Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 452 Collusion Inside and Outside

Chapter 452 Collusion Inside and Outside
"What?" The nurse's shock was no small matter. Their hospital is known as the safest and largest hospital in Beijing. How could a thief appear in the hospital?

And still steal the child?

It was the first time for a nurse to encounter such a situation, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Xiao Lin could see her nervousness, and he didn't need any help from the nurse, as long as she called the police.

"The thief in such a large hospital must not have committed the crime alone. I need your help now to catch his other accomplices."

The thief who was regarded as the air did not expect Xiao Lin to even guess that he and his accomplices were hiding in other places in the hospital. He was very anxious, biting his diaper mouth and couldn't make a sound, but was caught again. Forced to swallow back the saliva mixed with the strong smell of urine.

The nurse also swallowed nervously.

"how should I do?"

"You and my wife are going to act in a play..."

Xiao Lin made a plan, let Su Yun play a play with the nurse to attract the thief's other accomplices, and then he can catch them all.

The nurse nodded.

Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin, and she guessed what she was going to do without Xiao Lin saying anything.She nodded, grabbed two handfuls of her hair, and patted her cheek.

He raised his head, as if tears were already in his eyes.

She looked at Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin nodded, and Su Yun looked at the nurse again.

The nurse took a deep breath and nodded too.

Only then did Su Yun open the door and rushed out with unsteady steps, her anxious voice was full of tears, "My child, my child, my child is gone, my child is gone..."

The nurse followed closely behind and rushed out, "Slow down, slow down, we will immediately arrange people to help you find your child, don't worry."

Su Yun's voice successfully woke up the other mothers and their families on this floor. When they heard that the mother who had given birth to triplets had a child missing, they were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat and hurriedly checked their own children. They are all lying on the small bed.

While the rest of his life breathed a sigh of relief, some gay men who stayed behind spontaneously went out to help Su Yun find the child together.

Seeing that the situation was as chaotic as they had imagined, the thief's accomplices who were hiding in the dark immediately went to cut off the wires on this floor according to the pre-booked plan.

The entire second floor was plunged into darkness.

In the corridor, the sound of crying and footsteps kept ringing.

The two thieves who had been hiding in the dark had a smug smile on their faces.

I got it, I got the three little boys carved in powder and jade.They did a special investigation and knew that two of the three boys had handles, so they would definitely sell for a good price this time.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the shadow of victory in each other's eyes.

They knew the way well, and came to the outside of Su Yun's ward in the dark. Hearing Su Yun crying heartbreakingly in the ward next door to the old lady Xiao, the two laughed triumphantly.

The two tiptoed open the door of the ward, intending to take the remaining children away as well.

It's just that what awaits them is not the dream of getting rich, but the nightmare of stepping into a trap.

Accompanied by two muffled bang bangs, the two thieves who thought they were going to get rich fell to the floor one after another.Xiao Lin didn't say anything to them this time, he knocked them down to the ground with one punch, knocking them unconscious.

His daughter-in-law is still crying next door, and he has no time to waste with these people.

After arresting all three of them, Xiao Lin took the cloth torn from the quilt and tied the three of them into a string, led them out and tied them to the corridor, walked to the old lady's ward next door and knocked on the door, letting Su Yun Come out and go back to rest.

"Have you caught all the thieves?"

Su Yun opened the door, looking at Xiao Lin with red and swollen eyes.

"Well, I've got it all." Xiao Lin nodded, and his eyes fell on Su Yun's red and swollen eye sockets, feeling distressed, "Why is my wife really crying? This is fake, our children are still alive and well." Sleeping on the bed."

These three little boys are really big-hearted, their father and mother both acted in such a play, and the thief also caught the three, and they slept soundly with their buttocks stuck out.

It is not affected by the outside world at all.

Su Yun shook her head, "I'm fine." Her voice was a little hoarse from crying. Although she said she was acting just now, when she thought that her child might be taken away by someone, she couldn't help crying out with real emotion. .

It's a bit embarrassing to be asked by Xiao Lin now.

Xiao Lin squeezed her hand and helped her back to their room, letting her lie down next to the three sleeping cubs.Turning on the flashlight to illuminate the room, he coaxed in a low voice, "Don't be sad, the babies are all here, look."

The three little dumplings slept soundly next to each other.

"With your man here, nothing will happen to our children."

Seeing their round faces, Su Yun let out a tearful smile.

Xiao Lin pinched her cheeks, kissed her affectionately, turned around and went to the corridor to stare at the three thieves.

Not long after, the police officers who received the report rushed to the hospital. Xiao Lin told the leader what had happened, and the police officer who led the team nodded.

"Okay, I see." He turned around and asked his colleagues to tear off the thin black cloth covering the heads of the three people, and the light of several flashlights shone on their faces together.

Three men about 30 years old appeared in front of them.

The nurse in charge of bringing the police over saw the face of one of them and couldn't help exclaiming, "Isn't this our security guard Li Daquan and his cousin? How could they be thieves?"

She didn't expect it, and neither did the police officers in charge of handling the case.

The thief who was caught turned out to be the security guard guarding the gate of the hospital, and his so-called cousins... Is this... is it a case of self-stealing?
They thought of the cases of missing children that were reported intermittently before, and it seemed that most of them came from this hospital.They also sent several people over to investigate, but they didn't find any results.

Good guy, it turned out that the security guards colluded with other people to do it.

No wonder, these thieves can succeed so easily!At this time, the cut wire was also repaired by the maintenance master, and the light on the second floor was restored.

The police captain coldly asked his colleagues to wake up the three of them.

"Wake them up!"


Just outside, a bucket of snow water from the snow field was poured over the heads of the three of them, and the ice slag splashed on their faces, even if they were unconscious, they would be woken up.

Li Daquan, the shorter man among the three thieves opened his eyes. He shook his head and saw the magnified face of the policeman in front of him, and subconsciously wanted to run back.

"Where do you want to go?"

The policeman stretched out his hand and grabbed the belt that Xiao Lin left behind to tie their hands, and dragged back Li Daquan who turned around and ran away, "What are you running for?"

Li Daquan said with a sad face that he was a thief and would definitely run away when he saw the police, but did he dare to say it?Certainly not.He could only smile uglier than cry and say, "I didn't run away, I just... just... I'm on duty now, and I'm going back to the security room."

(End of this chapter)

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