Chapter 463
Compared with Xiao Lin's carefulness, he is more like a careless man who can make money outside to support his family!
Seeing how confused she was but still trying to open her eyes, Xiao Lin chuckled softly, "Daughter-in-law, go to sleep, I will take care of the children while I earn money."

"Huh? Then what's the use of me as a mother?"

Su Yun was about to fall asleep after saying this, she was really sleepy.

In a daze, she heard Xiao Lin say in that deep voice, "Daughter-in-law just needs to be by our side."

She groaned and was puzzled, where could she go if she didn't stay with them?However, this doubt could not be expressed in the end, because she was really too sleepy and fell asleep directly.


Su Yun will go back to school after confinement.The classes she missed couldn't keep her at home all the time.Then after she went to class, what to do with the rations of the three children was a big problem.

She has milk herself, so she doesn't want them to drink milk powder.

Although the nutritional value of milk powder is also very high, Su Yun thinks that she can support it for a few more months, and at least the three dolls need to drink it until they are half a year old.

In the end, she thought of a way, which is to squeeze the excess into the lunch box and put the lunch box in the refrigerator. When they need to eat, take it out of the refrigerator and heat it up for them to eat.

Su Yun also thought about taking three children to school together, but after all, there are three children. If she wants to take her to school, not only Zhang Ma, but also grandma and Aunt Lin will have to go there. Row.

Such a mighty group of people going to the school must have had a bad influence on the school.

That's why Su Yun came up with the idea of ​​keeping her milk at home, and she would come back at noon.

Fortunately, the school is only a few kilometers away from Wutong Street, and it takes about 10 minutes to ride a bicycle. It is possible for Su Yun to rush back after school.

In this way, she was running between school and home every day. She thought that this situation would last for half a year, but she did not expect that such days would end when the three babies were three months old.

Su Yun has no milk...

This is a very embarrassing question.Su Yun drank a lot of pig's feet soup and old hen soup, but it didn't work.She even went to see Dr. Zhang, and Dr. Zhang said that it was not because of her health, but because the three babies were so edible that she couldn't supply them by herself.

It was broken naturally.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched. She once saw a son in the village who drank milk until he was seven years old.

She told Dr. Zhang about this, and Dr. Zhang said with a smile, "After six months, the breast milk nutrition will gradually be unable to supply the child. A large part of it is drinking water until the age of seven. There is no nutritional content. Inside, it’s just a child’s dependence on breast milk.”

"It's actually sick and unhealthy."

But at the same time, Dr. Zhang also knows that in many rural areas in remote areas, old men and women prefer young children and will pamper them infinitely.It is really not uncommon to drink milk until the age of seven.

"Don't have any psychological burden, it's normal for you. When your family feeds their children, let them drink milk powder and also add some supplementary food such as mist, and the baby will thrive."

Doctor Zhang comforted Su Yun.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang."

Knowing that there is no problem with her body and that the child's development will not be a problem, Su Yun finally let go of her hanging heart.After she thanked Dr. Zhang, she got up and left the hospital.

She went home on her bicycle, and when she arrived at the door, she found that Zhao Meiyu's house was very lively. She looked at it curiously, then turned and entered the house.

"Grandma, I'm back."

Su Yun called for grandma, but no one answered.

"Mother Zhang? Aunt Lin?"

She searched around but found no one, so she turned around and went out to Zhao Meiyu's house knowing what to do.

As soon as she arrived in the yard, she heard her grandma's laughter and another familiar hearty voice. Su Yun just slapped her head. Look at her memory. Zhao Meiyu had told her a few days ago that her mother was coming to the capital. Visiting relatives.

She also wanted to say that the two families would have a meal together.

It's only been a few days?She forgot all about it.

Su Yun sighed, there is a saying that one pregnancy is stupid for three years, it seems that she is still stupid.

She stepped into the door, and Wan Zhaodi, who was sitting facing the door, stood up immediately after seeing her, "This is Xiaoyun, right? I haven't seen you for a year, and Xiaoyun is getting more and more beautiful."

Since Su Yun and the others came out of Zhaojia Village in the first month of last year, they never went back.After careful calculation, it has been more than a year.

"Auntie has worked hard on the road."

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work. Jinnian bought me a sleeper ticket. I just sleep when I get on the bus. It's not hard work at all." Wan Zhaodi came to such a far away place from the capital for the first time.If she came alone, she would definitely be nervous, but Gu Jinnian had already thought in advance that she had never been out of the courtyard, so he asked Zhao Meiyu's elder brother to send her over.

Originally, Gu Jinnian and Zhao Meiyu planned to ask Zhao Cheng to send Wan Zhaodi here, but who knew that Zhao Meiyu's sister-in-law Liu Meizhu also came with her.Now the couple have gone out for a stroll, and only Wan Zhaodi is left at home.

Su Yun nodded, politely said that since she came, she would play for a few more days, and then went to see her three children.

Even after being separated from the children not long ago, Su Yun found that she missed them very much.She bent down and looked at the three little babies lying side by side in the baby carriage made of bamboo strips, which had already opened up a lot, with a smile on her face that never faded.

"The three little ones are very well-behaved today. They fell asleep after eating milk powder, and they didn't make trouble at all." Zhang Ma explained from the side.

Su Yun nodded, the eldest child and the second son heard the voice, raised their hands and began to eat their fingers.The eldest child who always likes to eat fingers is in stark contrast to the third child who never eats fingers.

While the eldest and second child were eating their fingers, the third child just opened his eyes. He looked at his older brother and sister with a calm (maybe) face, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

The corners of Su Yun's lips curled into a beautiful arc, and a big head poked out beside her, "This is Xiao Su's child from your family? He's really fat."

With a loud and laughing voice, Su Yun raised her head and glanced at Liu Meizhu who came back at some time, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes.

"Sister-in-law Zhao is back from shopping."

Su Yun knew Liu Meizhu.Liu Meizhu's family is from the town, and she joined the commune supply and marketing cooperative as a salesperson a few years ago, and Su Yun even bought things from her at that time.

She can't remember other things clearly, but she still remembers the fact that Liu Meizhu likes to look at people with her nostrils.

Liu Meizhu stretched out her hand and wanted to pinch the child's face.

Su Yun raised her hand to block her, "Sister Zhao, my baby is a light sleeper, they will wake up if you do this."

She doesn't like this kind of behavior of pinching the child's cheek at every turn.

A child's skin is so tender, it would definitely be uncomfortable to be pinched by an adult's hand, even if the adult loves the child, she cannot accept this behavior.

Liu Meizhu didn't expect to be rejected, she withdrew her hand embarrassingly, "I see they are chubby, so I just want to pinch their faces for a while."

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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