Chapter 481 Su Yun is not polite

It is said that it is familiar, but it is because Su Yun knows a person inside, and that is Wan Hengwang who has had a feud with her.Speaking of face-to-face, it was because Su Yun had never met any of those people except Wan Hengwang.

"What happened to the daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Lin asked Su Yun.

Su Yun shook her head, "It's okay, I'm probably thinking too much, they might not necessarily come to the baby's hundred-day feast."

She forgot that Xu Guodong Restaurant is not only a hundred-day banquet for their three babies, but also a very good place to eat. Maybe Wan Hengwang and the others came here to eat.

Su Yun didn't expect that Wan Hengwang led those people and walked towards them as soon as she thought of denying it.When he saw Su Yun, there was still disdain on his face, as if it was so embarrassing for him to come here.

Su Yun:? ? ? ? ?
Was she the one who invited him?

What's the matter with this man's attitude?

Although today is a good day, Su Yun doesn't want to affect her mood because of some unimportant things.But when facing someone like Wan Hengwang, it was still difficult for Su Yun to put on a good face.

Wan Hengwang was about to speak, but Su Yun said with a cold face, "Comrade, please make way, you are in the way."

"Hehe, Su Yun, are you pretending not to know him?"

Because Wan Hengwang had a feud with Su Yun, even before he came, his uncles had specifically told him to have a better attitude when he saw Su Yun. After seeing Su Yun himself, Wan Hengwang Hengwang still couldn't help but want to be sarcastic.

In his eyes, Su Yun is a typical duplicity person.Apart from Chen Jinzhou and Xu Wanhao, the person Wan Hengwang hates the most in his life is Su Yun.

Su Yun raised her eyelids lazily, "Who are you? I want to know you?"

This isn't Su Yun's arrogance. To be honest, if Wan Hengwang didn't rely on his family, a person like him would be a social gangster at most. Even if Su Yun doesn't know him, it's normal for such a gangster.

Wan Hengwang was so angry with Su Yun that he opened his mouth and was about to continue talking. Several members of the Wang family standing behind him came forward with a smile, "This is Boss Su, right? It's better to be famous than to meet each other. I didn't expect Boss Su to be so young." It is really enviable to have such a successful career.”

The person who spoke was Wang Dazhi. He was Wan Hengwang's uncle and the eldest brother of the three Wang brothers. He was a senior official in a certain unit.

Su Yun looked at Wang Dazhi, who had a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and a perfunctory smile appeared on his face, "Who is this comrade?"

When they saw Xiao Lin by her side, they chose to greet her instead of talking to Xiao Lin.Is this trying to find a breakthrough from her or something?
Su Yun felt that no matter what the Wang family's plan was, their plan would come to nothing in the end.

Wan Hengwang proudly introduced, "This is my uncle."

"Oh." Su Yun said indifferently, and glanced at another middle-aged man with similar facial features and similar age beside Wang Dazhi.

"Is this your second uncle?"

Wan Hengwang raised his chin triumphantly again, "For you have good eyesight."

Su Yun nodded, frowning together and said in a very tangled way, "So what do you all want to do in front of me as a group? Don't you feel bored?"

Wan Hengwang: ...

Two brothers Wang Dazhi and Wang Dadong: ...

And the reporters from the other two newspapers they called:...

Is there something wrong with this lesbian head?Since she is Chen Aiguo's granddaughter-in-law, doesn't she know that her words and deeds may become the target of their attacks on Chen Aiguo?

Or could she be so domineering just because of her status as Chen Aiguo?
Although these few people looked down on Su Yun, they were secretly happy because Su Yun was so 'brainless'.I didn't expect her to be so ignorant, so it would be easy for them to come here today to catch Chen Aiguo's extravagance and waste.

Maybe they underestimated Su Yun too much, so the faces of these people showed joy without any concealment.Su Yun looked at the few people in front of her who were clearly out of their minds and shook her head helplessly, then turned around and went to meet other guests with Xiao Lin.

"Comrade Su, please stay."

Wang Dazhi stopped Su Yun again.

Su Yun turned her head and glanced at them, "Is there anything else?"

Wang Dazhi coughed, and he took out a gift wrapped in a red envelope and asked Su Yun, "We are here to attend your children's hundred-day banquet, where can I register with the gift?"

"With the gift?"

Su Yun blinked and looked at Wang Dazhi in puzzlement, Wang Dazhi still kept a faint smile on his face, and his expression was full of confidence.


Su Yun smiled, "Comrade Wang, do you think my family still needs some money for the wedding?"

Everyone in the Wang family: ...

What does Su Yun's arrogant tone mean?Which one does not accept gifts for the wedding ceremony?Even if she opened a factory, it's impossible for her to be so crazy that she invites people to spend a meal in such a restaurant for nothing, right?

The Wang family felt that Su Yun must be lying.

Su Yun clicked her tongue and didn't bother to pay attention to them. She continued to say what she wanted to say, "Besides, did I invite you all to come? It's not the way to do it if you are thick-skinned and want to eat a meal, right? You even drag your family over here ?”

If other people came, then Su Yun must have treated them well, but for Wan Hengwang and the Wang family, she didn't think it was necessary.

After all, Wang Dadong, the second son of the Wang family, had been stumbling her overtly and secretly before, and even bribed the brothers from the Mao family in Baiwan Village to harm her in order to suppress her.She also secretly bribed her factory foreman, and bribed the workers to go on strike, all of which Su Yun kept in mind.

There's no need for her to put on a good face to such a person.

It doesn't matter if you tear your face, you will be tough in the business field in the future.

She is not a soft persimmon, if they want to choose her, they must first weigh whether they have the ability.

The members of the Wang family blushed and turned pale at Su Yun's words. They were all angry in their hearts. The older ones could still hold their breath, while the younger ones, like Wan Hengwang, couldn't hold back anymore. I want to tear Su Yun apart.

"What do you want, comrade?"

Just as Wan Hengwang took a step forward, Xiao Lin's cold voice came in.He who has been silent all this time stood beside Su Yun and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, with a cold light in his narrow and deep eyes, he stared at Wan Hengwang motionlessly.

Those who have been soldiers and have seen blood have murderous intent in their eyes.Especially for a ruthless person like Xiao Lin, the killing intent is even stronger.

He just stared at Wan Hengwang like that, and Wan Hengwang was already a little timid.

But relying on the fact that his two uncles were there, and the uncle specially invited two newspaper reporters to be behind him, Wan Hengwang had a little more courage to challenge Xiao Lin.

"You are Su Yun's husband, right? Look at how your woman talks? Are you bullying others because of your status?"

"If it is known by the general public, what do you think will happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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