Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 468 I Won't Wrong My Daughter For My Son

Chapter 468 I Won't Wrong My Daughter For My Son

This question made people very speechless.Doesn't she feel contradictory?Su Yun glanced at Zhao Meiyu angrily, "You know it's not the right time, why don't you hurry up and get out?"

Xiao Lin raised his eyebrows, he was really satisfied with his wife's performance today (this refers to the matter of telling Zhao Meiyu to leave.).

Zhao Meiyu chuckled, it is impossible to get out, how can you get out with such a big belly?
"If I really roll, it's not an egg but a bucket."

"Fortunately, you still have self-knowledge." Su Yun squinted at Zhao Meiyu, with her arms on the car window and her head exposed, she asked lazily, "What's the matter?"

"Well, something happened."

Zhao Meiyu walked up to Su Yun, lowered her voice and told her what she had discussed with Gu Jinnian last night, Su Yun raised her eyebrows after listening, "Let them suffer enough and leave?"

"You mean I'm going to target them deliberately?"

Arranging Zhao Cheng and Liu Meizhu to work in her factory is not a big deal, but I don't know what Zhao Meiyu wants her to do.

Zhao Meiyu shook her head, "Don't deliberately target her. You don't know who my sister-in-law is. As long as she doesn't lose money from the sky and just pick up a job, she will definitely not be able to survive."

As long as Liu Meizhu realizes that working in the capital is not as easy as she thought, I believe Liu Meizhu will give up the idea of ​​getting rich just by coming to the capital.

As for the job as a teacher that Zhao Cheng lost, Zhao Meiyu believed that as long as Liu Meizhu went back to her natal family to ask her natal brother to ask for it, she would definitely be able to get it back.

The most important thing right now is to let Liu Meizhu feel that the capital city is not as beautiful as she thought.

Su Yun understood what Zhao Meiyu meant.

"Okay, let's take them there. I'll go to the factory and wait for you." Since it is not easy for people to experience working in the capital, the first step is to feel the inconvenience of traveling without a car in this big place. place.

Su Yun and the others' car could indeed carry Zhao Cheng and Liu Meizhu there, but Su Yun felt it was unnecessary.

Zhao Meiyu also felt that it was unnecessary.

If her sister-in-law really passed by with Su Yun's car, then it would be difficult to arrange work in the factory.

"You go first, we'll be there later."

"Well, just let Jinnian take it there. If you are inconvenient, don't run so far."


After Su Yun and the others left, Zhao Meiyu returned to their home.When she just entered the house, she found her mother Wan Zhaodi was looking at her with red eyes, obviously she had already cried.

And not far in front of Wan Zhaodi, her sister-in-law Liu Meizhu and her brother Zhao Cheng stood there motionless.

Zhao Cheng hung his head like a child who made a mistake, but Liu Meizhu took it for granted.

Zhao Meiyu already knew what happened in her heart, but she couldn't say it clearly, so she could only walk quickly.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Did you miss my dad this early in the morning?"

Wan Zhaodi shook her head and grabbed Zhao Meiyu's hand, "Such a big incident happened at home, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal?"

Zhao Meiyu was a little confused, did she guess wrong?Didn't her mother cry because she knew that her brother had lost his job?She raised her head and glanced at Liu Meizhu and Zhao Cheng on the side, opened her mouth and before speaking, Gu Jinnian came out of the study.

He said lightly, "Mom heard from my sister-in-law that my brother's job is gone."

Zhao Meiyu did not guess wrong.

She took a breath and stared at Liu Meizhu, who looked like a normal person, her eyes were full of disgust, "Sister-in-law, you..."

"Don't blame your sister-in-law."

Wan Zhaodi held Zhao Meiyu's hand to stop her from reprimanding Liu Meizhu, "Your sister-in-law is also thinking about their little family, and wants to give Xiaohao a better environment to grow up. It's your elder brother who works for me..."

Wan Zhaodi said tears came again.

She also thought of the hard work the family put in for this job in Zhao Cheng. At the beginning, they were able to survive that extremely difficult year based on the belief that they would no longer have to plan food in the field after sending the boss out. .

Who knew they would quit their jobs so hastily.

"Now, as long as I think of your elder brother quitting his job like this, I feel uncomfortable."

Zhao Meiyu: ...

resigned?Isn't it transferred to Liu Meizhu's younger brother?She hehe sneered, her sister-in-law is really talking about people, talking nonsense.She glanced at Liu Meizhu with a sneer, then turned her head to comfort Wan Zhaodi softly.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. Since the eldest brother and sister-in-law have lost their jobs, they can come to work in the capital. After all, the salary for working here is higher than that in the commune. As long as you can grit your teeth and persevere, you will be fine. I will never die of hunger.”

Didn't Liu Meizhu want to stay in the capital?Then she must not be unable to hold on.

Liu Meizhu on the side didn't know what Zhao Meiyu was thinking, and when she heard Zhao Meiyu say that they could stay and work in the capital, a smile appeared on her face immediately.

"Yes, Mom, Xiaoyu is right! How much money can a job in the countryside make a month? Now that we have come to the capital, are we afraid that we won't be able to earn that much money?"

"Mom, just put your heart in your stomach, Xiaohao's father and I will definitely earn a lot of money to honor you and father."

Liu Meizhu thought that their husband and wife would not be too bad with Gu Jinnian's care and support.

She can even think of a better life in the future in her mind.

Wan Zhaodi sighed, "Where is the capital so easy to stay, you guys..." She very much disapproved of her son's decision to quit his job and come to the capital to work.

She is Zhao Cheng's mother, so of course she knows what kind of person her eldest son is.It is basically impossible for Zhao Cheng, who is honest and not good at making money, to be like his brother-in-law Gu Jinnian.

But facing the cheers on Liu Meizhu's face right now, Wan Zhaodi couldn't say much.

She looked at her son-in-law Gu Jinnian, then at her son Zhao Cheng, and said, "Since you have resigned early, you should be prepared to stay in the capital for a long time. What kind of work do you want?" ? If Jinnian is free today, I can ask him to take you to find a house nearby."

After finishing speaking, Wan Zhaodi looked up at Gu Jinnian again, "Jinnian, how much does it cost to rent a room here in the capital?"

Gu Jinnian was about to speak, but Liu Meizhu interrupted Gu Jinnian who was about to speak, and looked at Wan Zhaodi in disbelief and said, "No, mom, why do we rent a house? It's not like his sister-in-law has no place to live here. .”

"Why do we need to spend an extra sum of money to rent a house? It's fine to save that sum of money for Xiaohao's education."

Liu Meizhu knew what Wan Zhaodi valued most, so when she was talking, she would always bring out her son Xiaohao intentionally or unintentionally.

Who knew that the tricks that worked well in the past didn't work for Wan Zhaodi this time.

Wan Zhaodi said in a flat tone, "Xiaoyu is already someone else's daughter-in-law. It's affection for her family to receive her for a day or two. There is no obligation to let you live in her house all the time."


Liu Meizhu was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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