Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 487 The old lady is relieved

Chapter 487 The old lady is relieved
Zhao Meiyu, who was eating seriously, was suddenly asked by Song Yinyin, and the question was very sharp. No matter how she answered it, it didn't seem right?

Zhao Meiyu swallowed the custard in her mouth, took another sip of water and wiped the corners of her mouth before slowly replying, "The answer must be yes."

Song Yinyin snorted, "I knew you would say that."

"Otherwise, what should we say? Doctor Song teach us?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

Song Yinyin laughed twice, and the topic turned directly to Zhao Meiyu, "Hey, your due date is next month, right? Are you ready for the baby's needs? Let's go shopping together tomorrow and buy some?"

Song Yinyin has not seen them for a long time, and she has a lively personality, so when she sees good sisters, she inevitably wants to get together.

"And Xiaoyun, you busy person don't think about work all day long."

In Song Yinyin's eyes, Su Yun was too busy to look like a lesbian.As a lesbian, you still have to take time out to go out and go shopping, and you can't make money.

And take a step back, even if the lesbians don't make money, don't they still have the other half in the family?

Su Yun nodded with a smile on her face, "Okay, okay, Dr. Song hasn't come back to the capital for so long, we must find time for Dr. Song to treat us."

"No problem, eat and play included!"

Song Yinyin is still very rich and powerful!Opening your mouth is full of pride!

Su Yun nodded to express her great approval, which fits Song Yinyin's personality very well.

After the wedding banquet, the guests who came here were full of praise for Su Yun and Xiao Lin's thorough preparations this time. The food at the banquet, the speed of serving the food, and the attitude of the service staff were all praised by many place.

Many of them asked Xu Guodong, how are the banquets charged here?Eight dishes and one soup like today's Xiao's, how much can it cost?

These are people who have happy events in their families, far or near. Facing the business that is about to become possible, how could Xu Guodong not seize this opportunity?He smiled and greeted those who were interested in getting to know him better, to come to his office for a detailed chat.

Xu Meifen saw Xu Guodong's appearance of falling into Qian's eyes, and said to Su Yun with some disgust, "Look at your brother-in-law, how old you are and still so unstable."

Su Yun burst out laughing.

She discovered an interesting and strange thing, that is, all the female friends around her like to say how 'bad' their significant other is, but in fact, the tone is simply showing off in disguise.

Zhao Meiyu is, Wu Shishi is, Song Yinyin is, even her sister is the same.

Su Yun bent her lips, thinking that this is probably a common problem of women?

At about two o'clock, all the guests who came to participate also left, only Su Yun and her family stayed here to check out and pack some things.

This time they set up a total of 30 tables, and the price of each table including drinks was around 600 yuan, and [-] tables cost [-] yuan.Mr. Chen didn't want Xu Guodong to give a discount, and he didn't want Su Yun and the others to pay. He didn't even ask for "subsidy" from his son Chen Shennan.

Unswervingly took out his salary and paid for the wedding banquet.

This was the old man's wish, so Su Yun and the others couldn't say much.

On the contrary, Mrs. Xiao said calmly, "You just need to get used to it. Whether it was Anzi or Anzi's father when he was young, he never fulfilled his obligations for a day. Now that he has great-grandchildren, since he wants to be a great-grandfather, Then you have to do your duty.”

Su Yun was a little surprised. Does her grandma have another meaning in what she said?
Before she could figure it out, Mr. Chen had already said "A Yuan, you..." His eyes were full of surprise and disbelief, and he asked again uncertainly.

Mrs. Xiao squinted at Mr. Chen, "What? Did I mean something wrong? If you want your three great-grandchildren to call you grandpa, do you have to pay something?"

When he left home and never returned, she was able to take care of the son in her womb to grow up, because she also supported his decision to leave home.But now that he is standing here, if he wants to get three great-great-grandchildren without giving anything, then she will not agree.

Why is Mr. Chen unwilling to pay?He was just afraid that Mrs. Xiao would mind, that she would not give him this chance.

Now that she is willing to say that, does it mean that she is giving him a chance?Mr. Chen looked at the old lady excitedly, a smile as happy as a child's was rarely seen on his normally serious face.

The old lady Xiao glanced at him, "How old are you, still like a child?"

There was some disgust in his tone.

But Mr. Chen didn't care at all, he smiled and took two steps forward, "Isn't this what A Yuan said never to hide his true thoughts?"

How many years ago was this?he still remember?
The old lady Xiao glared at him and said nothing, but something that had been imprisoned was broken, and now it was flowing invisible between them.

Chen Yuru heard that her father held a [-]-day banquet for the great-grandson of the old lady of the Xiao family here today. She didn't want to come, but after sitting at home for a long time, she still couldn't help herself and secretly ran over to have a look.

She came to the corridor outside, just in time to see her father looking at the wrinkled old woman of the Xiao family with a smile they had never seen before.Chen Yuru suddenly felt insulted.

How long ago was her mother dead?No matter how impatient her father was, he couldn't just flirt with this old woman when her mother's body was still alive?So what if they were husband and wife before?
Now her father's surname is Chen!
"Dad..." Chen Yuru opened her mouth and said, and was about to walk forward when her arm was grabbed.She turned her head and saw that it was Chen Jinzhou.

"Azhou, what do you mean?"

Chen Yuru looked at Chen Jinzhou sullenly.

Chen Jinzhou's face was calm, and he was not at all afraid of this sister-in-law who was ten years younger than him.

"Gu, it's not suitable for you to show up on such a good day today." Chen Jinzhou said, his words were not polite at all.Chen Yuru was so angry when she heard the explosion, what is it that she is not suitable to appear on a good day?

Is she some plague god?

"Chen Jinzhou...don't fight..." Before he finished speaking, Chen Yuru was dragged away by Chen Jinzhou's arm.She opened her mouth to make a noise, but Chen Jinzhou covered her mouth and dragged her to another empty room.

After closing the door, he released him.

Chen Yuru opened his mouth and was about to curse, but Chen Shennan, who had been waiting in the box for a long time, was the first to say, "Yuru, how long do you want to make trouble? It's to make it known to everyone, and to embarrass our Chen family. Did you just give up?"

Chen Shennan, who had been facing the door all the time, turned around with his hands behind his back, his face was very serious, and his tone was so severe that Chen Yuru had never heard before.

Chen Yuru was taken aback by Chen Shennan's serious attitude that he had never shown before, and asked in a daze, "Brother, what do you mean by that? Do you think I am embarrassing our family, not Dad?"

(End of this chapter)

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