Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 466 Stay in the capital to make a lot of money?

Chapter 466 Stay in the capital to make a lot of money?
For those who are too unclear, even if the other party is her own brother, Zhao Meiyu will still hate people as they should, without mercy.

"If it were as simple as she said, there would be no poor people in this world."

Take her and Gu Jinnian as an example. It is true that they are living a very good life now, living in a small bungalow on Wutong Street, but who knows that they took a lot of loans to get it?

Liu Meizhu really thought that money in the capital could be picked up on the street, didn't she?

The more Zhao Meiyu thought about it, the angrier she became, wishing to pick up a hammer and pry open her elder brother's head to see where all the years of education he had received went?How could there be such a simple-minded person as him?
Zhao Cheng didn't speak.

Gu Jinnian's faint voice came from inside the room, "Can sister-in-law hear you clearly?"

Liu Meizhu, who was eavesdropping on Zhao Meiyu's brother and sister's chat behind the door, was caught in the face. Her expression quickly turned strange, but soon returned to normal.

She smiled and said, "No, I just came here just in time. Little uncle, have you finished washing the dishes? If not, I'll do it." After finishing speaking, she gestured to go to the kitchen.

With a cold smile on the corner of Gu Jinnian's lips, he replied with a strange attitude, "It's already packed, don't bother sister-in-law."

Not only did he wash the pile of bowls left by Liu Meizhu, he even took out the ones that Liu Meizhu had washed before and washed them again.It's not that he looks down on relatives from the village, but that he especially looks down on Liu Meizhu.

From this look, she is a person who is very good at stealing, cheating and playing tricks, but she still has to pretend to be honest, feeling like everyone except her is a fool.

Gu Jinnian despised such a person.

He walked over Liu Meizhu, came to Zhao Meiyu and said softly, "Xiaoyu is cold outside, let's go back to the room."

Gu Jinnian didn't say anything about his brother-in-law.

Zhao Meiyu didn't bother to talk about her big brother anymore, she nodded and followed Gu Jinnian into the house.Liu Meizhu stood aside and watched them leave with a smile. After their figures disappeared around the corner, she immediately trotted to Zhao Cheng outside the door.

"How? What did she say?"

Liu Meizhu couldn't hold back and asked immediately.

Zhao Cheng felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing Liu Meizhu questioning him regardless of anything, he had the illusion for a moment that his daughter-in-law seemed to only care about whether he could stay in the capital.

"Meizhu, Xiaoyu said it's not easy in the capital, why don't we go back?"

"Go back? What do you do when you go back? What else can you do when you go back without your job?" Liu Meizhu didn't like Zhao Cheng's attitude very much. "Don't forget that your job is gone."

"Isn't this... You said before that if we can't find a suitable job in the capital, you will ask your brother to return the job to me after we go back?"

"Return? Why?" Liu Meizhu arrived in the capital, her attitude was not the same as when she coaxed Zhao Cheng to give up her job.

She squinted at Zhao Cheng, "My younger brother has already gone through the entry procedures, and the school said that he cannot be replaced."


Zhao Cheng didn't expect that his brother-in-law had already completed the entry procedures, which was just a substituting for a period of time as he said before (Of course, telling Zhao Meiyu and the others must have completely handed over the work, but the truth in private is to let the substituting That's all), how did it become a real entry procedure in the blink of an eye?

Zhao Cheng couldn't understand, he thought of all the things his family had paid for his job, and his face was very ugly.

Liu Meizhu glanced at Zhao Cheng, knowing that he was wavering again, she gave him a disgusted look.

"You said why you can't figure it out so much? Now your own sister is eating hot and spicy food in the capital. If you don't come here to be with her, why are you still thinking about the poor job in the countryside that costs 30 yuan a month? Don't say anything else, Look at the meal they had tonight, how long can you eat it in the country?"

"You won't be able to eat for the rest of your life?"


Zhao Cheng's throat choked and he was unable to speak.However, Liu Meizhu took advantage of the victory to pursue her, and her tone softened appropriately and persuaded, "Brother Cheng, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Xiaohao. Since we have the conditions, why can't we give him a better life? Do you want to stay in that place in the countryside where the birds don't shit?"

Zhao Cheng wanted to say that the countryside is not a place where birds don't shit, and he also wanted to say that they all came from the countryside, so there is no reason to despise the place where they were born and raised.But Liu Meizhu didn't give him this chance to speak, she glared at Zhao Cheng bitterly, turned around and entered the room.

It was getting late, Mrs. Xiao and Mrs. Zhang got up and went home. Wan Zhaodi sent Mrs. Xiao to the gate of the opposite yard, watched them go in, and then turned back.

As soon as he entered the door, he met Liu Meizhu with a mournful face.

Wan Zhaodi was a little puzzled, "What's the matter, Xiaohao, what happened?"

Liu Meizhu wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corner of her eyes, and opened her mouth to tell Wan Zhaodi the truth of the matter.

"Sister-in-law, it's getting late and it's time to go to bed." Zhao Meiyu uttered a voice upstairs, interrupting Liu Meizhu who was about to speak in time.Liu Meizhu raised her head and glanced at Zhao Meiyu resentfully, swallowing the words on her lips.

She lifted her foot to go upstairs.

She had seen it when she first arrived. The two rooms on the second floor of this small bungalow were equipped with toilets. Zhao Meiyu and his wife lived in one room, and Liu Meizhu wanted to live in the other room.

"Sister-in-law, you and elder brother can sleep in the one over there, mom, you can sleep in the other room." Zhao Meiyu stopped Liu Meizhu from going upstairs.

If her sister-in-law was a pure and good person, it wouldn't matter if she lived upstairs, but she didn't.So Zhao Meiyu would not let her live upstairs.

Liu Meizhu didn't like Zhao Meiyu's arrangement, but fortunately she knew that she was asking Zhao Meiyu not to go too far, so she could only smile and nod to accept Zhao Meiyu's arrangement...

After returning to the room, Liu Meizhu inevitably had to brainwash Zhao Cheng again.

Zhao Meiyu, who was in her room, was also a little upset. If she had known that her sister-in-law, the plague god, would come with her, she would not have asked her mother to come and take care of her.

With Liu Meizhu's temperament, Zhao Meiyu really realized that it is easier to ask God than to send God away.But this god of plague was not invited by her, which is very uncomfortable.

She wrinkled her face and didn't know what to do.

Gu Jinnian smiled and said, "Xiaoyu, don't worry, don't you still have a good sister?"

Zhao Meiyu glanced at Gu Jinnian.

"Your sister-in-law is your nephew's mother no matter what. We are related to her, so it's not good to do anything." But Su Yun is different.

Su Yun and Liu Meizhu are not related, so there is no need to worry about doing anything.

Didn't Liu Meizhu want to stay in the capital to make a lot of money?Then let Su Yun arrange a job for her.Gu Jinnian believed that with Su Yun's means, Liu Meizhu was guaranteed to be dealt with properly.

Zhao Meiyu glanced at Gu Jinnian in disgust, "Are you saying that Xiao Yun is too ruthless?"

"No, I'm just saying that President Su is clever."

 Good night everyone after the update.In addition, the new article has been released. You can see it as long as it passes the review. Don’t forget to bookmark and support your favorite cuties!

  The new article is a period article that is so sweet that it explodes!

(End of this chapter)

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