Chapter 453 Discharged and Home

"Hehe...I'm afraid you won't be able to go back to this security room." The policeman said with a half-smile.

Li Daquan subconsciously continued, "Why?" He licked his lips, understood his current situation, and was about to argue immediately, "Comrades Public Security, did you misunderstand something? Why did you tie me up? I have to go to work, and when the dean sees me being lazy, I won't be able to keep my job."

"Let me go, this joke is not funny."

"I'm afraid not, because no one is joking with you." After the words fell, the captain of the public security waved his colleagues behind him to take the three away.They definitely didn't want to leave like this, shouting loudly.

Said that the police wronged their good people or something like that.

The voice was very loud, but no one felt that they were innocent.Those mothers, their families, and hospital staff all cursed Li Daquan and his accomplices behind their backs.

"Things with conscience eaten by dogs, even children dare to steal, and they are not afraid of thunder."

"Beasts are simply not worthy of being human."


People who passed by did not forget to spit on the three of them.

Li Daquan and his two accomplices lowered their heads, not daring to look up at the people around them.When they were stealing children to sell, they never thought that they would be caught one day...

The hospital gradually returned to calm.

The fact that the father of the triplets successfully captured the three thieves hiding in the hospital by himself has become a news that everyone talks about.

The next morning, when Mama Zhang came over and Xiao Lin went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, everyone who met him gave him admiring looks.

"You are a brave father."

"Thank you for saving our children from murder."

Many family members of the pregnant women came forward to say hello and thank Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin nodded with a slight smile on his face, and returned to the ward with two lunch boxes.

When Zhang Ma came to the hospital, she had already heard what happened last night. At this moment, she patted her chest with lingering fear and said to Su Yun, "Fortunately, Comrade Xiao is alert. If I stayed last night instead, the consequences will really be serious." I can't even imagine it."

Su Yun also nodded with some fear, agreeing to Zhang Mama's words.

"Brother Lin, he discovered the danger in advance, so we avoided disaster last night." After she finished speaking, she lowered her eyes to look at the three cubs who had just eaten and fell asleep. If she stole it, how would she survive.

Mama Zhang sighed, "Who said it wasn't? The three little ancestors of our family are so attractive, some people have been jealous for a long time."

The security guard of the hospital turned out to be one of the thieves. Did other people in the hospital do such a thing?
The more Zhang Ma thought about it, the more frightened she became. Now that she thought about it, she felt that those people who talked about the cuteness of their three children when they went to take a bath might be suspected of being thieves.

too frightening.

"Should I tell the old man about this?"

Mama Zhang asked.

"No, the matter has been settled, so don't tell grandpa any more, lest he worry."


Mama Zhang nodded and didn't say much.

After breakfast, Xiao Lin went to the hospital and they were ready to go home. Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao came together and drove a car to pick up Mrs. Xiao and Lin Chunhua. Xiao Lin was in charge of pulling Su Yun and the three children back. There is Zhang Ma.

Of the three children, one was held by Mrs. Xiao, one was held by Lin Chunhua, and the other was held by Zhang's mother.

Let them eat and fall asleep before departure, and they didn't cry all the way home.

When they were placed on the children's bed that Xiao Lin had prepared in advance, Sanbao opened his eyes and looked at them, then closed them again and continued to sleep.As for his elder brother and sister, they were both eating and sleeping soundly.

Seeing the scene where Sanbao opened his eyes, Xiao Lin and Su Yun were a little amused. A thought flashed in their hearts at the same time. The three children in their family seem to be the youngest and the smartest.

After placing the three babies, Su Yun also lay down on the bed in the room. The crib was placed next to their bed. When she turned around, she could see the three sleeping children. She felt very happy.

Xiao Lin asked Su Yun to rest first, and he went out on business.

"Brother Rin..."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xiao Lin turned to look at her.

Su Yun glanced at him, bit her lips slightly, and finally decided to tell what she saw before.

"Are you going to deal with Chen Yuru's affairs?"

Xiao Lin didn't hide anything.

He was indeed going to deal with Chen Yuru's affairs.

When he was in the hospital before, because there were too many people and it was unsafe, he couldn't get away to settle accounts with Chen Yuru.Now that Su Yun and grandma are back home, he can spare some time to settle accounts with Chen Yuru.

"Brother Lin... that... I had a dream before."

She told the story of how Guan Qiuju plotted against the old man in her dream, raised her head after she finished speaking, and saw Xiao Lin's face darkened like ink.

Her heart tightened and she stretched out her hand to hold his hand, "Go and check to see if this is true. If it is true, you need to tell grandpa. He was a victim back then."

"Ok, I know."

"and also……"

Su Yun felt that it was not polite to make random guesses about others, but since the other party was the Guan family, she couldn't help but guess them in the most sinister place.

"That Guan Qiuju died strangely in the Guan family. Grandpa and the others may have believed what the Guan family said, but I don't think it's that simple. Now that you've passed, let's investigate together?"

Her words coincided with Xiao Lin's thoughts.

Originally, Xiao Lin had this plan, but he didn't want to make Su Yun feel too sad, so he didn't tell Su Yun.Unexpectedly, Su Yun came up with the same idea as him.

This is the true heart-to-heart, soul mate.

He smiled and walked back and kissed Su Yun's forehead. Originally, he just wanted to kiss her briefly, but when he touched her, he wanted to ask for more.

The warm kiss fell to the tip of the nose, and then transferred to the lips, gently grinding and entangled.

Su Yun snorted, and pushed him away with some resistance.

"It's dirty, I haven't showered for a few days."

She was not allowed to take a bath in the hospital, but could only use hot water to wipe her body.And she didn't even wipe her body last night... Even in winter, she still felt that she was rotten.

How could Xiao Lin still be able to speak?

Seeing her puzzled eyes, Xiao Lin chuckled softly.He raised his hand and stroked her hair, "It smells like a daughter-in-law."

"What is the fragrance?"

Su Yun cast an annoyed glance at Xiao Lin, completely disbelieving what he said, "Is it still delicious without taking a bath for a few days? Don't fool me."

"No, really, it's delicious." Xiao Lin leaned over and chased after her to kiss her again. Finally, when Su Yun lost his breath and raised his hands to surrender, he gave up and took half a step back.

He pecked at her earlobe and whispered something that made Su Yun blush for a long time.

"My daughter-in-law is fragrant with milk."

(End of this chapter)

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