Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 464 Too 'passionate' to resist

Chapter 464 Too 'passionate' to resist

Su Yun: ...

Where are her children getting fat?
It's only been ten catties in three months, how can it be considered fat?Su Yun didn't like what Liu Meizhu said, but because she was Zhao Meiyu's sister-in-law, she didn't like her for a while.

Zhang Ma beside her was not used to Liu Meizhu's temper.

She pushed the stroller a little farther and said, "Sister-in-law, you have never seen a fat child. The three children in our family are not fat." They had no milk at a young age, and Zhang's mother was very distressed.

Who dares to say they are fat?That mother must be the first to object.

Liu Meizhu still wanted to say something, at this time Gu Jinnian and Zhao Meiyu came out of the kitchen, Liu Meizhu gave up, smiled at Su Yun, walked to the stool next to her and sat down.

Because Zhao Meiyu's family has come, the evening dinner is eaten at Zhao Meiyu's house.

Su Yun and his big family didn't want to come over, but Zhao Meiyu said that the dinner would be lively if there are many people, so Su Yun could only eat at Zhao Meiyu's house with a cheeky face.

With so many people, one Eight Immortals table will definitely not be able to sit down.Fortunately, there is also a big round table in Zhao Meiyu's restaurant, and a group of people can barely sit down.

The food in the evening was very rich, it can be seen that Zhao Meiyu and the others put their heart into welcoming her mother, brother and sister-in-law.Now that Zhao Meiyu's belly is six or seven months old, this table of sumptuous meals is definitely not made by Zhao Meiyu.

She didn't even start to help, she just praised Gu Jinnian, and then Gu Jinnian, a hardworking little expert, and Aunt Lin, who was especially good at cooking, got the food out of the table.

Zhao Meiyu's brother and sister-in-law are really just like guests, they don't help at all.

Wan Zhaodi couldn't see it and wanted to help, but Mrs. Xiao pulled her to talk again, and she couldn't get away, so she could only watch her daughter and son-in-law working hard.

That's right, from regretting that Zhao Meiyu married Gu Jinnian to now feeling sorry for Gu Jinnian, Wan Zhaodi's mentality has undergone an earth-shaking change.

If they hadn't come out of the city before, Wan Zhaodi couldn't sleep every night thinking about what her daughter would do in the future.Later, Zhao Meiyu and the others came to the city, gained a foothold in the city, and were admitted to university. Wan Zhaodi woke up laughing every night from her dreams.

Is there anyone in Zhaojia Village as powerful as her?Both my daughter and son-in-law have been admitted to college, but my son-in-law went to B University, which is very difficult to get into. How proud is this?

Because of this, Wan Zhaodi was proud for a long time in the village.

Of course, Wan Zhaodi didn't talk about these things in the village, and no one knew about them.At the moment at the dinner table, Wan Zhaodi was still sitting next to Mrs. Xiao, and the two kept chatting.

Although there is an age difference of 30 to [-] years between them, the two of them can chat very well, probably because they came from the same village?

However, there are also people who come out of a village, or even a family, but they are very difficult to deal with.

Zhao Meiyu and her sister-in-law Liu Meizhu are very different.

She didn't want to say it at first, but Liu Meizhu just kept smacking her mouth when eating, and kept picking up the dishes on the table with her saliva-stained chopsticks.

Let alone outsiders like Su Yun and the others, even if it was only Zhao Meiyu's family, she could not understand Liu Meizhu's extremely vulgar behavior.

"Sister-in-law..." Zhao Meiyu has a fiery temper, and if she doesn't like it, she will definitely say it out loud, otherwise it will make her uncomfortable. "What are you looking for?"

It's not like there's no meat on this table.It can even be said that except for a small number of three vegetables, the rest are meat, such as braised braised pork, braised pork ribs, braised carp, braised eggplant, boiled chicken, duck...

Which piece of meat can't be eaten with so much meat?Why did her sister-in-law keep flipping through it?
Zhao Meiyu looked at Liu Meizhu angrily, and took advantage of the situation to glare at her elder brother.

Zhao Cheng was a little embarrassed, and poked Liu Meizhu with his hand in a place where no one could see, intending to make her pay attention to her image.

Liu Meizhu blinked in a daze, thinking that she ate too much meat, she quickly put a good piece of meat that she just dug out into Su Yun's bowl.

"Sister Su eats meat."

Su Yun: ...

She didn't want to eat meat anymore, not only didn't she want to eat meat, she even felt that this dinner was a little hard to swallow.

It wasn't her intention, but she really couldn't accept Liu Meizhu's slobbering chopsticks picking up meat.She glanced at Zhao Meiyu, hoping that her eyes could make the little sister understand her current embarrassing situation.

Zhao Meiyu did understand.

She directly put the meat back into Liu Meizhu's bowl, "Sister-in-law, eat more, Xiaoyun has recently lost weight."

Su Yun nodded again and again: "Yes, Mrs. Zhao, don't worry about me, just pay more."

"Losing weight? What's that? Is it a new trend in the city? Tell me what's going on." Liu Meizhu seemed to be very interested in everything in the city. After Su Yun said that she lost weight, she not only Without retreating, she moved her stool to Su Yun's side. ,
The two were almost stuck together.

Su Yun could even clearly feel that Liu Meizhu's breath was mixed with various flavors.

She held her breath, not daring to breathe.

"Sister Su, what's the matter with you? You don't seem to be looking well?" But the person involved didn't notice anything.

Su Yun: ...

"I'm fine..."

He showed a smile with great difficulty, and when he was thinking about how to sneak away from this meal, Xiaobao's crying happened to be heard.She suddenly seemed to have found a savior.

"My child is crying. I'll check to see if he's wet. Eat first, eat first!"

After she finished speaking, she quickly got up, left the dining table and walked to the stroller, picked up the crying little treasure, and found that he really wet all the diapers because of too much urine and then cried out uncomfortably.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Little Treasure pissed, I took them home to change diapers." She said this to Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Meiyu hummed, "Okay, you can go back." She was not very interested, and even a little depressed.Of course, the reason for this is definitely not because of Su Yun's early departure, but because of her sister-in-law.

She still hasn't figured it out, why did her sister-in-law follow her to the capital?To show people her low quality?What are you doing here?
Can't figure it out.

When Su Yun returned home, she ran into Xiao Rin who had just returned from the company. Xiao Rin took the stroller from her hand and asked, "Is my wife full? Jin Nian said that he will go to their house for dinner tonight."

"Well... let's not go."

"Huh?" Xiao Lin was a little puzzled.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched, and she said with some embarrassment, "Meiyu's sister-in-law also came with her."

"Did she make my wife unhappy?" Xiao Lin's expression changed.

Su Yun shook her head, "No, it's just that she's too 'enthusiastic', I think I can't stand it." So it's better to sneak home early and cook noodles by yourself.

Xiao Lin nodded, "Okay, I'll change the diapers for the babies, daughter-in-law, why don't you go order the noodles? It's been a long time since I ate your cooked noodles, I miss them very much."

In fact, what Xiao Lin wanted to eat was not only the noodles made by Su Yun, but also the person who made the noodles.But her body hadn't recovered before, and the doctor didn't recommend having intercourse so quickly.

Now that three months have passed, it seems that...

(End of this chapter)

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