big hand.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid."

Xiao Lin whispered in her ear, he was very close, and his voice was also very low.The warm lips were almost attached to her earlobe.But at this moment, neither Su Yun nor Xiao Lin had any charming thoughts, they just listened intently to the sound of the key turning the lock at the door.

In the darkness, Su Yun opened her eyes wide and looked at the dark ceiling.

His eyes were full of fear and fear.

Someone really stole a child, someone really stole a child...

The thought in her heart hadn't settled yet, the locked door was opened by the key, and with a slight click, the door was pushed open a crack from the outside.

Su Yun bit her lip, not daring to make a sound.

The hand hidden under the quilt was tightly clenched into a fist. If that person came to snatch the child, she would fight him desperately...

The person who opened the door walked towards the crib very lightly, and the sound of footsteps falling could not be heard at all if one didn't concentrate on listening.Su Yun trembled, Xiao Lin squeezed her fingers, comforting her silently.

That pair of closed and dozing eyes kept staring at the black shadow that came in, and when his hands reached out to the crib, Xiao Lin, like a hunting leopard, rushed towards the black shadow as quickly as a bolt of lightning.

Heiying's hands just touched the baby Xiao Lin disguised with a quilt, and Xiao Lin's arms had already strangled Heiying's neck.Without any hesitation, a grabbing hand fell over the shoulder, and the black shadow fell to the ground with a bang.

A muffled sound sounded in the ward.

Su Yun also turned on the light in the ward at this time.

The dim light filled the ward, and the thief who wanted to steal the child by taking advantage of the darkness had nowhere to hide.He was pinned down by Xiao Lin and couldn't move. He didn't even have a chance to open his mouth to make a sound, so Xiao Lin stuffed a piece of cloth with a strong smell of urine into his mouth.

The thief who covered his head almost didn't spit it out.

Xiao Lin tore the quilt on one side with one hand and tore it into strips, tied Soi Ying's hands behind his back, and tied a special knot for troops before getting up.

The man with his head covered also instantly got up and wanted to run.

Xiao Lin had figured this out a long time ago, he raised his foot and kicked the black thief's calf, only heard a click, and the thief fell to his knees on the ground with a puff.

There was a crisp sound when his forehead hit the door panel, and the pain made him almost bite the diaper in his mouth.

"You still want to run?" Xiao Lin lowered his voice and let out a sneer, picked him up with one hand, and kicked the thief's ass again, with such strength that there was no room for mercy.

The thief did not expect to meet a Lianjiazi.If he had known that the goal of this trip was so difficult, then he would never have asked the elder to come here. Now there is nowhere to go, and he who originally wanted to steal the child has become a fish on someone else's chopping board.


The thief's exposed eyes stared at Xiao Lin fiercely, with a fierce look inside, like a trapped beast caught in a hunter's trap.

All resistance and struggle are futile.

Xiao Lin sneered, reached out and rang the bell on the bedside to call the nurse.

It didn't take long for the nurse on duty to rush over. Before she opened the door of the ward to see what was going on inside, Xiao Lin closed the door first.

The nurse was taken aback by the gesture.

"Comrade this all about?"

If the nurse hadn't gotten close to Xiao Lin and the others, she would have suspected that Xiao Lin, who had a sullen face in front of her, was some kind of villain with malicious intentions.

Xiao Lin kicked the thief with the toe of his shoe, "Here, the one who stole the child."

 update completed.

  This article will hit 100 million soon!The editor has been asking me to double-open recently, and I just have a new idea to write, so I should release a new article around next Friday.It is also written in chronology, I hope that the little cuties who like it can support a lot at that time, bow and thank you.

  Of course, this article will be updated as always, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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