Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 467 What He Shouldn't Do He Did

Chapter 467 What He Shouldn't Do He Did

"Hmph..." Zhao Meiyu snorted dissatisfiedly, and after thinking about it, Gu Jinnian's proposal was indeed reasonable.Didn't Liu Meizhu think that he could pick up money casually in the capital?She will talk to Xiaoyun tomorrow, let Xiaoyun help educate Liu Meizhu?
Having figured it out, Zhao Meiyu's mood suddenly brightened, and sleepiness struck when she was no longer depressed.

She yawned and spoke sleepily.

"Turn off the lights and go to bed, I have to go to class tomorrow."

Gu Jinnian obediently turned off the lights, and fell asleep hugging someone.

Opposite Xiao's house.

Su Yun came over after taking a bath, glanced at the three babies who were sleeping soundly after drinking full milk powder, she went to the bed and sat down.

After putting down the bottle and washing her hands, Xiao Lin stretched out his arms around her waist and hugged her in his arms.

"Daughter-in-law smells so good."

Su Yun froze and turned to look at the man behind her.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think, daughter-in-law?" Xiao Lin stared at her, those black eyes that seemed to be able to suck people in.Su Yun uttered a little nervously, and suddenly became inexplicably scared.


"Daughter-in-law said before, I'll make the decision when I feel comfortable." The big hand walked on her waist, and the tone was a little bit aggrieved. What does this mean?
Su Yun shot him a look and wanted to tell him something serious, but for a man who has been holding back for more than a year, there is no doubt that what is on his mind is the serious thing... Well, it is also the most important thing right now.

The man who was turned into a red wave and starved for a long time was very scary.

Su Yun beat his shoulder to protest that she would be pregnant, but he kissed the corner of her lips and said there was no problem.


Su Yun didn't know why there was no problem, Xiao Lin didn't explain.

After tossing twice, he was concerned that her body had just recovered, and she didn't make any effort.After carrying her to take a shower and put on clean clothes, Su Yun was already so tired that she fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Su Yun was sleepy.Xiao Lin didn't bother her either, and got up lightly to make milk powder for the three children, and changed them to clean and refreshing diapers, watching the three babies fall asleep after eating, he chuckled for no reason.

The big baby in their family is the same as the little baby, the quality of sleep is very enviable.

Su Yun slept deeply this time, and when she opened her eyes, Xiao Lin beside her had already woken up, and the three babies were no longer in the room.She took a watch on one side and looked at it, it was only a few minutes past seven, Xiao Lin was really early as usual.

Thinking of Xiao Lin, Su Yun couldn't help but touch her stomach again, he was so vicious last night, there must be another child in his belly, right?If it was true, then she really wanted to cry without tears.

Su Yun planned to talk to Xiao Lin when he came back at night.

After changing clothes and going downstairs, Aunt Lin had already prepared breakfast, and Xiao Lin, who was about to go out at this time, was still sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the newspaper. The room is soft.

The moment Su Yun's gaze met his, Su Yun felt a little unnatural.

She raised her chin slightly and let out an inaudible hum, and went downstairs to the bamboo bed of the three babies, bending over and shaking the rattle to play with them.

Three-month-old children can already follow the sound and move their eyes. Although the movements are not very sensitive, it is very cute to watch them slowly move with the sound.

Su Yun was so cute that her heart melted.

"Babies should obediently listen to grandma and mother-in-law at home. Mom is going to the factory today and will be back in the afternoon."

Su Yun has no classes this morning, but classes are full in the afternoon.So she wanted to take advantage of this time in the morning to go to Baiwan Village, which she hadn't been to for a long time, to see what was going on there.

After teasing the children for a while, she went to the table to eat breakfast.When she finished eating and was about to go out, Xiao Lin also put down the newspaper and got up.

Is this person here specially waiting for her?
Su Yun glanced at him without saying a word, and left the house first.

As soon as he stepped out of the door, Xiao Rin took the hanging hand, and he was afraid that she would run away if he took a slow step.

"Daughter-in-law, I will take you there."

With a flattering smile on the man's face, Su Yun snorted, "Do you think this will make up for the mistake you made last night?"

"Hmm... what's wrong?" Xiao Lin didn't seem to understand what she meant.

Su Yun frowned, "What do you think? I just gave birth to three children..." Family planning is now strict, what should Xiao Lin do if he doesn't notice like that?
Besides, her body didn't support her getting pregnant so soon.

But Xiao Lin didn't take any safety measures last night... Su Yun thought about it and felt that she was wronged. The man beside her only cared about her own comfort, and didn't take her body seriously at all.

The more she thought about it, the more wronged she became, and the sockets of her eyes slowly turned red.

Xiao Lin was taken aback by Su Yun's appearance, "What's wrong with you, daughter-in-law? Don't cry!"

Su Yun snorted heavily in a nasal voice, "I don't care, anyway, I don't want to have another child. If I have you, I will have one myself."

"Okay, I'll give birth to me..." Xiao Lin realized something was wrong after answering.

His birth?

No, they don't have to have children at all.

"Daughter-in-law, do you still want to have another child? We already have three babies..." He looked at Su Yun with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

This usually calm and wise man was completely disturbed by Su Yun's crying.

Su Yun glared at him angrily, "Obviously it's you..."

She was embarrassed to say what happened next.

But Xiao Lin suddenly realized what Su Yun was worried about.He pulled her to the co-pilot and sat down, reached out and pinched her cheek, then took out a piece of paper from a box in the car and handed it to Su Yun.

"What is it?"

Su Yun opened the paper suspiciously, and when she saw the words on it, she couldn't hold back her breath.

"When did you have the operation? Why didn't you discuss it with me?"

Looking at the sterilization confirmation letter in her hand, Su Yun never dreamed that he actually went for the sterilization without telling her.This... this... what do you want to do?
Doesn't he know that if a man goes for a vasectomy now, many people will criticize him?
Xiao Lin didn't care about this.

What he cared about was her daughter-in-law's body.

Yes, it is indeed popular for lesbians to undergo circumcision, but Xiao Lin does not want Su Yun to suffer this crime.Her pregnancy has been hard enough, and he really doesn't want her to suffer other hardships...

So, after Su Yun gave birth to the child, he chose to have a ligation operation.

He didn't tell Su Yun before, because he didn't want her to worry.Telling her now is to let her not worry, even if they don't take any safety measures, they won't be pregnant.

Because he has lost that function.

Tears fell out of Su Yun's moist eye sockets.

"Xiao Lin, are you a fool? You are a big man and ran to have a vasectomy. Are you not afraid that when I take the child away and you get nothing?"

"My daughter-in-law won't do it." Xiao Lin was very confident about this.

He gently hugged her shoulders, and kissed away the tears on her cheeks with lowered eyes, "I know that my daughter-in-law is all about me."

"Smelly, who cares about you?"

She couldn't hold back her tears and laughed, and there was a deliberate and artificial cough, "Ahem, cough, cough, did I come at the wrong time?"

(End of this chapter)

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