Chapter 483
Wu Shishi seemed a little shy, she hummed and stopped, and walked towards Su Yun slowly, "It didn't take long, I didn't feel anything, he was too nervous."

There was a hint of reproach in the tone, but it was more like being coquettish.

Su Yun took a breath.

Good guy, Wu Shishi is not yet 19 years old, right?Is this girl so anxious to have a baby?

Although she felt that Wu Shishi was a little anxious about having a baby, it was a matter between husband and wife after all, so Su Yun couldn't say anything more.

However, thinking of Wu Shishi's previous reactions, Su Yun boldly guessed that this child must have been conceived by her "stalker" order Lu Zhenghuan.

Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help sighing.

Comrade Lu Zhenghuan is very lucky to marry a girl like Wu Shishi.

When the Wu family came over, Su Yun couldn't think about it any more, and hurried forward to say hello to Mr. Wu and other Wu family members.Mr. Wu nodded with a serious face first, and the serious expression on his face disappeared immediately in the next second.

"Su Yatou, can you cook now? When will you cook some Dongpo pork for the old man to taste?"

Mr. Wu has no other hobbies. Apart from growing flowers and playing chess, his greatest hobby is eating delicious food.

I have eaten something made by Su Yun once before, and I have been thinking about it, but he is not the kind of person who does not know the actual situation. When Su Yun is pregnant with the child and is inconvenient, the old man can warn himself no matter how much he wants to eat food. Hold back.

But now seeing that Su Yun's child is also born, and the child is a hundred days old, his heart that wants to eat delicious food has begun to stir again.

The old lady Wu next to her saw her wife's virtue, and she was extremely disgusted.

"Little Su, you don't need to pay attention to your Grandpa Wu. You are still very weak not long after giving birth, so you don't need to do those heavy jobs." Knowing the family situation of Su Yun's family, Mrs. Wu felt that the three children who had just given birth Su Yun, it is true that she can rest for a while.

Everyone is a woman, and she also came from a young age.

To be honest, when they gave birth, they had no conditions. If there were conditions, she would definitely want to rest for a year or so without doing anything.Giving birth to a child is really exhausting, and it feels like one dies and comes back to life again.

In such a serious situation, why not take good care of him?
Speaking of this, Mrs. Wu glanced at her son Wu Ningxuan, and asked him to send the gift she had prepared to Xiao Lin.

But she said to Su Yun, "Here is a box of blood swallows from my natal brother, and two old ginseng. Xiao Su, you take it back and let the family stew it in the soup together. Replenish missing nutrients."

This gift from Mrs. Wu can be said to be very precious.

It is no exaggeration to say that this should be a rare item that is priceless in the market.Even if the old lady's natal brother is in this line of business, it will cost a lot of money to get it.

Su Yun couldn't accept such an expensive gift with peace of mind.

"Grandma Wu, your gift is too expensive, how can I accept it?"

"Hey, what's the point? This thing is useful for people who need it. People who don't need it eat it like pickles. It's not expensive or not." Mrs. Wu put it indifferently. Waving his hand, "Take it and eat it, eat it, if my brother has something good another day, I will let him stay again."

"Grandma Wu..."

Su Yun really couldn't laugh or cry for the old lady's bold attitude of treating the old ginseng as a pickle.If everyone around her was like the old lady of the Wu family, wouldn't she have gotten rich just by receiving gifts?

Of course this is a joke.

She's not the type to just reach out and take other people's things.Like now, Mrs. Wu's kindness is hard to change, she accepted this thing, but she would not accept it in vain.

She kept this friendship in her heart, and would look for an opportunity to find a suitable gift to give back to the old lady.

It's not Su Yun's style to just go in and out.

"Then I'll accept it with the cheek, thank you Grandma Wu." Su Yun said with a smile, taking advantage of the opportunity to invite them to go inside, and it will be time for dinner soon.

"Okay, okay, let's go up and see the triplets. My old lady, I have never seen triplets in my age. I didn't expect to see them again when I am old."

Old lady Wu squinted her eyes and smiled, in a good mood.

A group of people passed by the Wang family brothers, and almost no one cared about Wang Dazhi and Wang Dadong who were pushed to the edge.However, Wang Dazhi dared to be angry and dare not speak up!

Although none of the Wu family is an official, the students of the old man of the Wu family are well-known all over the world.Leaving aside, Wang Dazhi's immediate boss is also a student of Mr. Wu.If the old man of the Wu family put some eye drops on his boss, then his life can be imagined to be difficult.

Wang Dazhi hesitated.

But at this time, Mr. Wu, who had already passed by, stopped, turned his head to look in Wang Dazhi's direction and said, "Dazhi, it's different now from the past few years, don't take so many things for yourself, don't make yourself so tired !"

"Young people still need to take a proper rest. Lao Chen and the others didn't invite you, so you didn't go up!"

After Mr. Wu finished speaking, he went upstairs.

Now no one cares about the Wang family anymore.

Wang Dadong is a businessman, some things he is not as sensitive as his elder brother Wang Dazhi's sense of smell.Seeing that everyone went up, only a few of them were left here, unable to advance or retreat, he was a little depressed.

In the business field, he has never been wronged like this except for being planted by Su Yun and his wife.

"Brother, is that all?"

Wang Dadong asked.

Wang Dazhi glanced at his younger brother, isn't he in a depressed mood?But the situation is stronger than others, their status is not as high as the Chen family, Wu family and Song family.The reason why they came here was because they wanted to use Su Yun and the others as a breakthrough point, but they didn't expect that Su Yun would not enter, and did not follow the routine.

What can he do with this?
Wang Dazhi had a headache.

The two reporters who were called by him to say that there was going to be big news broke were also a little embarrassed.

"Minister Wang, do we still have to go up now?"

"How to go up?" Wang Dazhi glared at the unknown reporter, "Didn't you see that the old man of the Wu family said that?" complexion.

Wang Dazhi is also a person who wants to save face, and he can't do the kind of thing that is repeated and repeated.Today's meal seems to be out of reach.

He turned around and was about to leave, but met Song Qingyuan and Song Qishan father and son who just came over.One of the two big men was carrying big bags and small bags in his hands, while the other was holding a white and fat doll.

"Isn't this Dazhi? Are you coming over for a wedding too?"

Song Qingyuan asked with a smile.

Ever since he hugged his eldest grandson, he has been smiling all day.It is no exaggeration to say that there are more smiles in a day than in a year.

The moment Wang Dazhi saw Song Qingyuan, a flash of light flashed in his head.

"Yes, Lao Song, you just arrived too! The child you hold in your arms is your grandson, right?"

Wang Dazhi walked over, looked at the fat baby in Song Qingyuan's arms with his head, and walked into the restaurant while talking with him.

 Good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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