Chapter 465
The husband and wife, one of them changed the baby's diaper, and the other worked under the noodles. The division of labor and cooperation was orderly.

On the opposite side of Zhao Meiyu's house, the dinner was almost over.Lin Chunhua and Zhang Ma helped Gu Jinnian to clean up the table together, Liu Meizhu's eyesight improved now, she pushed the two of them away, and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Lin Chunhua and Zhang Ma didn't say anything after being pushed away. They wiped their hands and walked aside to chat with the old lady and Wan Zhaodi.Liu Meizhu in the kitchen kept grabbing Gu Jinnian's work.This woman who didn't work very much at her own home suddenly worked hard like a different person when she came to her sister's home.

Zhao Meiyu stood at the door of the kitchen with her stomach in her hands and looked at it, then turned to look for Zhao Cheng who was on the side.

"Brother, shall I ask Jinnian to buy you tomorrow's train tickets?" It was agreed before this time that Zhao Cheng sent Wan Zhaodi over and he would go back, so there was nothing wrong with Zhao Meiyu's asking.

After all, Zhao Cheng still has a job. He is a teacher in the commune, so he can't take too long a leave of absence.

Who knew that after Zhao Meiyu asked this question, Zhao Cheng showed a little embarrassed look on his face, and rubbed his hands together, as if there was something unspeakable.Zhao Meiyu looked at him suspiciously.

"Big brother?"

Zhao Cheng sighed, and lowered his head with a red face, "Xiaoyu..."

"Is there a problem?"

Zhao Meiyu didn't know, so she continued to ask. Before Zhao Cheng could speak, Liu Meizhu just came out of the kitchen. She shook her wet hands, and the water droplets on her hands splashed onto Zhao Meiyu's body.

Liu Meizhu smiled and said, "It's like this, his sister-in-law, you see, my brother-in-law and I have nothing to do if we stay in the country all day long. You and your brother-in-law live in such a big house in the capital. You can introduce me to your brother-in-law. a job."

"When the time comes, your brother and I will take Xiaohao over. We will take care of each other in the capital, right?"

Before Liu Meizhu came to the capital, she had this idea.

All his sisters-in-law came to the capital to study at university, and bought a house in the capital, so they must be very rich!That being the case, how could he not pull his own brother out?
It's just that she came to the big city to enjoy life alone, and let them stay in the country where no shit?Liu Meizhu is definitely not happy.She even planned that after she and Zhao Cheng came to the capital for a period of time, she would pull out her natal brothers, and then their family members would be real city people.

Who would she dare to look down on them?
Liu Meizhu had a good plan in mind.The reason why she worked so hard to help clean up after dinner was to mention this matter to Gu Jinnian in the kitchen.But what Liu Meizhu didn't expect was that Gu Jinnian, a man who looked so weak, didn't agree to her request.

He said that Meiyu was in charge of the family affairs, and sent Liu Meizhu out.

When Liu Meizhu heard that Gu Jinnian was not singing, she immediately threw down the half-washed bowl and left.Since he didn't even promise to find work for them, why did she go to work?
They are guests from her natal family.

Liu Meizhu walked out of the kitchen with this thought in mind, but she didn't expect to hear Zhao Meiyu talking about this with Zhao Cheng when she came outside, so she immediately spoke up.

Zhao Meiyu knew what kind of person Liu Meizhu was.

When she was not married before, she was often annoyed by Liu Meizhu.But her mother said that for the harmony of the family, she just let it go.

She remembered that on the day she and Gu Jinnian got married, Liu Meizhu still teased her eccentrically that the person she married was the water that was thrown out, and whether the life was good or bad was her own business.

Her natal brother has many tasks, so after sending her to her family, she can no longer subsidize her like before...

Zhao Meiyu didn't understand what it meant at the time. After the mother-in-law who married and supported them passed away, Zhao Meiyu realized that Liu Meizhu must have known that Jinnian's mother was ill early in the morning, and she also knew that she might face difficulties when she married. dilemma.

And Liu Meizhu, who is a pro-sister-in-law, not only didn't talk to her like that, but also kept beating her to tell her not to go back to her mother's house?After realizing it, Zhao Meiyu's affection for Liu Meizhu was completely lost.

At this moment, she was ashamed to act as if nothing happened, and had the cheek to ask them to find a job for her?

Zhao Meiyu glanced at Liu Meizhu and didn't answer her directly, but turned around to look at her elder brother Zhao Cheng, "Brother, do you mean the same thing?"

Zhao Cheng scratched his head, and hummed a little embarrassedly, "Xiaoyu, the teacher's salary is too low, and I quit my job when I came here."


Zhao Meiyu's shock was no small matter, and Wan Zhaodi and the others who were chatting at the side all looked over.Wan Zhaodi asked with concern what happened to Zhao Meiyu?
"I am fine."

Zhao Meiyu shook her head, glanced at her elder brother Zhao Cheng, and said in a low voice, "Come with me to the backyard." After saying that, she raised her feet and walked towards the backyard without turning back.

Zhao Cheng glanced at Liu Meizhu with some embarrassment, Liu Meizhu poked his arm, "Go over, what are you looking at? Now it's done, she is your own sister, will you just watch you starve to death without a job?"

Liu Meizhu really has a lot of eyes.

She eavesdropped on the phone call between her mother-in-law and sister-in-law Zhao Meiyu, and knowing that Zhao Meiyu was doing well in the capital, she began to think about it.

Before coming here, she encouraged Zhao Cheng to transfer the post of commune school teacher to her natal brother. Her purpose was to cut off Zhao Cheng's retreat, make Zhao Cheng make up his mind, and prevent Zhao Meiyu from pushing her brother away cruelly.

Zhao Cheng is relatively honest, and in family life, Liu Meizhu occupies a dominant position, so after Liu Meizhu cried and made troubles, Zhao Cheng really quit his job and came to the capital.

The couple didn't tell Wan Zhaodi about this, for fear that Wan Zhaodi would not agree.

"Do you still know how to cut first and play later?" Zhao Meiyu trembled angrily after listening to her elder brother's words, "Brother, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? Do you know how much our family paid for you to become a teacher in the commune?"

At the beginning, there were many people competing for the teachers in the commune. It was Wan Zhaodi who took out the only two laying hens in the family, as well as the meat coupons, cloth coupons and food coupons that they had saved for a year, and gave them to the relevant personnel to do activities. Her elder brother Zhao Cheng won the teacher's place.

In that year, Zhao Meiyu was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back. For a whole year, except for the Chinese New Year holidays, when there was a trace of oily meat in the wild vegetables, the family had never seen any other meaty meat.

Even Su Yun, who was worse than her, secretly saved wild vegetable cakes to help her.

It can be said that their family has suffered so much for her elder brother's job.In other words, this job is not only for Zhao Cheng, but also for their Zhao family.

How could his eldest brother transfer the job to Liu Meizhu's natal brother without discussing it with others?
Zhao Meiyu had sufficient reasons to suspect that Zhao Cheng's head was kicked by a donkey.

Facing his sister's questioning, Zhao Cheng was a little embarrassed.He scratched his head, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Your sister-in-law said that working in the countryside for a lifetime will not earn as much as working in the capital for a month, so I just... I just..."

He is a man, although he is usually controlled by his mother-in-law a little more strictly, but in his bones, he actually wants to make contributions.

Zhao Meiyu snorted, "You are really stupid, you have been blind to the books you have read all those years."

(End of this chapter)

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