Chapter 470: Secretary Xiao Xu
"Xiao Su?"

Lao Hongmei's voice sounded from one side, Su Yun looked up and saw Lao Hongmei walking towards her with a smile all over her face, and Xu Wanhao was actually following her beside her.

Su Yun groaned, first answered Lao Hongmei, then turned to ask Xu Wanhao why he was here?

"I work here."

Xu Wanhao walked forward with a smile. He was dressed in the same clothes as those in the village, and he didn't look like a kid from a rich family when he was in school.


Su Yun looked at Xu Wanhao suspiciously, then habitually raised her head to look at Xiao Lin, asking him what was going on.

Xu Wanhao didn't need Xiao Lin to explain, he opened his mouth and answered, "Didn't you agree to let me work here before, Auntie? Have you forgotten?"


To be honest, Su Yun really forgot a little bit.

She just said it casually at the beginning, but she didn't expect Xu Wanhao to take it seriously and really came here.

"You don't go to class?"

"No class today!" Xu Wanhao now goes to Baiwan Village whenever he is free. In the words of his mother, Ms. Xu Meifen, he loves this job deeply.

Su Yun: ...

What else can she say when someone else's son-in-law insists on coming to work for her?I can only follow him.

After watching Cheng Xiangqian deliver the pig, Su Yun went to other places to have a look.Xu Wanhao walked around the village with Su Yun and the others for a while, and she nodded in satisfaction when she saw that every household's breeding industry had a scale.

"I'll go to the factory to have a look. You can continue to work on your work."

Su Yun said to Xu Wanhao.

Xu Wanhao is actually not busy, he just thinks it is very interesting here, whether it is watching Cheng Qianqian work, or bragging with the village chief Luo Jianshe, he finds it very interesting.

"Do you want me to accompany you there, auntie? You don't think you have arranged a specific job for me, or I will be your secretary?"

Xu Wanhao felt very good.

"Like my dad has a secretary, I think you also lack a secretary, auntie."

The more Xu Wanhao thought about it, the more he felt that his proposal was very reasonable.He looked at Su Yun earnestly, and urgently needed her answer.

To be honest, Su Yun must be short of manpower. When her career has just started, there is naturally a shortage of outstanding talents.She glanced at Xu Wanhao who didn't seem to be joking.


"You, a student of economics, want to be my secretary? Are you a little overqualified?"

"No, no, no, there is no overkill, no." Xu Wanhao waved his hands repeatedly to deny, "In my mother's words, it means that I can work under my aunt's hands. What about the saying? It doesn’t exist, it doesn’t exist.”

Xu Wanhao really has no airs at all.

Su Yun laughed, "Your mother has always favored me, and it's not like you don't know it."

Speaking of Xu Meifen, the older sister who came along halfway, she is really partial to her.Any good things are sent to her in one go, like children's clothes and toys, almost every once in a while.

Now that Su Yun has no milk for the child, she has not dared to let Xu Meifen know, otherwise, according to Xu Meifen's temperament, she may have to contract the child's milk powder.

Several people walked from the village to the factory while chatting. Because the distance was not very far, Su Yun and the others chose to walk instead of driving.

On the way, they met villagers who came back from work. When they saw Su Yun, they greeted Su Yun with a smile. Although the clothes on their bodies were a little dirty due to work, the confident smile on their faces made people's eyes shine.

"Comrade Xiao Su is here."

"Have you eaten yet? Do you want to come to our house for dinner?"

The older brothers and uncles who met her were very enthusiastic. Su Yun declined them with a smile. By the way, she asked a few words about the working conditions in the factory. Knowing that they had not been deducted from wages, and they left work on time every day, she felt that There are many.

"You go back to eat and rest first, you have been busy all morning. I will go to the factory to have a look."

"Hey, ok, xiaosu must come home when she is free."


Not long after passing by the workers, Su Yun and the others walked to the factory.There are also some workers in the factory eating under the shady trees. They are workers from a nearby village, but because the village is a little far away from here, they don’t go home for lunch, but choose to bring their meals to the factory.

Fortunately, the weather is getting hotter now, so the food you bring will not be too cold to eat, nor will it turn rancid because of the hot weather.

Not all of them knew Su Yun, but they all knew Xu Wanhao, a young sociable person.Seeing Xu Wanhao immediately greeted him.

"Have you eaten yet? Have some together?"

A worker who had a good relationship with Xu Wanhao spoke.

Xu Wanhao smiled and nodded, walked over, patted the shoulder of a man who was about the same age as him, and leaned forward, "I think what's delicious to eat today?"

He Hong opened the lunch box, and two poached eggs, a row of sliced ​​bacon and vegetables were neatly arranged in the lunch box, and underneath was tightly pressed white rice.

Xu Wanhao clicked his tongue twice, "Your food is good. The level of cutting vegetables is almost half as good as my aunt's."

He Hong smiled and said, "My partner made this for me, and I didn't even read it."

Although he was a bit modest, Xu Wanhao could hear the sour smell, what was going on?He sighed, reached out and pinched a small piece of bacon from the lunch box and put it in his mouth.

He Hong looked at him expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

"good to eat."

Xu Wanhao nodded sincerely.

The taste of this meat is really good.

He swallowed the meat and said, "Come with me, I will introduce my aunt to you."

He Hong still doesn't quite understand why Xu Wanhao introduced his aunt to him, but he thinks that he has a partner, and Xu Wanhao will definitely not introduce him to him again.

He calmly followed Xu Wanhao to Su Yun.

A lesbian suddenly came to a factory full of men, which naturally attracted people's attention.They just glanced at it from a distance and felt that this lesbian looks very iconic, but when they got closer, they realized that this is more than just a symbol?It is no different from the people walking down from the pictorial.

Looking directly at her seemed to be a kind of defilement.

He Hong lowered his eyes and stood there a little at a loss.

But Xu Wanhao said very heartily, "Auntie, I will introduce a man to you. This brother is called He Hong. He works fast and well." More importantly, He Hong is not only quick at work, but also very smart. flexible.

Xu Wanhao had inquired from other sources before, and knew that He Hong was a very capable person, but because of his family relationship, his family had always been poor.

With the intention of recruiting talents for Su Yun, Xu Wanhao brought them in front of Su Yun.

Of course, Su Yun also knew that Xu Wanhao would not introduce someone to her for no reason. With a slight smile on her face, she looked at the obviously awkward man in front of her, and said softly, "here If you need any work, you can ask Ahhao, and we will try our best to help if we can."

She didn't say anything clearly in this sentence, but the meaning was already very clear.

He Hong raised his head, with a look of surprise on his sun-tanned face.

"you are?"

 Here we come, a little late.Cavin has been doing really well lately.

(End of this chapter)

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