Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 455 An honest person is a real villain

Chapter 455 An honest person is a real villain
The door of the Guan family opened again, but this time it was not He Cuiping who came out, but the head of the Guan family, Boss Guan, who was Guan Qiuju's eldest brother and Chen Jinzhou's uncle.

He called out to stop Chen Jinzhou.

Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao, who were planning to go to Li's house, stopped, and Mrs. Li also stopped and turned to look at Boss Guan.

This old man who usually doesn't help the oil pot when it's down, what's he doing now?
Boss Guan coughed, and with a slight smile on his face, he said to Chen Jinzhou, "It's cold outside, if you're not in a hurry, hurry back and come and sit at home."

Chen Jinzhou never said that he was in a hurry to go back, and he didn't know how Boss Guan could tell that he was going back.

He smiled and said, "No need for uncle, I'll go to Grandma Li's house and leave."

Mrs. Li nodded, "Yes, go to our house. There are melon seeds and peanuts. Let's chat while eating."

"How plausible is this?" Boss Guan stared disapprovingly at Mrs. Li, who had been wanting to let Chen Jinzhou go to their house, and her face softened a lot when she looked at Chen Jinzhou.

"Azhou, you are a relative of our family, how can you go to someone else's house to bother them? Come on, come in, I will ask your aunt to boil hot water and make tea for you."

After speaking, he glanced at Mrs. Li again, and spoke with a half-hearted smile.

"Are there no juniors in Mrs. Li's house? How can you drag a junior to your house when you see a junior coming? People who don't know will think that your juniors are gone..."

"Old man, what do you mean by that? It wasn't your old woman, He Cuiping, who didn't want to let Xiao Chen and the others in? Why did you come out to invite someone now? It's because you think you have hidden all the invisible things in the house , so you have confidence again?"

It has to be said that Mrs. Li's speculation about the Guan family today is all God's prediction.She just said it casually, but she said it all right.

Just now after He Cuiping went in, she did go to the room where Guan Qiuju lived before. She checked the room carefully and made sure that there was no evidence to prove that Guan Qiuju was pushed down and killed by her. Then she was relieved. Come.

When she came out and found that Mrs. Li was going to call Chen Jinzhou home, Guan Qiuju panicked again.Like a headless chicken, she found her husband, Boss Guan, to let him make up his mind.Boss Guan hated He Cuiping's lack of success and failure, but he had to stand up.

In the eyes of their Guan family, Guan Qiuju was the one who killed herself.

This is a 'fact' that no one can change...

Boss Guan didn't want Chen Jinzhou to suspect the cause of Guan Qiuju's death while chatting with Mrs. Li, so when he saw that Chen Jinzhou was about to be dragged into Li's house by Mrs. Li, he was forced to open the door and talk about those things just now. talk.

Hearing this old thing from the Li family 'splashing dirty water' on him at this moment, Boss Guan must not be able to bear it.He glared at the open-mouthed old lady Li, and frowned at Chen Jinzhou disapprovingly.


Chen Jinzhou felt that it was almost the same, and there was probably nothing useful to talk about when he went to Li's house, so he took a look at Xu Wanhao.Xu Wanhao understood, and brought the malted milk extract in his hand to Mrs. Li.

"Happy New Year, Grandma Li, I..." He was halfway through the sentence, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Xiao Lin's figure flashing past, and when he came to the corner of his mouth, he made a sharp turn.

"I suddenly remembered that there are still some things to finish, so I won't leave any more."

Xiao Lin came out from Guan's house, and now Chen Jinzhou is eager to know what useful information Xiao Lin has collected.So of course he didn't have time to chat with Mrs. Li and Boss Guan.

Mrs. Li was carrying the heavy malted milk essence, and looked at Chen Jinzhou with some embarrassment, "You said didn't even drink your saliva, so I'm embarrassed to give you back such a precious thing!"

It is true that Mrs. Li likes to take advantage, but she is much better than He Cuiping, at least she is a little bit ashamed.

She was really embarrassed to take a can of malted milk from Chen Jinzhou without doing anything like this.

Although it is easier to buy malted milk now than in the past few years, the price still costs several yuan. If Mrs. Li spent her own money to buy it, she would definitely be reluctant to part with it.

"It's okay, you can take it back and drink."

Chen Jinzhou smiled and turned to go back. Boss Guan glanced at the malted milk in Mrs. Li's hand.His face was a little dignified, not because he was reluctant to part with a bottle of malted milk.

What he was thinking was what did Mrs. Li say to Chen Jinzhou, was Chen Jinzhou willing to buy a bottle of malted milk?

Chen Jinzhou ignored Boss Guan, nodded to Boss Guan, and called Xu Wanhao to leave.

Boss Guan groaned, "Azhou, why are you leaving? Aren't you going to sit at home? Your aunt has cooked all the meals, and you can leave after eating!" Boss Guan chased after Chen Jinzhou very enthusiastically. I want to keep people behind.

Chen Jinzhou only left a back view for Boss Guan.

He closed the car door and started the car to leave. The exhaust fume sprayed Guan Boss all over his face.Boss Guan wiped his face, and watched the car disappear at the corner of the alley in a daze, "Why did you just leave here?"

"Your family has such an attitude towards Xiao Chen, do you still expect him not to leave and stay at your house for the New Year?" Mrs. Li sneered and mocked, and she suddenly realized "No, the last one who stayed at your house for the New Year The person is already dead, Xiao Chen dare not stay at your house for the New Year."

"Damn old woman, keep your mouth clean for me."

Boss Guan came back to his senses, cursed out of embarrassment, stomped his feet, turned around and entered Guan's house.

The door was slammed by him.

Mrs. Li snorted, and didn't take Boss Guan's cold face to heart at all. She carried her malted milk and hummed a little tune that no one could understand, and entered the door of Li's house.

After Boss Guan turned back home, He Cuiping, who had been secretly watching, grabbed his arm and lowered his voice, "How is it? Did that damn old woman of the Li family say anything to that brat? Would he suspect me? What should I do if he really suspects me? Dad, you can't leave me alone. "

He Cuiping was very nervous, her voice trembling slightly.

She hasn't been able to sleep well these past few days, and as soon as she closes her eyes, she sees the face of Guan Qiuju's short-lived ghost dying.If this continues, she will definitely go crazy.

Boss Guan glanced at He Cuiping, and reprimanded in a cold voice, "Why are you panicking? Things that are not successful enough are more than bad things."

"I'm afraid."

He Cuiping was really scared.

Although she has been ferocious all her life, she has never killed anyone. This is the first time she is involved in a human life lawsuit. She must be too scared to sleep or eat.

"What are you afraid of? What does it have to do with you that Qiu Ju killed herself? It's good enough that we didn't ask the Chen family for an explanation. Why are you so scared?"

"I can't do anything day by day, and I know I'm blind all day long."

Boss Guan looked down on He Cuiping very much, thinking that she was too calm.Although it is true that Guan Qiuju died because of He Cuiping, so what?
Who has proof?

As long as they grit their teeth and refuse to admit it, what can the Chen family do to them?
Let's see if the Chen family obediently brought them fruits today?
Boss Guan shot He Cuiping sideways, "Tighten your mouth and nothing will happen. If you don't, no one can save you."

(End of this chapter)

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