Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 482 As Clever As Her Doctor Song

Chapter 482 As Clever As Her Doctor Song
Wan Hengwang wanted to deliberately put a high hat on Su Yun and lead her to another path.

Su Yun scoffed.

"What? I'm a normal person with a sound mind, so it's okay to reject a few people who target me openly and secretly? Am I bullying people based on my status, or do you want to bully people based on my status?"

"You are only allowed to stumbling me behind my back, and you can't accept it if I explain the facts directly?"

"A few gay men are so fragile in their hearts, so don't think about slandering people behind their backs all day long. It's better to go to the hospital to have a look at your brain when you have time."

When Su Yun spoke harsh words, she was not ambiguous at all.

The two brothers of the Wang family and Wan Hengwang were about to be pissed off by Su Yun.Wang Dazhi stared at Su Yun, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained.

The last forced smile was too stiff to be seen.

"Comrade Su, we see that you are Mr. Chen's granddaughter-in-law. We just came here to congratulate you. If you don't appreciate it, just block us out and humiliate us. I want to ask, is this Mr. Chen's tutor?"

"Tsk tsk... so it's because of this reason!"

A familiar voice with a smile sounded from the side, and Su Yun raised her head, only to see Song Yinyin, whom she had not seen for a long time, looking at them with a smile on her face, what she just said was exactly what she said.

We haven't seen each other for almost a year. When we parted, Song Yinyin's belly was already quite round. Now, when we meet again, she has given birth, and her figure is much plumper than before.

It also looks a lot more mature.

With a bright smile on his face, it was obvious at a glance that he was in a good mood.

Su Yun also didn't want to talk to the Wang family, and walked over to say hello with a smile, "Yinyin, why are you here? Where's the elder brother? Didn't he come? Are there any children?"

She looked left and right, but she didn't find Song Yinyin bringing the child over.

Song Yinyin smiled lightly and handed a big box in her hand to Su Yun, "Of course I, a godmother, went to buy gifts for my godson and goddaughter. As for our little fat man, he and His grandfather and uncle will be here soon."

As for Li Wei?

Not here, in Nancheng.

Su Yun said, "You brought the child back by yourself? You didn't tell us, I'll pick you up at the station."

"No need, Song Qishan is here, he went to Nancheng to pick us up."

Song Yinyin's address to her brother depends entirely on her mood, sometimes she calls her brother, and sometimes she calls her by name.Su Yun is not surprised by this, she is more concerned about Song Yinyin's child, who is only six or seven months old, how can she be with her uncle and grandpa?

"Brother doesn't drink milk?"

"I don't drink anymore, I quit a long time ago. If I'm too fat and let him drink milk, I'll be fat." Song Yinyin said with a look of disgust.

Su Yun: ...

How can anyone describe their son like this?

"Don't talk about me first, Xiaoyun, your skills have improved, and you have a bad intention to fight with others?" Song Yinyin joked with a smile without any scruples.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched, "What kind of words are you using here?"

"Anyway, it's not the words of tigers and wolves." Song Yinyin waved her hands indifferently.She walked a few steps forward, looked directly at the Wang family with her arms around her arms, and said, "I said Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, you are all old, and you still want to play tricks with us young people, don't you feel ashamed? Want to catch me?" Grandpa Chen just made it clear, why bother to beat around the bush and embarrass us young people?"

Song Yinyin, as the No. [-] hot pepper in Beijing, is not at all afraid of being jealous.

She paused, and then continued, "Uncle Wang, you are not young, right? You are still just a small minister. Do you think that even if you and Grandpa Chen fabricate a crime, you can take his place?" ?”

"Are you qualified?"

Everyone is from the circle of the capital. Song Yinyin, no matter her grandfather's family or her own family, are all powerful and powerful people who can speak well in the circle of the capital.

So whether it was Song Yinyin or Wu Shishi, the uncle's cousin, they were extremely familiar with the situation of these famous people in the capital.

This acquaintance makes up the knife, that is a pain.

Even Su Yun couldn't help but sigh.

Good guy!
She called it a good guy in her heart.

Song Yinyin deserves to be Song Yinyin. She is always so strong in terms of sharp words.

Wang Dazhi was so choked by Song Yinyin's words that his face was so ugly that he looked like he had eaten a stool. His face was black and green, green and black, and the changes were unpredictable.

"Isn't this the Song family's niece?"

In the end, Wang Dazhi could only hold his nose as if he had eaten shit, and said in a low voice, "Didn't I hear that you married an old bachelor? Why did you come back? Could it be that you can't live with your husband's house anymore?"

Is this a grotesque mockery of Song Yinyin?

Song Yinyin didn't care at all.

"My elder brother Wei must have been a bachelor before we got married. It's impossible for us to be married if we're not bachelors or husbands, right? Uncle Wang? I'm not like Uncle Wang who only focuses on married people. body."

Wang Dazhi: ...

My heart was hurt another ten thousand points.

Everyone knew that his wife was originally his good brother's wife, but he fell in love with his brother's wife. He often ran to other people's houses when his brother was not at home, and got mixed up after coming and going.

But they are still decent, at least they didn't really roll together until the other party divorced.But after the other party divorced, they moved in together almost at the same time and got a marriage certificate. This matter has become a joke in the Beijing circle for a long time.

Wang Dazhi thought that only his peers knew about it.

Unexpectedly, Song Yinyin, a sharp-tongued girl, also knew about it.

His face was very ugly, and the elder's airs were almost out of control.

Su Yun watched the drama with great interest, if she was not holding the gift box that Song Nvxia handed over in her hand, she would have stretched out her hands to give Song Nvxia a good applause.

The great hero Song who shouted three times is indeed worthy of being a heroine of the rivers and lakes who "eliminates the strong and helps the weak, and discerns the loyal and the traitor with discerning eyes"!

If Song Yinyin knew what Su Yun was thinking at this moment, she would definitely approve Su Yun to temporarily put down the gift box in her hand, and give her a serious applause first.

Wang Dazhi's appearance of an elder was about to be lost.

At this moment, another serious voice with a slight smile came, "Okay, Yinyin, why did you kid talk to your uncle Dazhi? Is it your turn to be a junior to care about the elders? "

It was Mr. Wu who spoke, and he came over surrounded by the Wu family.Wu Shishi, who was originally holding on to Mr. Wu's arm, saw Song Yinyin and Su Yun, immediately let go of the hand that was holding on to Mr. Wu's arm, and ran towards Su Yun and the others bouncing around.

"Sister, Sister Yun, I'm here."

When the Wu family saw Wu Shishi's action, their hearts were hanging in their throats.Especially Lu Zhenghuan was extremely nervous.

"Slow down, Shishi, don't forget that you are pregnant with a child."

Lu Zhenghuan spoke nervously, ignoring the others and striding towards Wu Shishi with long legs.

Su Yun let out an "uh" and turned her head to look at Wu Shishi who was running, "Are you pregnant?"

Subconsciously staring at Wu Shishi's flat belly.

(End of this chapter)

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