Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 488 The things that the Guan family brothers and sisters did back then came out

Chapter 488 The things that the Guan family brothers and sisters did back then came out

"What's wrong with Dad?"

Chen Shennan pinched his eyebrows with some headaches. After all, he was the younger sister he had doted on for many years. When her attitude softened, Chen Shennan couldn't be cruel.

He sighed, and looked at Chen Yuru who said earnestly, "Do you know how our mother married our father?"

"Of course they got married after falling in love. Why do you ask this?"

Chen Yuru heard from her mother more than once that it was precisely because Guan Qiuju carried the seriously injured Chen Aiguo home from the pile of dead people, and took care of her with painstaking care.

After Chen Aiguo woke up, he naturally fell in love with Guan Qiuju, the savior, and then asked Chen Yuru's grandparents to marry him...

To use Guan Qiuju's words before, if it wasn't for Chen Aiguo's willingness to marry Chen Ken, how could Chen Yuru's grandparents be willing to let her marry a man with his head pinned to his waistband?


Guan Qiuju talked about this set of rhetoric from Chen Yuru's childhood to her adulthood, even if Chen Aiguo was present, she never objected.So Chen Yuru firmly believed that this was the truth.

She even fantasizes in her heart that a marriage like her parents' can only be said to be because of love, instead of a blind marriage without emotion like many people!
Chen Yuru also thought that she could also find a revolutionary partner who was as strong as her parents...

Now her brother suddenly came to ask her parents why they got married in the first place. Could it be that her brother was brainwashed by others?
"Brother, did the Xiao family say something in front of you?"

She still has a lot of hostility towards the Xiao family, especially when she just saw her father looking at the old woman of the Xiao family with the eyes that she and her brother had never seen her mother before, Chen Yuru's original and The hostility that gradually dissipated gathered together again at that moment.

The old lady Xiao is already her father's ex-wife, how can she still be confused with her father?Even came to brainwash her brother?
"Brother, you..."

Seeing that Chen Yuru was still stubborn, Chen Shennan raised his hand to interrupt Chen Yuru, and asked Chen Jinzhou to take out the tape recorder.

"Listen to what uncle and uncle have to say before you speak."


Chen Yuru was stunned for a moment, and Chen Jinzhou had already pressed the play button on the tape recorder.The voices of the two Guan brothers, recorded in advance on the tape, slowly flowed out from the radio along with the movement of the tape.

"At that time, my father carried the man back from the mountain valley. He was seriously injured, but his life was extremely hard. My father found a traveling doctor and prescribed medicine for him. After a few days of feeding, he survived... "

"After he woke up, his physical condition was getting better day by day. His conversation style was extraordinary. At first glance, he seemed to be a person with very good conditions in his family. It's a pity that he didn't seem to remember anything. Even His own name, where he came from, and how old he is, he doesn't even remember."

"Originally, my father wanted to send him to the town to let him find the army by himself, but my younger sister, that is, Qiu Ju, fell in love with him. My parents told him that they wanted to promise his younger sister to him, It was rejected by him."

"He said that he has no memory and doesn't know whether he has a family or not, so he can't agree to this matter. But my little sister doesn't know that she is fascinated by that kind of thing, so she must marry him no matter what."

"It's just that if he doesn't agree, it won't work at all. My little sister didn't know where to get a gulp of medicine and poured it into the wine. When we saw him off, I quietly gave him the medicine wine..."

In the tape recorder, the voices of the Guan brothers kept ringing, and the follow-up content was similar to what Su Yun saw in the white mist when she gave birth.

Mr. Chen woke up and found that he was already lying on the same bed with Guan Qiuju. In order to prevent Guan Qiuju from seeking death, he could only grit his teeth and marry Guan Qiuju...

When Chen Yuru heard this, her complexion was already pale.

She took a few steps back in disbelief, "No, I don't believe it, you lied to me, I don't believe it, it's not true, it's definitely not true, you must have lied to me."

She has always believed that her parents were true love when they were young, but now she suddenly heard the words of two uncles, and learned that what she thought was true love was just a scam from beginning to end, how could she accept it?

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it. It was you who lied to me. It was you who joined forces with outsiders to deliberately pretend to be uncles and uncles and tell stories to lie to me! It's you, it's you!"

With a face ashen ashes, Chen Yuru pointed at Chen Shennan and Chen Jinzhou and his son tremblingly. He took a few big steps back, his heel tripped over his backing foot, and he fell to the ground.

There is nothing more depressing than believing everything you've always believed and turning out to be all made up.

The belief in Chen Yuru's heart collapsed, and she fell to the ground in disbelief, repeatedly saying that it was impossible, it was absolutely impossible.

"If uncle and the others really hurt dad like this, why didn't he settle the score with them? The second uncle is still living well now, why didn't dad settle the score with them?"

Aside from Guan Boss who has been locked up, Chen Yuru's second uncle, the second child of the Guan family, is indeed still alive and well.If her father was really murdered by her mother and her two uncles together, then it is impossible for him not to settle the score with them.

So it's not true?
Chen Yuru felt that she had grasped the point. She raised her head and opened her mouth to say something, but the door of the box was pushed open from the outside.The dark-faced Chen Aiguo stood there with a gloomy expression.


Chen Yuru murmured subconsciously.

Chen Shennan and Chen Jinzhou stood up in an instant, Chen Shennan asked Chen Jinzhou to turn off the radio, and he himself walked towards the door quickly, "Dad, don't get angry..."

He knew that the old man had been injured when he was young, and a piece of shrapnel was still stuck in his heart and could not be removed. The doctor had warned them to try not to let the old man have big ups and downs.

That's why Chen Aiguo chose to hide from the old man when he got the confession from his uncle and uncle.He was just afraid that he would get angry and lose his mind.

To be honest, it is unacceptable for Mr. Chen to change whoever this happened to.

After all, just imagine, when you learn about your original marriage decades later, the principled mistakes you may think you have committed have nothing to do with you at all.You are a total victim...

No one could accept such an ending.

Mr. Chen stood there without saying a word.

Chen Yuru rushed over and grabbed Mr. Chen's trousers, crying miserably, "No, dad, you say it's not true, you tell me it's not true. You and my mother got married because we really loved each other. My mother used to You didn't even refute it when you said that."

"You can't let my brother and the others slander her while my mother is gone. It's not fair to my mother, Dad!"

(End of this chapter)

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