Chapter 479

Su Yun worked so hard that she didn't think it was hard, but she felt that her elder brother Rin seemed to like her to come forward for everything?He wants to be the man behind the successful woman?
She told Xiao Lin what she was thinking.

Xiao Lin chuckled softly, grabbed her waist and led her to the bedside, "Daughter-in-law, if you want me to be the man in front of you, behind you, up and down, I don't have any objections."

Su Yun: ...

What is this man talking about?

"Why don't you try tonight to see how to be a man under your daughter-in-law?"

Su Yun was stunned for a while before realizing what the man was talking about.Her cheeks were flushed, how could there be someone like him?


"Well, it's enough to have a daughter-in-law..."

Xiao Lin's face is getting thicker and thicker, listen to what he is saying?She talked to him well, but what was he thinking about all day long?
Su Yun took an angry look at the man whose skin was thicker than the city wall, and had nothing to say to him.


A few more days passed in the blink of an eye, and it was time for the three babies to be a hundred days old.Old man Chen dressed up and came to Xu Guodong's restaurant early in the morning to check whether the banquet hall for the guests was ready.

He had already come to see it in advance, but since this was the first time hosting the [-]-day banquet for three children at the same time, Mr. Chen's attitude was extraordinarily cautious.

Xu Guodong also attached great importance to the holding of this banquet. He usually arrives at the hotel at ten o'clock, or he came here only a few days ago, but he came here early this morning.

Downstairs in the hotel, I saw Mr. Chen who also came early in the morning. Xu Guodong smiled and walked up to say hello, "Uncle Chen is so early."

Mr. Chen nodded, "The old man doesn't sleep well, so he can't sleep and come and have a look."

"Okay, then go and check our work? See if there is anything that is not in place?" Xu Guodong said to Mr. Chen with a smile.

He knew that there was one reason why Mr. Chen didn't sleep well, but there was another reason, probably because he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.But he didn't break it down.

Men, you have to have your own secrets, don't you?
Xu Guodong smiled and greeted Mr. Chen to enter the restaurant, and personally ordered the kitchen to bring some light side dishes and snacks suitable for the appetite of the elderly.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just order some white porridge and side dishes."

Mr. Chen waved his hand to tell Xu Guodong not to be so troublesome.He came over as soon as he got up, but he didn't have breakfast.He wasn't too polite about this, he just didn't think it was too much trouble.

He hasn't paid much attention to it in his life, so he doesn't need to be too troublesome when he gets old.

Xu Guodong nodded in agreement, but he would still prepare what should be prepared, not just plain porridge and pickles as Mr. Chen said.

I'm so sorry for the old man.

Soon the hotel chef prepared breakfast according to Xu Guodong's request, and then the manager personally delivered it.

Looking at the manager who was orderly and well-mannered, with a slight smile on his face, Mr. Chen nodded.

"The staff in your store are well trained, and the environment in the store is also very good. Dining in such an environment will make people feel much happier. It's not bad."

The old man was not stingy with his praise.

Xu Guodong smiled and added a cup of freshly brewed fragrant tea to the old man's teacup, "Thanks to Ahao and his aunt, it was her suggestion that I had a clear goal."

Before chatting with Su Yun, the business in Xu Guodong's store wasn't very good, but it wasn't bad either.He always wanted to go further, but he couldn't figure it out.

Later, I accidentally chatted with Su Yun, but Su Yun's few words gave him the direction of revision, and his restaurant should be changed in this direction in the future.

Mr. Chen didn't expect that it was his granddaughter-in-law's idea. He nodded and recognized Su Yun's ability very much.

"Su Yatou is capable."

"Yeah, she's not very old, but she has a very good eye. It's hard not to believe that she is a natural business material. Compared with her, we older seniors are really inferior Far."

Xu Guodong rarely admires a colleague, but Su Yun and Xiao Lin make him admire from the bottom of his heart.

There are young people like Xiao Lin and Su Yun in their society, are they afraid that they won't get better and better?This is why Xu Guodong is willing to let Xu Wanhao work with Su Yun.

It's not bad for him to teach himself by his side, but with young people like Su Yun and the others, Xu Guodong believes that Xu Wanhao can learn more.

"From now on, it will be their young people's world." Xu Guodong sighed sincerely.

Mr. Chen nodded and smiled and said, "Yes, our boy went to the construction site with his elder brother, and he also said he learned a lot."

"Grandpa, you have two wonderful grandsons!"

Xu Guodong praised sincerely, "their young people are much more flexible than ours at that time."

Mr. Chen is no longer modest at this time, he nodded with a smile, "That kid in your family is not bad."


Su Yun and the others came in three cars.One car was driven by Xiao Lin himself, one was driven by Chen Jinzhou, and the other was driven by Xu Wanhao.

The two of them knew that Xiao Lin couldn't fit their family and three babies in one car, so they went to pick them up early by coincidence.In the end, the two cars could be used up, and the remaining one took Zhao Meiyu and Gu Jinnian's family of three.

The car stopped downstairs at the restaurant, and Xu Wanhao went back to pick up his mother after he got off the car.

Xiao Lin parked the car, took Xiao Bao from Su Yun's hand and hugged her.He was worried that Su Yun's health hadn't recovered enough, so when they went out together, he always held the child.

Su Yun gave him a funny look, "You go to grandma's place to hug your sister."

So why don't you take care of her elders first?How bad is it to be seen?Before Xiao Lin could speak, the old lady Xiao smiled heartily, "I can hug my sister, and Chunhua will watch with me, nothing will happen. As for Xiaoyun, you just gave birth and you haven't recovered yet, let An Zi hug her." Children are just right."

The old lady liked Su Yun very much, and this time, Su Yun gave birth to three children for the Xiao family in one go. The old lady Xiao really wanted to spoil Su Yun to heaven.

The degree of exaggeration is no worse than that of Xiao Lin.

There was a smile in Xiao Lin's downcast eyes, so Su Yun had no choice but to hand the person to him.She doesn't need to care about anything, although she is a little incompetent, but it's really good to let go of the shopkeeper who doesn't care about anything!

Su Yun just walked into Xu Guodong's restaurant empty-handed.

This restaurant looks very different from when she came to eat years ago.As soon as she stepped into the glass door on the first floor of the hotel, Su Yun felt the feeling of stepping on it decades later.

Looking at the lobby on the first floor, it is divided into very elegant and private seats.On one side, there is a special passage leading to the theme banquet hall on the second floor and the third floor.

"This hotel looks very comfortable."

(End of this chapter)

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