Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 489 He is also a human being, and he also suffers

Chapter 489 He is also a human being, and he also suffers

For Chen Yuru, if Chen Aiguo admitted to the Guan brothers, her mother Guan Qiuju's reputation would be completely ruined.

So no matter what, she couldn't just watch her father destroy her mother's reputation with his own hands.


She is dead, and the deceased is the greatest. Her father can no longer hold her mother accountable.

The so-called knowing son is like a father, even if Chen Yuru didn't express his thoughts clearly, how could Mr. Chen not know what Chen Yuru was thinking?He slowly closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"Yuru, your mother is human, and I am human too. My heart will hurt too..."



Chen Shennan and Chen Jinzhou spoke together, but Mr. Chen shook his head and left the box without saying anything.The old man who was full of energy when he came in, turned around and left at this moment, as if people saw the candle that had burned to the end.Or the setting sun that is ready to fall into the sea...

Chen Shennan felt a pain in his heart, and Chen Jinzhou had already chased him out.

"Grandpa, wait for me."

Chen Jinzhou hurriedly chased out the door of the box, the old man who was walking in front paused for a moment, turned around and waved his hands, "You don't have to follow, I will walk by myself."


Chen Jinzhou watched the old man slowly disappear into the corridor, and a strong sense of powerlessness invaded his heart.

He suddenly felt that he was really useless, and his elder brother said that he would not let grandpa know about it.Not only did he fail to hide it from his grandfather, but he also couldn't say a word of comfort when his grandfather was so sad...

He returned to the box with a dejected face. In the box, Chen Yuru was still crying softly. Suddenly, Chen Jinzhou kicked the table in front of him and made a loud noise.

Chen Shennan raised his head, "Azhou?"

Chen Jinzhou's eyes were red and he yelled at Chen Yuru, "Your mother only cares about the family, but my grandpa doesn't matter, right? Crying and mourning all day long? How bad is our Chen family that we have such a brain like you?" I don't know the idiot who only knows how to cry?"

"Azhou..." Chen Shennan shouted again in disapproval. Although he did not approve of Chen Yuru, she was Chen Jinzhou's aunt after all, so it was a bit too much for him to say that.

Chen Jinzhou raised his head and looked at Chen Shennan, "Dad has already reached this time, and you are still protecting her? She knows that Guan Qiuju, that wicked woman, has killed her grandfather and made Grandma Xiao suffer all her life, but she still wants to protect Guan Qiuju? Have you ever thought about it?" Grandpa?"

"He is the victim, he is the victim! Why is it that the murderer does not plead guilty, but the victim should forgive the perpetrator? Just because she is a member of the Guan family? Is it your mother?"

Chen Jinzhou sneered, he would not recognize such a grandma.

"Azhou, how can you say that about your grandma? She has loved you since she was a child, how can you say that about her?" Chen Yuru looked at Chen Jinzhou in disbelief, as if she didn't believe that he said it.

Chen Jinzhou snorted, "I would rather not have such a grandma, because when I think of her, I will feel that I came to this world with extremely dirty means, and my birth is just the product of a conspiracy!"

After saying that, Chen Jinzhou turned and slammed the door away, and Chen Yuru cried again in the room.

They didn't realize that in the other corner outside the door, Mrs. Xiao had been listening there for a long time.The reason why she didn't leave immediately was because the news she heard was so shocking that she couldn't digest it for a while.

It wasn't until Chen Jinzhou slammed the door and left that the old lady regained her thoughts.She glanced at the box, turned and walked to the other side.

When Su Yun and Xiao Lin heard the commotion, they handed the child to Mama Zhang and Aunt Lin, and then walked over to have a look.I saw a mess in the box.There were also Chen Yuru who was crying on the ground, and Chen Shennan who was sitting on a stool with his head hanging. Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin beside him with some doubts.

"Brother Lin, this is?"

Xiao Lin saw the radio under the table, and he probably guessed the reason.He raised his hand and squeezed Su Yun's hand to signal for a while before explaining to her, first looked at Chen Shennan and asked, "Grandpa knows?"

His tone was somber that Chen Shennan and Chen Yuru couldn't tell if they were happy or angry.

But Su Yun could tell from Xiao Lin's voice that Xiao Lin was very angry.

Su Yun grabbed his thumb instead, "Brother Lin, let's go to grandpa first."

Now without Xiao Rin's words, Su Yun can guess what happened, the old man must have known what the brothers and sisters of the Guan family did.

Xiao Lin nodded, and the two of them immediately went to find someone without delay.

Just looking at the long corridor in front of them, they didn't know where to find someone for a while.

"Search separately." Su Yun suggested, "I'll go upstairs, brother Lin, you can search on this floor and downstairs."

Xiao Lin nodded, "Daughter-in-law, be careful."

"It's alright, don't worry."

After saying that, Su Yun turned around and ran upstairs in a hurry, Xiao Lin didn't delay, and immediately turned around and searched on this floor.

Xu Guodong, who sent people out of the office after chatting with several people who were interested in ordering a banquet, happened to see Su Yun who was hurrying upstairs.With a slight smile on his face, he apologized to those people, and then asked the secretary to help send them downstairs, while he went to find Su Yun himself.

"What happened to his aunt?"

Xu Guodong quickly walked over and called Su Yun to stop. Su Yun let out a hiccup, but said shortly without hiding anything, "Grandpa heard something about the past and left. We are a little worried and want to find him."

"Is that so?" Xu Guodong nodded, "I'll ask the hotel staff to help us find it."

He was just about to call the manager and ask the manager to arrange someone to find someone in the restaurant. Xiao Lin, who was looking downstairs, came over from the stairs.

"keep the change."

Xiao Lin made a sound.

A trace of surprise flashed across Su Yun's face, "Did you find Grandpa?"

"No, but he left a note for the front desk." Xiao Lin said and passed the front desk clerk to him, and took out the note left by Mr. Chen and handed it to Su Yun.

There are only a few simple words on it 'I'm going out for a walk, don't worry about me. '

Strong and powerful handwriting, you can see the person from the words, you don't need to see the person to see the handwriting, you know that the person who can write this handwriting must be an upright, righteous person.

He is such a good person, but because of his integrity, Guan Qiuju and his brothers and sisters plot against him...

Su Yun couldn't think about it, because as long as she thought about it, she would feel very hurt.I feel sorry for the old man, I feel sorry for the old lady, I feel sorry for Xiao Lin's father...

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin stepped forward and gently held her hand.Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Xu Guodong left early.There were only the two of them left in the corridor.

Xiao Lin didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just hugged her gently, "everything will be fine."

Su Yun also gave a muffled hum.

In fact, she knew the answer early on, that they knew and being known by the old man were two completely different concepts.

She couldn't imagine how sad the old man would be alone now.

But she guessed wrong on this point, because Mr. Chen is not alone.

 The update is complete, good night everyone
(End of this chapter)

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