Chapter 459
The old lady didn't say anything, but Xiao Lin knew what she was talking about.


"After all, she is your grandfather's biological daughter."

The old lady Xiao thought a lot.She knew that her grandson was capable enough to protect her and vent his anger on her, but the other party was Grandpa Xiao Lin's daughter after all, if something happened to her, the old man would definitely feel bad too.

So forget about it.

Forget it.

"After this matter is over, we just don't have to deal with the Chen family."

This is a decision the old lady made after thinking for a long time.

Xiao Lin looked at the old lady silently, neither agreed nor refused immediately.

"It's getting late, grandma go to bed early."

After he returned to the room, he saw the three sleeping children and Su Yun by the faint light of the night light, and the inexplicable irritability in his heart dissipated a lot.

They secretly kissed each other on the cheeks of their mother and son before going to take a bath.

Su Yun woke up to breastfeed the child when it was about dawn, and found that Xiao Lin's eyes were black and black, and she couldn't help but feel distressed, "Brother Lin, did you come back soon after dawn?"

"I'm fine, I'll be back in the middle of the night."

Xiao Lin handed the brother who had just changed the diaper to Su Yun, then turned around and went to check the diapers of the other two children.

"Well, is everything settled?"

Su Yun pulled up her clothes to let the child drink milk, and asked him by the way.


"Grandma, didn't you say anything?"

In fact, it doesn't matter for Su Yun, or for Xiao Lin.It is unforgivable for Chen Yuru to break into their home and push the old man down.

No matter who the other party is, they will be held accountable to the end.

But there is an old man Chen, Su Yun thinks that the old lady will probably not pursue this matter.That's why she asked this question.


Xiao Lin paused for a moment, just at this time Dabao also finished drinking the milk and fell asleep, when Xiao Lin picked him up, he hiccupped, which made Xiao Lin couldn't help laughing.

Things that were difficult to say became easier.

"Grandma doesn't want to pursue it anymore."

This answer is expected.

Su Yun nodded, "Then what is Brother Rin going to do?"

"What do you think, daughter-in-law?" Xiao Lin handed her the second treasure again.

The three babies all took turns to drink milk. Mama Zhang and Aunt Lin made various milk soups for Su Yun in different ways. After Su Yun drank it, the effect was indeed very good.

Enough to feed three babies at the same time.

Su Yun thought for a while and answered, "Respect grandma's opinion, but let Chen Yuru know our attitude." If there is no accident, their family will always live in the capital in the future.

She didn't want something like Chen Yuru to happen again.

This time, she and grandma were lucky enough to save the day.If there is a next time, no one can guarantee that their luck will not be so good.

Xiao Lin nodded.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while."


After breakfast, Xiao Lin went out. Su Yun leaned on the bed and flipped through the company's account books that she hadn't had time to read a few years ago, thinking about things in her heart while reading.

"Sister Yun..."

Wu Shishi's voice came from outside the door, Su Yun raised her head from the ledger, Wu Shishi hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

"Sister Yun..." After she spoke, she suddenly remembered that there were three children on one side. Wu Shishi immediately closed her mouth and swallowed all the unfinished words, then held her breath and stood on her toes, as if she was a thief , approaching Su Yun slowly and little by little.

Su Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be so nervous, they fell asleep and slept soundly."

Even so, Wu Shishi couldn't help lowering her voice, "Really? My son and daughter are so obedient." She walked to the side of the small bed with a smile on her face, and looked at the three little ones lying side by side. Baby, your eyes are almost turning into star eyes.

"Woooooo how can they be so cute? They really deserve to be my godson and goddaughter, so cute."

Wu Shishi's heart was about to be melted by these three identical babies.

Su Yun watched Wu Shishi's exaggerated performance with a smile on her face. Although she was a little proud that her three children were indeed very cute, she still had to be modest.

"All children are like this, and they will be just as cute when you give birth."

She is telling the truth.

She didn't think so when she didn't have a child before, but after having a child, Su Yun found that the child is really the cutest baby in the world.No matter whose child it is, they are all equally cute when they are still a milk doll.

When mentioning the child, Wu Shishi's complexion became a little bad.Reluctantly, she withdrew her gaze from the three babies, and sat down on the stool beside Su Yun's bed, sullen.

There is something wrong at first glance.

"What's the matter with you? What happened?"

In the past few days, she was hospitalized to give birth, but Wu Shishi never showed up. This uncharacteristic behavior was very wrong.So Su Yun is more inclined to ask Wu Shishi what happened.

She guessed right.

Wu Shishi is indeed busy.

"Didn't I go to the army to visit relatives after the New Year?" Wu Shishi wrinkled the tip of her nose and said with a dissatisfied expression, "I knew he couldn't go home for the New Year, so I went to the army to visit relatives on the first day of junior high school."

Originally, everything was quite normal. She ate and slept in Lu Zhenghuan's dormitory every day, and her life was as comfortable as raising a pig.In the blink of an eye, the sixth day came, Wu Shishi originally planned to go back to the city that day, but instead saw an unexpected visitor in the army.

"Sister Yun, what do you think Zhang Shuixiu wants to do? Why does she have the face to go to the army to visit Lu Zhenghuan? What's more, her father asked her to tell Lu Zhenghuan, remember to go to their house for dinner when she is free?"

"Does she want face? Lu Zhenghuan is my man. She, a woman who can't get along with her, even ran to my man's work unit and told him to let him go to their house for dinner when he has time?"

Wu Shishi still couldn't help being angry when she recalled that scene now. She felt that Zhang Shuixiu was deliberately provoking, deliberately showing her presence in front of Lu Zhenghuan's comrades in arms, making them think that she was better than herself...

Su Yun nodded after listening to Wu Shishi's complaint, "What did Comrade Lu say?"

"How do you say? What does he dare to say?" Wu Shishi snorted, "If he dares to promise, I will divorce him immediately." She was so angry that she even said such words as divorce.

Su Yun pinched her throbbing brows, "A military marriage is not something you can leave if you want, right? Also, Zhang Shuixiu did all this. It's useless for you to be angry with Comrade Lu."

Zhang Shuixiu and Su Yun are in the same class. They usually look very gentle in class, but they never thought they could do such a thing in private.This is probably the kind of green tea that later generations said?

Or white lotus?
Su Yun couldn't figure it out, she was not very clear about how the later generations defined green tea and white lotus.

But there is no doubt that Zhang Shuixiu's move is really inappropriate.

"By the way, isn't she talking to Lu Zhenghuan's younger brother?" If she remembered correctly, she had met Zhang Shuixiu and had dinner with that gay man named Lu Changzheng before.

"I heard that it is no longer the target."

(End of this chapter)

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