Chapter 457 An Unsettled Night
In fact, he can use his face to compare with the city wall without going to the Great Wall, because there are many city walls in the city.

Xiao Lin was a little tangled, wondering if he should explain this to his wife.

The strange voice from downstairs successfully pulled him back from the entanglement.It was the comrades from the Public Security Bureau who came to present the pennant of bravery to Xiao Lin because of the fact that Xiao Lin helped catch the thief who stole the child last night.

Xiao Lin felt that he was not a brave person.He would catch those three thieves simply because they wanted to steal his own child, so he deserved the praise from the police.

The policeman smiled and said, "No matter what, you have solved a big problem for us, and you deserve this bravery."

They talked and introduced them in detail. The three of them stole dozens of children from the Municipal People's Hospital. After listening to the introduction by the police, Xiao Lin regretted that he didn't beat the three of them up last night. .

After the police left, Xiao Lin went upstairs and briefly explained the matter to Su Yun.Hearing that those stolen children had been sold, Su Yun's heart clenched tightly.

She is also a mother now, so she can feel the pain of a child leaving her.Those children who were supposed to grow up healthy with their parents were forced to be separated because of people's greed...

Su Yun didn't dare to think about how uncomfortable those families who lost their children would be. Just thinking about it made her feel very distressed.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will protect you and our children." Xiao Lin hugged her lightly, and kissed her promise on the forehead.

Su Yun nodded without being too emotional.Xiao Lin squeezed her hand and didn't speak, but he thought in his heart that during the time when his wife was in confinement, he should say less things that upset her.

Doctors say that lesbians are in a relatively weak state after giving birth, both physically and psychologically.Their moods fluctuate easily, and they are not suitable for great sorrow and great joy.

There was a voice calling for dinner from downstairs, Xiao Lin went downstairs to help Su Yun bring the dinner upstairs, let her finish eating in the room, he cleaned up the small table before going downstairs to eat his own meal .

After eating, he and Mama Zhang bathed the three babies, fed them and let them sleep on the cribs, then went to the hot water to bathe Su Yun.

Originally, according to what the old lady told Zhang Ma, she couldn't take a shower or wash her hair for a month, but Su Yun couldn't take it anymore.It’s fine if it’s not convenient to wipe with water in the hospital, but if you don’t let her take a bath when you get home, she will really go crazy.

Moreover, the heating in the house is warm, so she doesn't think it will be a big problem whether she takes a shower or washes her hair.

But the current situation is that Xiao Lin promised to let her take a bath, but the hair cannot be washed first.

"Daughter-in-law is obedient, it's the same to wash after confinement."

Su Yun: ...

By then her hair won't be knotted yet?
But other than her, everyone in the family insisted that Su Yun could only obey the majority, follow their advice, and simply take a bath.

After taking a bath and changing into clean clothes, Su Yun felt that her body was much lighter.She walked slowly back to the bed and lay down, Xiao Lin talked to her for a while before getting up and leaving.

He still has something to do tonight, and he happened to go out in the dead of night.

Xiao Lin left the house in the dark, and Chen Jinzhou packed his things to go out.He put his backpack on his back, went to Chen Shennan's study and said a few words.

Chen Shennan's eyes darkened slightly, and he raised his head to ask Chen Jinzhou.

"you sure?"


Chen Jinzhou's answer was absolutely incomparable.

"Okay, then I will take your sister-in-law there on time."

After Chen Shennan finished speaking, Chen Jinzhou nodded, turned around and left the study door without saying anything.

When they were all rushing to Guan's house, several comrades from the Public Security Bureau who had agreed with them in advance also left the door under the moonlight.

According to what was agreed before, they would quietly sneak into the vicinity of Guan's house and wait until He Cuiping told the story of how to kill Guan Qiuju, then they would rush out and bring the people involved back to the Public Security Bureau.

As for how to get He Cuiping to admit it?Xiao Lin didn't tell them about it.

By the time several people rushed to the Guan family's courtyard, it was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night and almost twelve o'clock.This time is already very late for people who don't have much entertainment now.

Most of the people have already fallen asleep.

The only remaining ones who didn't sleep may be Xiao Lin and the others.

As planned before, Xiao Lin sneaked in and got He Cuiping to the room where Guan Qiuju lived, and the others could finish their corresponding work.

In the Guan family's courtyard, He Cuiping and Boss Guan lived in the largest room facing south in the courtyard.

Ever since Guan Qiuju's accident, He Cuiping, who had been in fear every day, was able to fall asleep soundly at night after Boss Guan instilled in her the idea that everything was over during the day.

I don't know whether to say that she has a big heart, or trust Boss Guan too blindly?Hasn't she heard the saying that paper can't contain fire?

Obviously, He Cuiping had never heard of it.

At the moment, the old couple are sleeping soundly.

A black shadow pushed open the door of their room silently, and carried the sleeping He Cuiping to the room where Guan Qiuju lived before his death with extremely gentle movements.

It is also the scene of the first crime.

He Cuiping, who was sleeping, only felt the cold wind blowing in waves, which made her skin get goose bumps after waves.Being too sleepy, she stretched out her hand and tugged at it without opening her eyes, trying to pull the quilt over her body.

But she failed to pull it twice, and fell off the stool instead.

With a puff, He Cuiping opened his eyes.

The goal is a dark red, and the slightly beating dim yellow candlelight.He Cuiping rubbed her eyes, "What place is this? How could I dream of being here?"

She thought she was dreaming.

She walked forward while talking to herself, and within two steps she saw a black shadow standing by the wall, because she thought she was still in a dream, so He Cuiping was extra bold.

She walked towards the shadow.

"Who are you? How did you appear in my dream?"

As soon as He Cuiping uttered a sound, the black figure whose back was turned to her turned around, a familiar bloody face made He Cuiping take a few big steps back in fright, and fell to the ground with her buttocks.

"You... you... you... Guan Qiuju... you... aren't you dead?"

She pointed at 'Guan Qiuju' with her eyes wide open and trembling, she couldn't believe how a dead person would appear in front of her again.

'Guan Qiuju', with blood all over her face, walked towards He Cuiping step by step with a strange smile on her face.

"I died so unjustly. I died for no reason. The King of Hades wouldn't let me cross the Naihe bridge and wouldn't let me be reincarnated. He asked me to take the murderer down with me before letting me reincarnate. So I'm back hahahaha... "

'Guan Qiuju' said with a horrifying smile, matching her bloody face, it was as terrifying as it could be.

She walked forward step by step, forcing He Cuiping to keep stepping back.

"No, this is a dream, this must be a dream."

He Cuiping refused to believe what she saw before her eyes. She supported her body with both hands and shrank back vigorously, but suddenly her palms pressed against a piece of sticky liquid.

He Cuiping raised her hand in disbelief, and seeing the scarlet palms and Guan Qiuju approaching step by step, she couldn't take it anymore, and screamed.

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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