Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 462 Take the name, a child with the surname of the old man

Chapter 462 Taking a name, a child with the old man's surname
Old Master Fang ouched, "Girl, girl, look, is our baby Jinsun greeting Grandpa?" Old Master Fang was so happy that he even got the address wrong.

According to normal seniority, if Su Yun calls old man Fang grandpa, then her child must call old man Fang great-grandfather.But when the old man was happy, he forgot all his seniority.

Su Yun said with a smile on the old man's words, "Grandpa, the third child really likes you."

"Oh, really? I like the third child too! Right the third child, my great-grandfather really likes you." Mr. Fang stretched out his hand, wanting to hug the third child but didn't dare to do so, for fear that his rough hands would hurt the tender milk doll.

He stood aside and watched helplessly, his appearance was really pitiful.

"Let's go inside and sit down and watch."

Only then did the old man come to his senses. He actually blocked his precious great-grandchildren from the door for a long time, which was really negligent of his duty.How could he do such a thing?
The old man slapped himself on the forehead, "Look at me, I'm so happy that I forgot that it's time to go into the house, go in, go in."

"Well, Grandpa, please slow down."

Su Yun stretched out her hand to help the old man, and the old and young entered the house together.

After sitting down on the sofa, the old man couldn't wait to hug the baby.Zhang Ma took the third child who woke up first out of the stroller, demonstrated how to hold the baby so that they would be comfortable, and then asked the old man if he had learned it.

The old man nodded.

"I have learned, I have learned, let me hug, let me hug."

The old man couldn't wait to stretch out his hands, and it felt like the child would not let him hug him if he slowed down a step.Su Yun looked at the old man amusedly and looked at his extremely loving face. When she hugged the third child, tears welled up in her eyes.

Su Yun also choked up.

But she knew it wasn't something to be sentimental about.



"I told Brother Lin, do you think it's okay to have a child named Fang?" Xiao Lin told her on the way here, and asked her to find a chance to mention it to the old man when she got here.

They let their children take the old man's surname, not for the sake of the old man's property, but just to let the old man have a thought, and there will be successors to the Fang family in the future.

Mr. Fang didn't react at first, "What did you say, girl?"

"Brother Lin and I mean, let a child take your grandfather's surname, and you see that the third child just woke up when you looked at him, or how about choosing the third child?"


Tears glistened in Old Man Fang's eyes. He had been a soldier for half his life, experienced countless storms and waves, and also experienced many life and death. The old man broke his defense at this moment.


Two lines of clear tears rolled down from the eyes.Everyone knows what Su Yun meant by letting the child take the surname of Mr. Fang. It was the hard work of the young couple, and they didn't want the Fang family to have no descendants!

How could Mr. Fang not be moved by this sincere heart?

After repeatedly affirming that Su Yun and Xiao Lin both meant the same thing, Mr. Fang wiped away the tears left by his gaffe and nodded, "Okay, okay, okay. Then I'll have the cheek to agree."

"Grandpa, why don't you give them a name? They haven't even given a name yet!"

Since the third child asked the old man to name it, then the eldest brother and the second brother and sister also asked the grandfather to name it together.

The old man was very happy to hear that, he reluctantly handed the third child to Mama Zhang, and then went to take out his Chu Ci, Encyclopedia of Dictionaries, The Book of Songs, Xinhua Dictionary, and then took out his reading glasses and put them on, just like studying combat reports when he was young In the same way, carefully research the names that are suitable for the three children.

After the old man made some comparisons, he named the eldest brother Xingzhi. These two characters are taken from the word "high mountain looks up, Jing Xing Xingzhi". 'The name is full of the old man's earnest expectations and best wishes for the younger generation.

The second child is also named from the Book of Songs, named Yansi, which comes from "Wish to speak and think of a son, and raise him in the center." 'The implication is the same, both of which are full of the old man's love for the child.

Since the elder brothers and sisters have all taken their names from the Book of Songs, the third child of course cannot be treated too differently.The old man flipped through the books, but couldn't find anything he liked.

In the end, as soon as the old man made a decision, he used the word Chen'an.Taken from the Book of Songs, "Heaven gave birth to me, and I am at peace." 'It has auspicious meaning, which is very in line with what Mr. Fang thinks in his heart.

The names of the three children were decided in this way, the eldest is Xiao Xingzhi, the second is Xiao Yansi, and the third is Fang Chen'an.

Su Yun nodded after listening, "Grandpa is indeed a cultural person."

She and brother Lin couldn't think of such a nice and meaningful name. (Actually, they have difficulty choosing. They want to have any name, and naturally everything becomes bad.)
Mr. Fang stroked his beard proudly, and accepted Su Yun's compliment.

The five members of their family and Zhang's mother stayed here until they had dinner before packing up and going home.Before leaving, Mr. Fang asked Xiao Zhao to take out three sets of identical longevity locks made of silver and put them on for the three children.

The three children who had just woken up were very energetic, and they obediently kept quiet when they were covered with shiny things around their necks.Just looking at Mr. Fang with open eyes, that look can make people's hearts cute.

The old man couldn't stop laughing, and the corner of his mouth never let go all day.After putting on the longevity locks of the three children, he asked Xiao Lin to go with him to the study to explain something to him.

After Xiao Lin came out, the family of five plus Madam Zhang formally bid farewell to Mr. Fang and returned home.

After returning home to bathe the children and put them to sleep, Su Yun asked Xiao Linfang what did the old man tell him?Xiao Lin hugged her and said softly, "The old man asked me if I still want to go back to the army."

"Well, what did you say? Want to go back?"

Back then Xiao Lin would retire from the army, it was because he had to choose because of too many family affairs.If nothing happened at home, he should have stayed in the army.

Now that the old man asks this question, there should be a chance for him to take him back.Su Yun also wanted to know how Xiao Lin would choose.

Xiao Lin put his arm around her shoulder away, "No, I dedicated my life to the motherland for the first ten years, and I have to protect my wife and children in the days to come." If it is true as the old man said, one day I will use myself , then he will definitely choose to go up.

But there is nothing wrong now, he still chooses to accompany his family.

Su Yun nodded and snuggled into his arms, "Well, no matter what decision you make, the children and I will always support you."

"Thank you, daughter-in-law."

Xiao Lin lowered his head and kissed her, and the husband and wife embraced each other and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Su Yun fell into a drowsy sleep, and vaguely saw a tall figure holding the child by the bed, and she was startled, scaring most of the drowsiness away.

With her eyes wide open, she could clearly see that it was Xiao Lin holding the child to drink milk, but she, the mother, slept like a pig, and when the child was hungry and made the sound of wanting to drink milk, she didn't hear it at all.

If Xiao Lin hadn't heard it, Su Yun felt that the three of them must cry for her to wake up, and they would definitely be starving.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Lin is still very good at home, at least he only needs to provide food when breastfeeding, and Xiao Lin will take care of other things.

Sui Yun raised her hand and touched Xiao Lin's face and muttered in a daze, "Thanks for your hard work, brother Lin, otherwise you stay at home with the children and I go out to earn money to support the family!"

(End of this chapter)

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