Chapter 471 Flattery is useless
Su Yun smiled and nodded.

He Hong was even more embarrassed.

He didn't expect to meet the boss of the factory, and the boss was still so young, he seemed to be several years younger than them...

"Don't be nervous, my aunt doesn't know how to eat people." Xu Wanhao patted He Hong on the shoulder with a smile.

He Hong nodded with some difficulty. He wasn't very nervous, but he just didn't expect the factory owner to be so young.Fortunately, Su Yun is really a very easy-going person, and with Xu Wanhao in the middle, the atmosphere quickly became more relaxed.

Su Yun saw that He Hong was still holding the lunch box and didn't eat, so after a few words, she asked people to go over to eat first.

"Go ahead, come and tell my aunt if you have any ideas when the work is finished." Xu Wanhao said, patting He Hong on the shoulder.

He Hong looked at Su Yun.

Su Yun also nodded with a smile on her face. He Hong knew it was true. After he finished this job, he might still be able to continue to work, so that he could save enough money to marry his partner...

A smile appeared on He Hong's face when he thought of this, "Okay."

After He Hong left, Xu Wanhao continued to accompany Su Yun and the others to inspect the factory.

The two large factory buildings of the food factory and a three-story office building have all been completed, and now they are just doing some finishing work.Because the factory here is far away from the urban area, when Su Yun built the factory building, she also separated an independent living area on the outer side.

There are also two two-story buildings on the other side of the living area, where the staff's dormitory and eating place are located.

The finished factory building is based on the design drawings that Su Yun and Gu Jinnian discussed at the beginning, and it is very comfortable to look at in an orderly manner.

As they walked forward, Xu Wanhao also explained why he had to introduce He Hong to Su Yun alone.

"Someone among the workers incited the workers to strike before. Brother He Hong kept his head down and worked hard without saying a word, which led other people to work together, so that the person who incited the workers to strike failed."

The administrator in charge of this matter did not report it to Su Yun.

Gu Jinnian didn't say anything, probably because he didn't know about it either.

Su Yun pondered for a while, "Do you know who incited the workers to strike?"

"I checked and it was a pair of brothers surnamed Mao in the village. I asked them, and they said that because they hated my aunt for ruining their relocation to the city, they wanted to encourage the workers not to work to disgust my aunt. .”

After Xu Wanhao finished speaking, Su Yun was really disgusted.But she knew that the Mao brothers were not the source. The source of this matter still had to be the person who wanted to expropriate the village's land to start a battlefield.

That person belonged to the Wang family, and Su Yun knew it too.

"Brother Lin, haven't the Wang family found a place to fight?"

"I found it." Xiao Lin paused, squeezed her hand, and continued, "They probably got it back because they were artificially injured."

Not a probability, but a 100% certainty.

Wang Dadong of the Wang family just thought, why didn't they settle in this convenient port here?And Su Yun can?Isn't her food factory open anywhere?Why do we have to occupy the seaside with convenient transportation?

Even if Su Yun and the others first set their sights on the land they bought here, Wang Dadong is still not convinced.He felt that Su Yun was too inflexible, such a person should give her a little bit of trouble.

He definitely wouldn't dare to trouble Su Yun obviously, but he could still make Su Yun feel disgusted behind his back.

Su Yun nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, she did not expect the Wang family to be so malicious towards her.That being the case, shouldn't she think carefully about how to repay the other person in the same way?
"Yun... Xiaoyun..." A huge voice from a distance interrupted Su Yun's contemplation, and the earnest calling sounded a lot more exaggerated than that of Ms. Xu Meifen.

It's not just Su Yun who thinks this way, Xu Wanhao also has a deep understanding.

He raised his hand and rubbed his goosebumps on his arm, "Who is this aunt? Compared with her, Ms. Xu Meifen is really weak."

Su Yun gave Xu Wanhao a blank look, "You said that about your mother?"

Xu Wanhao pouted.

He was just telling the truth. This aunt who seemed to have seen the object was really much more exaggerated than his mother.

The exaggerated Liu Meizhu didn't feel that she was exaggerating, she even felt that her performance was not realistic enough to make Su Yun feel her 'warmth'.She walked up to Su Yun in a few steps, and reached out to hold Su Yun's hand.

"Xiaoyun, it's really not easy for you to open such a large factory now. I saw that you are living so well now, and I thought of the days when you were squeezed by the old Su family."

"At that time, I was weeping and sad for you every day. I firmly believed that you would be successful, and I was really looking forward to it. I'm so happy, I'm really so happy."

Liu Meizhu gestured and raised her hand to wipe away the non-existent tears in the corner of her eyes, Su Yun withdrew her hand in time.

An embarrassing smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Xu Wanhao is really right, Liu Meizhu can act better than Ms. Xu Meifen.

What did you say that you used to cry for her every night?I don't know if Liu Meizhu feels ashamed after saying this?If she remembers correctly, Liu Meizhu, who used to work in the supply and marketing cooperative, saw her look at dirty things when she went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy salt.

Afraid of being glued to her.

But when she was poor back then, she never thought of currying favor with Liu Meizhu.

Now, in just a few years, their identities have been switched, but Liu Meizhu is able to please her like a person with amnesia. I have to say that Liu Meizhu is 'too smart'.

This kind of cleverness is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

People who are not as thick-skinned as the city wall can't do it.

Su Yun smiled and didn't answer Liu Meizhu's words, but turned to look at Zhao Cheng, "Brother Zhao, Meiyu told you to come to work in my factory, are you sure you want to come?"

Before Zhao Cheng could answer, Liu Meizhu took a step forward and said, "Come on, I'll definitely come, Xiaoyun, your elder brother can't do anything else, writing and counting are his strengths, you see? What position will you arrange for him?"

"Arrange the location!" Su Yun thought for a while, and said a little embarrassedly, "My place is still under construction. If you come here, you can only start as an ordinary worker."

"What? Ordinary workers?" Liu Meizhu yelled loudly, "You want us to be ordinary workers?"

Su Yun blinked and raised her eyebrows, "Is there any problem?"

Liu Meizhu wanted to say that the problem must be serious, but she didn't forget that she was asking Su Yun at the moment, she smiled and said embarrassedly, "No, I have no opinion, just..."

"Then go and report." Su Yun interrupted Liu Meizhu, and made a direct decision, "Ahao, take Big Brother Zhao to register, and then let him work with them... Well, let Comrade He Hong take Zhao Brother."

Xu Wanhao sighed.

"Okay, Auntie, I promise to complete the task."

Liu Meizhu was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that it would be useless to curry favor with Su Yun. In the end, she arranged a job for them as an ordinary worker.And when she heard that moving bricks and doing dirty work here, and working without a break for a day, it was only 70 yuan at the end of the month, she collapsed.

 Double update, tonight is too late to write.Good night everyone, I will find a way to make up for what I owe.

(End of this chapter)

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