Chapter 454

this man...

Su Yun's face was still burning until Xiao Lin left their bedroom for a long time.

She unconsciously remembered the night when she just gave birth, she was so swelled up and begged him for help... This man, it was a very normal thing, but when he said it like this, he felt The extra one...

Su Yun felt that she would never be able to be a human again.

Wrapped in a quilt, she gave up on herself and wanted to be destroyed. She no longer had any image to speak of.

Xiao Lin didn't know that his daughter-in-law had already thought about being destroyed, so he went downstairs in a good mood, told the old lady that he was going out, and called Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao to go out together.

They drove a car, which belonged to Chen Jinzhou.

Xiao Lin sat in the back row with his eyes closed, and Xu Wanhao asked, "Where are we going, little uncle?"

"Close the house."

Chen Jinzhou tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

Xiao Lin's eyelids moved, and he glanced at Chen Jinzhou, who had a tense jaw, and said in a flat tone, "Your grandma, do you really think that she couldn't think about committing suicide?"

This is almost impossible to say that Guan Qiuju committed suicide.

Chen Jinzhou actually didn't believe that his grandma would commit suicide, but he went to Guan's house to investigate and found nothing.

"Go over and have a look."

The three of them came to the gate of Guan's house together, and the door of Guan's house was closed tightly. He Cuiping, who usually likes to brag about others, did not go out to chat uncharacteristically.

Xiao Lin glanced at Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao, and he got out of the car first and jumped in from the remote courtyard wall of Guan's house.

After he entered Guan's house, Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao went up to call the door.

"Uncle, aunt, are you at home? I'm Jinzhou!"

Chen Jinzhou reported his family name.

But the door did not open.

Chen Jinzhou looked at Xu Wanhao with slight doubt in his eyes.

If he had come to the Guan family before, there was basically no need for him to declare his family name. He Cuiping ran over to greet him when he saw him from afar, wishing to confess Chen Jinzhou.

How could it be possible that such a thing that called the door and didn't open it would happen?

There are ghosts in here.

"Wait for me." After Xu Wanhao finished speaking, he turned around and took out about three catties of apples wrapped in a nylon net from the car. He handed the fruit to Chen Jinzhou, "You can try again."

Chen Jinzhou raised his hand and patted the door again, "Uncle, aunt, my dad asked me to bring you some fruits. Are you at home? Just open the door for me."

His voice failed to make the Guan family open the door. Instead, the Li family, the neighbor opposite the Guan family, opened the door, and Mrs. Li walked out of the house.She looked at Chen Jinzhou and recognized him.

"Yo, isn't this Xiao Chen?"

Mrs. Li's gaze fell on the glowing red apple in Chen Jinzhou's hand, and she subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao saw Mrs. Li's actions in their eyes. They looked at each other, and they both saw what they wanted in each other's eyes.

Chen Jinzhou took the fruit and walked a few steps forward, "Grandma Li, Happy New Year, since my aunt and the others are not at home, this fruit..."

"I'm at home. Who says I'm not at home?" The closed door was suddenly opened from the inside, and He Cuiping walked out in a hurry.

He came forward and snatched the bag of fruit from Chen Jinzhou's hand, which he was about to hand to Mrs. Li, and snorted triumphantly.

"This is used by my nephew and grandson to honor me. It's not something that any cat or dog can eat."

The old lady Li saw the fruit in her hand flying away like this, and He Cuiping also showed a villainous look, which made the old lady Li very angry.

In addition, Mrs. Li and He Cuiping were at odds with each other. Under the stimulation of He Cuiping, Mrs. Li opened her mouth and said.

"Heh, haven't you been hiding at home and not coming out? I just wanted to open the door to let Xiao Chen and the others go in because you didn't open the door. Do you think I have narrow eyes like you? I only know how to eat other people's food What? If someone comes empty-handed, you won’t be allowed in?”

"It's really unlucky to have an elder like you. When you come over in the first month of the lunar year, your house will not even be allowed to enter. I don't know if you are locked at home to do something wrong."

Old lady Li was talking nonsense, but as soon as her words fell, He Cuiping's face changed suddenly.Although He Cuiping quickly returned to normal, the sudden strangeness still failed to escape the eyes of Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao.

This He Cuiping really has a problem.

The two of them were thinking about how to get into Guan's house and investigate carefully. He Cuiping carried the bag of apples and turned around to enter Guan's house. The door slammed shut, shutting Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao who were about to go in.

Chen Jinzhou, Xu Wanhao: ...

Mrs. Li scoffed, she didn't like He Cuiping's style at all.

"Since your grandma passed away, this old woman has become more and more mean and weird. I don't know if there is something wrong in her heart."

"When your grandma was at their house, on Chinese New Year's Day, He Cuiping's eccentric voices were often heard in their yard. They said that the married daughter returned to her natal family to celebrate the New Year. It was to bring bad luck to the brothers and to kill the whole family. "

"What do you mean that your grandma can have those two brothers who are all dependent on her today, but I have never seen such an ungrateful person like your grandma, who will come to harm others even when she is old."

"What are they, old woman?"

After finishing speaking in disgust, Mrs. Li turned around and was about to leave.

It was only after Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao heard something wrong, how could she just leave like this?Chen Jinzhou chased after him, "Grandma Li, is what you just said true? My aunt actually said that about my grandma? Isn't she usually on good terms with my grandma? She wouldn't say that about my grandma, would she?"

"Hey, Xiao Chen, you are too young to understand, right?" Mrs. Li stopped and glanced at Chen Jinzhou disapprovingly, "You young people, you can't just look at people on the surface, that uncle of yours Po He Cuiping, why is she on good terms with your grandma? She is on good terms with your family's money and stuff."

"Look at you just now, she took the things you brought in, but no one asked you to go in and sit for a while. Is this something that people who are kind to you can do?"

"That's not something a human can do."

Old Mrs. Li spoke with enmity.

Chen Jinzhou showed a suddenly realized expression, and said in a very surprised tone, "So, my aunt is really a person who behaves on the surface and hides her secrets."

"Isn't it?" Mrs. Li finally found an alliance, and she opened her mouth and continued, "I'm telling you, Xiao Chen..." She took Chen Jinzhou's hand and talked to him quickly about her All the big and small things about He Cuiping that I know.

I have to say that this old lady Li is really the best gossip player. When talking about He Cuiping, she still imitates He Cuiping and speaks with He Cuiping's tone and posture.

That movement, that tone of voice, were so lifelike that even He Cuiping herself would sigh when she saw it.

Chen Jinzhou listened with a slight smile on his face until Mrs. Li stopped talking when her mouth became dry.

"Come to our house and talk." Mrs. Li took Chen Jinzhou's hand and planned to go to their house to talk for three days and three nights.

She and He Cuiping have had a long-standing grudge, maybe the last three days and three nights can't be finished?
Chen Jinzhou glanced at Xu Wanhao, and Xu Wanhao went to the car and dug out a can of malted milk and put it on, ready to go into Li's house.


 The update is complete, good night everyone.If there are typos, I hope everyone can point them out, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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