Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 480 The couple thought of going together

Chapter 480 Husband and wife want to go together

The old lady Xiao said while looking around.

Su Yun smiled and nodded, "Grandma, you have a good eye."

"Girl, although grandma is old, she can still tell the difference between good and bad." Madam Xiao didn't have any malicious intentions in saying this, but she joked with Su Yun with a smile.

Su Yun stuck out her tongue, walked to the old lady's side and followed her up the stairs.

She walked behind the old lady because she was afraid that the old lady would lose her strength holding a child.However, the old lady's physical strength is still very strong, and she carried a child up to the third floor in one breath, and she didn't see her panting.

When they came upstairs, they saw Xu Guodong and Mr. Chen playing chess by the window.The two raised their heads when they heard the movement, and she didn't know if it was Su Yun's illusion, but she always felt as if she saw a shyness flashing on the old man's face.

It must be an illusion, right?

Otherwise, how could she see such inconsistent shyness on the serious old man's face?

An illusion, it must be an illusion.

Su Yun smiled and said hello, "Grandpa, brother-in-law."

Her cry of brother-in-law was a bit psychologically burdensome.So Xu Guodong didn't have any psychological burden at all, and stood up with a smile, "You guys are here, grandma is here to sit."

The old lady Xiao nodded and smiled in agreement.

Everyone is familiar with it, so there is nothing else to pay attention to.

After sitting down, Xiao Lin put the three children in bright red single clothes into the stroller that the hotel waiter helped to carry upstairs, and he went downstairs to do his business.

Although it was said that the Hundred Days Banquet was hosted by Mr. Chen at his expense, Xiao Lin also invited some businessmen from the capital, so he had to go downstairs to receive it.

After handing over the child to Zhang Ma and the old lady, Su Yun and Xiao Lin also went downstairs to meet the guests who were about to arrive.

It was the first time for the two of them to experience such a thing of entertaining others outside, so Su Yun didn't know how to do many things.Fortunately, Xu Guodong has already made arrangements, and asked the manager of the hotel to explain the process to the couple.

Su Yun
Although it was said that the Hundred Days Banquet was hosted by Mr. Chen at his expense, Xiao Lin also invited some businessmen from the capital, so he had to go downstairs to receive it.

After handing over the child to Zhang Ma and the old lady, Su Yun and Xiao Lin also went downstairs to meet the guests who were about to arrive.

It was the first time for the two of them to experience such a thing of entertaining others outside, so Su Yun didn't know how to do many things.Fortunately, Xu Guodong has already made arrangements and asked the manager of the hotel to explain the process to the couple.

In fact, there is nothing complicated, it is just that the husband and wife need to stand at the door to welcome the guests who come over.

As for many people who will accompany the gift, the hotel has also arranged special registration personnel to help register the list of those who will accompany the gift.

"Brother Lin, do we still need someone to accompany you?" Su Yun asked Xiao Lin beside him.Does she think it would be bad to follow the ceremony?After all, where is the identity of Mr. Chen? Although it is said that they do not have the same surname as Mr. Chen, but if we really want to investigate, they are blood relatives.

In order not to add unnecessary trouble to the old man, Su Yun felt that it was better not to have this gift.

"Well, listen to my wife."

Xiao Lin also thinks that it is better not to follow the courtesy.

Although the society has gradually become more and more open now, but Mr. Chen is in a high position, it is inevitable that there will be some competitors or he can't understand his influence that wants to suppress him.

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, they, as descendants, should be more cautious in their words and deeds.

After the husband and wife agreed, they asked the restaurant to take back the table where the gift was received.

The manager of the hotel naturally told Xu Guodong about it.

Xu Guodong nodded.

"Okay, I see, you go to work."


The manager left, and Xu Guodong walked towards the old man on the side.

Mr. Chen, who was looking at his great-grandsons by the crib, who couldn't bear to look away, heard Xu Guodong beside him whispering Xiao Lin and his wife's decision.

He looked up in surprise.

"They don't accept gifts anymore?"

It's normal to accept gifts at wedding banquets, so when he heard that Xiao Lin and Su Yun decided not to accept gifts, the old man showed a surprised expression.

Xu Guodong nodded.

Mr. Chen still wanted to say something, but Mrs. Xiao, who had listened to Xu Guodong's words, raised her head and gave Mr. Chen a faint glance.

"Do you think the grandson I taught is the kind of person who only cares about immediate interests?"

Mr. Chen was forced to swallow the words of "Let them accept it", he turned his head to look at Mrs. Xiao, and said with a smile, "I didn't mean that, the children you teach, Xiao Yuan, must be good. Boy. I just wanted to say..."

"What are you thinking?" Mrs. Xiao raised her head and glared at Mr. Chen.

That look inexplicably reminds me of decades ago, she was the same when she was young, whenever Mr. Chen did something wrong, Mrs. Xiao would just stare at him like this.

The eyes were too familiar, and the old man naturally felt fear.

He hehe smiled, and touched his head with a lot of gray hair in embarrassment, "It's nothing, I didn't think about anything, Xiao Yuan, you are right."

"What do you mean I'm right? What I said is right. Our Anzi and Xiaoyun are not the kind of people with shallow eyes."

"Yes yes yes yes, both of them are good boys, both are good boys."

Mr. Chen hurriedly replied with an apologetic smile.

The old lady Xiao snorted rather arrogantly, but didn't catch on to this topic all the time.When she saw that old man Chen wanted to secretly hug Er Bao who was sleeping soundly, the old lady snorted again.

"You move gently, our sister is delicate, don't hurt her."

Mr. Chen withdrew his hand subconsciously, but he quickly figured it out again. What Xiao Yuan said was not to prevent him from holding the child, but to make him be careful not to hurt their precious golden grandson?

The old man who had figured it out was happy.

He bent down, and carefully and solemnly picked up his sleeping sister, his movements were so soft and precious that it was ridiculous, as if what he was holding in his hands was not a child, but a rare treasure.

"Good girl, good girl." The old man murmured softly, with tears glistening in his lowered eyes.

The people around were also very moved when they saw this scene.This is the deep love of the elders in the family for the younger ones.

The old lady Xiao looked a little serious on the side. She was not as easily moved as others, at least her face was calmer than others.I don't know what is going on in her heart.

"The old man loves his great-grandchildren very much."

Zhang Ma, who was standing a little further away, said to Lin Chunhua.

Lin Chunhua nodded. Outsiders can also see that the old man still has a lot of affection for the old lady, but they don't know if the two of them will be able to get together in the end.

This matter cannot be interfered by others, it can only be decided by themselves.

On the first floor, guests who came to congratulate have arrived one after another, many of whom Su Yun has never seen before, and Xiao Lin introduced them as business partners.

Su Yun nodded and said hello politely one by one.

"You guys go upstairs to take a rest first, and you can have dinner soon."

Su Yun talked to them with a smile, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a few familiar faces approaching not far away.

She made a very strange uh, "How did they come?"

 Good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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