Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 458 The old lady still can't be ruthless

Chapter 458 The old lady still can't be ruthless
"I didn't kill you, I didn't kill you. I didn't want to kill you. You fell down and killed yourself. It's none of my business, really none of my business!"

He Cuiping covered her head with her hands, her eyes were tightly closed and she screamed uncontrollably.

'Guan Qiuju' was obviously not satisfied with the answer, she walked towards He Cuiping step by step.

"If you hadn't pushed me, how could I have hit the wall? You killed me and you gave me your life, give me your life."

Guan Qiuju suddenly stretched out both hands and pinched He Cuiping's neck, and He Cuiping scrambled away with a groan.

"I really didn't kill you. I didn't intend to kill you. Who knew you were so easy to fall. I really didn't kill you on purpose. I didn't mean to. Don't come to me."

"It was you who killed me. If I don't look for you, who would I look for?"

'Guan Qiuju' asked with a shrill voice.

He Cuiping put her head in her hands and said loudly, "Look for my two daughter-in-laws, yes, look for my two daughter-in-laws."

He Cuiping thought of the best backer.

She immediately grasped this point and continued loudly.

"It's all their fault for not stopping me when I was fighting with you. Yes, it was they who didn't stop me that caused you to fall to your death. Yes, it was their fault, it was all their fault. They killed you, It's really none of my business."

He Cuiping, who thought she was in a dream, had no problem saying anything, never thought that her whole family was outside the door at this moment, listening to her words neatly.

When they heard that she poured all the dirty water on her two daughters-in-law without hesitation, the rest of the Guan family were shocked by He Cuiping's shamelessness.

Boss Guan's face was even darker.

If it wasn't for the police standing on the side eyeing him, he would have cursed He Cuiping to death, or would have taken away He Cuiping who didn't know what he was talking about.

How could there be such a stupid person in their Guan family?
It's maddening, it's really maddening.

It's a pity that even if he died of anger, he couldn't make a sound.

This is what Comrade Public Security said.

Also as angry as the Guan family was the Chen family.

Especially Chen Yuru, who felt that she had been cheated, her face smelled as if she had just been pulled out of the latrine.

She never dreamed that her mother was killed behind her aunt's back.

So what is it that she settled accounts with that old woman of the Xiao family?Was it a joke of her own making?Chen Yuru felt a slap on the face, and it was burning hot at the moment.

She broke free from Chen Shennan's grip on her regardless, kicked open the door and rushed in.

"I'm going to kill you to avenge my mother."

He Cuiping was so frightened that she lost her mind, and when she heard the sound of the door opening, she rushed towards the door without thinking about anything.

"Don't come and catch me. I didn't kill you. It wasn't me. It was my two daughters-in-law who killed you."

The person outside the door: ...

He Cuiping's two daughters-in-law: ...

Although He Cuiping's two daughters-in-law are usually very afraid of He Cuiping, but now at this time, seeing that He Cuiping has put such a serious crime of murder on them, if they are afraid again, their lives will be over.

Therefore, the two sisters-in-law stood forward and said loudly to Comrade Public Security, "Comrade Public Security, she lied. She pushed my sister-in-law against the wall and killed her."

"Yes, it was her. It was she who killed my sister-in-law and prevented us from telling the outside world."

He Cuiping rushed outside and heard the voices of the two daughters-in-law.When she turned her head and saw the row of familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of her, she also had a flash of inspiration, realizing that she was being plotted against.

He Cuiping turned to face the room with her hips thrust into her mouth and was about to scold, Chen Yuru rushed up and slapped He Cuiping on the cheek, grabbed He Cuiping's hair with both hands and pulled hard, "I'll kill you bastard, pay my mother back , you give back my mother's life."

After all, Chen Yuru was young, and her hands were very strong. She pulled He Cuiping's hair aside, causing He Cuiping to scream in pain.Normally, her two daughters-in-law would definitely go up to help, but now...

Sorry, no help.

Boss Guan looked at He Cuiping who was being pressed and beaten, and felt a little uncomfortable.After all, this is his old wife who has been sleeping with him for decades, so it is unjustifiable for him to be slapped in face by a junior.

He was about to walk forward to stop him, but Chen Shennan stood in his way.

"Aren't uncle going to explain?"

Boss Guan had a little impatience on his face, thinking that Chen Shennan was not very sensible.

"What am I explaining? This is actually an accident. When your mother and your aunt were tugging, your mother slipped under her feet, so your aunt pushed her lightly and the accident happened."

"Everyone is a family, and your mother is my own sister. I definitely don't want to see your mother have an accident more than anyone else. But this is really an accident, and I have no choice but to accept it."

Boss Guan showed a helpless expression, and earnestly persuaded Chen Shennan and the others to be magnanimous.

Chen Shennan was laughed out of anger. He never thought that his own uncle could be so shameless. This simply refreshed his bottom line of cognition.

"They have always been like this, it's just that you haven't noticed it." Xiao Lin's cold voice sounded beside him.He came out from the side with a cold breath on his body. For a moment, Chen Shennan mistakenly thought he saw his father when he was young.


Chen Shennan lowered his voice and called out.

Xiao Lin glanced at his uncle, and the corners of his lips slightly pursed.Taking a look at Chen Yuru, who was still wrestling with He Cuiping and looking crazy to avenge Guan Qiuju, he walked over to the police without saying a word.

"Comrade Public Security, now I want to report that Comrade Chen Yuru broke into a house illegally and injured my grandma."

The police let out a cry.

Chen Shennan and Chen Yuru were also taken aback for a moment.None of them seemed to have expected that Xiao Lin would settle the matter at this time.Chen Yuru stopped beating He Cuiping, and looked at Xiao Lin with red eyes.

Xiao Lin didn't even move his eyelids.

To him, even if Chen Yuru was related to him by blood, he was just an outsider.She thought that if she hurt the Xiao family, would she still be able to escape?


Xiao Lin ignored their scrutiny, he walked over and handed over the hospitalization information he had prepared in advance, as well as the doctor's diagnosis certificate to the police...

He Cuiping was taken away, and all members of the Guan family were taken away.At the same time, Chen Yuru was also taken away.

When Chen Yuru passed by Xiao Lin, she stared at him with a pair of eyes, as if she wanted to poke a hole out of him.

Xiao Lin was not affected at all.

Both Chen Yuru and Chen Shennan couldn't figure out why Xiao Lin was willing to help them find out the truth about Guan Qiuju's death, but couldn't forgive Chen Yuru.

Xiao Lin didn't intend to explain to them either.

After finishing his work here, he returned home in the dark.When he entered the house, he happened to meet Mrs. Xiao who said she was getting up to drink water. Xiao Lin's eyes darkened.

His grandma couldn't be as simple as getting up to drink water.

She was deliberately waiting for him.


Xiao Lin spoke in a low voice, usually speaking as if nothing happened.

The old lady Xiao sighed.

"forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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