Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 486 The forces behind the Wang family may not be able to offend

Chapter 486 The forces behind the Wang family may not be able to offend
"How did he come here?"

Wang Dazhi is not actually an idiot.

An orderly with a big leader like Xiao Zhao will appear in one place, most of it is because that leader is also there.But Wang Dazhi is selfishly unwilling to admit this fact.

Originally, Xiao Lin and Su Yun, a young couple from out of town, had met so many powerful families in the capital, which was enough to bother him. It's not easy to deal with these two people.

To be honest, it's actually quite difficult now, it's just that Wang Dazhi still has the idea of ​​fluke in his heart.

When he was thinking wildly in his head, Xiao Zhao had already welcomed Su Yun and Xiao Lin in, turned around and closed the door, and found Wang Dazhi who had been looking at them.

His face was as calm as water, and he stood at the door expressionlessly, staring straight ahead.

Wang Dazhi looked at Xiao Zhao without paying attention at all.

He is the orderly of the old chief, and he will often face the scrutiny of strangers like Wang Dazhi. If he takes everything to his heart, he will not be busy that day.

Xiao Zhao dutifully guarded the door like this, and generally there would be no one who didn't have eyes and would dare to inquire.

No, Wang Dazhi didn't dare either.

He could only take another look unconvinced, and finally left dejectedly.When he came downstairs, Wang Dadong came over and asked him why he took so long.

Wang Dazhi glanced at his brother, sighed and said, "Try not to confront these two in the future."

Wang Dadong didn't understand why he was fine when he first came out, but his elder brother's attitude changed completely in the blink of an eye?He was a little confused, "Brother, what do you mean by that? Did the husband and wife tell you anything?"

"Brother, don't be afraid of them, our Wang family is not vegetarian."

"What do you know?" Wang Dazhi glanced at Wang Dadong, and continued to say, "If I'm not wrong, the people behind them are people we can't afford to mess with."

For the sake of their Wang family, Wang Dazhi thought it would be better not to mess with them as much as possible.

"In the future, if you have an open conflict with them in the business field, then try to avoid the opponent's edge." Wang Dazhi told Wang Dadong worriedly.

Although Wang Dadong felt a little useless, he had always listened to his elder brother very much. Now that he heard what Wang Dazhi said, he could only nod his head even if he felt aggrieved.

It is impossible for his elder brother to harm him.

It was easy for Wang Dadong to figure out and be persuaded, because he really believed in Wang Dazhi, but it was not so easy for Wan Hengwang to be persuaded.When he heard Wang Dazhi say that not only could he not trouble Su Yun in the future, but he would even make her respect her, he refused to accept it.

A country bumpkin from other places, even if he recognizes the relatives of the Chen family, so what?Still not a country bumpkin with an earthy smell?Why should such country bumpkins let the local people in the capital respect them?

People who didn't know thought they were easy to bully from the capital.

"Awang, did you hear what uncle said?"

Wang Dazhi was afraid that Wan Hengwang would be disobedient, so he specially instructed him.

Wan Hengwang hummed.

He heard it, but it was up to him how to do it.

In the hotel, in a very secret box on the third floor, Mr. Fang put the gifts he had prepared in advance into the triplets' babies. Each of them got a red envelope, and he didn't know what was in the red envelope.

"Little grandchildren grow up obediently!"

Su Yun thought it was money.

She smiled at the old man and said, "Grandpa, you don't have much retirement salary, so why bother preparing gifts?"

"I gave it to my grandchildren, no money was spent."

After Mr. Fang put his gift away safely, he smiled and looked at the triplets for a while before asking Su Yun and Xiao Lin to take the children away.

"Okay, my gift has also been delivered, you go greet other guests!"

"Grandpa, do you want to go over?" Su Yun asked.

Mr. Fang shook his head, "No, I'm old, so I won't cause you any trouble." It's not easy for him to go out, and he doesn't want to cause unnecessary troubles to Su Yun and the others because of his status.

Su Yun hummed, "Then brother Lin and I will take the babies home to visit grandpa on weekends."

"Okay, come here early, I will cook at home and wait for you."

"Grandpa, you don't need to bother, let Xiao Zhao buy whatever dishes you want, and I'll cook them when the time comes." Su Yun definitely won't let the old man cook by himself.

He is already 80 years old. Although he is still in good health, it seems inappropriate to let young people like them wait for the old man to cook and eat.

She didn't know that the old man was waiting for her words.

"Okay, okay, then I'll ask Xiao Zhao to get ready."

Mr. Fang smiled.

"Old man, wait a moment, I will send their mother and son back and I will send you off?" Xiao Lin looked at old man Fang and proposed.

Mr. Fang waved his hands and stared at him with a tiger face.

"What to give? It's not that I can't walk anymore. The most important thing is that you take good care of my grandchildren. Go back quickly!"

Don't make the look of disgust on your face too obvious.

Su Yun was a little funny, Xiao Lin was very helpless.They also knew that the old man didn't really dislike them, but he just didn't want them to waste time.The two asked the old man to pay attention to things at home, and then called Xiao Zhao in and asked him to accompany the old man back home.

When Su Yun and the others returned to the banquet hall, Su Yun saw the food on the table and realized that they didn't let Xiao Zhao and the others take anything back.Su Yun quickly asked Xiao Lin to go to the restaurant's kitchen to pack a few dishes that tasted good, and then gave him some dishes that agreed with the old man's taste and gave them to Xiao Zhao and the others.

Xiao Lin nodded and went to do it immediately.

Only then did Su Yun sit down in peace.

"Who is it?" Song Yinyin tilted her head to look at Su Yun, and asked curiously who it was, who couldn't come out to celebrate with everyone, but wanted Su Yun and the others to meet alone?

"It's my grandfather."

Su Yun answered with a smile on her face.

Song Yinyin is a very smart girl. Don't look at her bluffing on the surface, but in fact she is very careful and knows that there are all kinds of people in the circle in Beijing.

Some people feel that the whole world belongs to them with a little bit of power in their hands.And some have a lot of power in their hands, but they are very low-key.

Obviously Su Yun's grandfather is the latter.

Song Yinyin didn't pursue this topic anymore, but suggested to Su Yun whether to go out to get together at night.

Su Yun looked at her a little funny, "What's the matter? Haven't you eaten yet?"

"No, hasn't it been a long time since we met? What happened to the sisters? Or, Xiaoyun, you have completely returned to the ranks of good wives and mothers since you became a mother? Have you even forgotten your sisters?"

Su Yun clicked her tongue, "People who don't know what you said think that I was so unreliable before I became a mother!"

Song Yinyin giggled non-stop, and reached out to tug on Zhao Meiyu who was sitting next to her, "Hey, Meiyu, tell me if Xiaoyun was reliable before?"

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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