Chapter 490 A Priceless Gift
In other words, he was alone just now, but now he is not, because Mrs. Xiao found him.

"Jianbang..." The voice of the old lady who was no longer young came from behind, she was calling him by his real name before he lost his memory, Xiao Jianbang!

Old Master Chen turned around and saw the old Mrs. Xiao, who was no longer young and had gray hair, walking towards him. His tone was already choked up, but he didn't want her to see his sad side.

Don't want her to worry.

Mr. Chen forced himself to act as if nothing had happened, with a smile on his face, "Ah Yuan, why haven't you gone back yet? An Zi and the others should be waiting in a hurry. I'll take you there."

He didn't know that his forced smile was more uncomfortable than crying in the eyes of Mrs. Xiao.

Looking at the man standing opposite, the elder brother of the aristocratic family that he had known since childhood, and later became her husband, the man who took his surname.The decades of their separation were originally an unbridgeable gap.

But at this moment, she felt that the decades of separation were rapidly regressing, and the him in front of her was also rapidly regressing, from gray hair to a promising young man full of ambition, responsible for the rise and fall of the country.

He shouldn't have suffered so much.

The old lady Xiao looked at Mr. Chen who was walking towards her, she bent her lips and smiled, "Jianbang, you left home early back then, and we haven't received a marriage certificate yet."

Mr. Chen paused, raised his head and looked at her dully.

"A Yuan..."

"Decades have passed, and we have three great-grandchildren. When are you going to make up this marriage certificate with me?" Mrs. Xiao said in a relaxed and normal tone, with a faint smile on her face as if she could Inclusive of everything between heaven and earth.

Mr. Chen's expression changed from sluggish to unbelievable, and then into ecstasy, "A Yuan, A Yuan, do you mean to forgive me, A Yuan?"

He walked towards the old lady Xiao quickly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart because of being too emotional, but he couldn't resist his steps towards the old lady Xiao.

This time, no one can stop him.

Mrs. Xiao gouged out a look at the overjoyed Mr. Chen, "He is so restless at his age, and he is not afraid of being laughed at by the children." After saying that, she took the initiative to extend her hand.

"Before the Civil Affairs Bureau is off work, let's get things done."

Mr. Chen kept nodding his head in agreement.

"Then do you want to ask An Zi's opinion?" He was still a little worried about Xiao Rin.

It's fine if Mr. Chen doesn't say this, but when he mentions this, the old lady sternly dislikes him, "Do you think our grandson is the kind of person who can't tell right from wrong? You underestimate your Xiao family too."

"Yes, yes, yes, what A Yuan said is that my mother said before that A Yuan understands the general principles and is the best candidate for IKEA."

"I'm old and my teeth are about to fall out, so I'm not ashamed to say such a thing?" The old lady glanced at old man Chen with distaste, and in return, old man Chen smiled heartily.

Two people who have passed their sixties and are almost seventy years old, holding hands and walking towards the tram stop...


Su Yun and the others returned home, Xiao Lin asked her to rest, and he and Mama Zhang made milk powder for the three children, watched them fall asleep after eating, and then went back to the bedroom.

Su Yun didn't really sleep in the bedroom either. When she entered the room, she took out the presents from the people she was close to today, like Song Yinyin, Xu Meifen and the others.

Different from ordinary sterling silver longevity locks, the pairs she received today were made of pure gold.

Su Yun put it in her hand and weighed it, feeling that a pair of long-life locks can't be loaded without hundreds of dollars. (Now the price of gold is 20 yuan per gram, and some people who are in urgent need of money can sell it even lower, so you can almost buy a pair for a few hundred yuan.)
"Hey... How can I return the gift?"

Su Yun put these pairs of longevity locks aside with some headaches, and after registering them in the notebook, she picked up the three red envelopes on her left hand.

It was given by Mr. Fang.

The red envelope is not thick, she thinks that the old man listened to what she said before, and his own people don't pay attention to these vain etiquette, so she opened the things more at ease.

Who knew that in the red envelope she thought was only a few dozen yuan, she didn't see any money, but instead dropped a house deed worth thousands of dollars.Su Yun was confused by the deed.

Then I opened the other two red envelopes, which also contained deeds.

And this house deed is not just a simple tube building or a flat, but a courtyard house located at the root of the city wall... Although the three courtyards are not adjacent to each other, they are not far apart.


How could the old man give such a big gift?

Su Yun only felt that the deed was extremely hot.

Xiao Lin just opened the door and came in from the outside. Seeing Su Yun sitting in front of the desk in their room in a daze, he smiled and walked over and circled her from behind, "What's the matter, daughter-in-law? Are you preoccupied?"

Can Su Yun not be preoccupied?
She held three courtyards in the capital at once, and the locations were all very good.Even if she and Xiao Lin spent all their wealth, they might not be able to buy a yard.

This yard is no longer something you can buy with money, but no matter how much money you have, as long as you don't meet your status, you don't want to buy it.

So can she not worry?
Handing over the house deed to Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin accepted the house deed with a smile on his face, glanced at it briefly, and his expression became serious.

"This is the old man?"

"Don't worry, there are two more."

All three children.

Xiao Lin: ...

Now it's time for him to worry.

Seeing that she had successfully stumped the man, Su Yun sighed and said, "Grandpa really treats us as blood relatives." Among other things, the three courtyards have already appeared The old man's heart is gone.

If it is an ordinary person, it is best to send something more expensive.But the old man gave such a big gift, and he gave three gifts.

In fact, he can keep it, or return it to the country.

Xiao Lin hummed, "The old man has always been a very good person."

For example, when he was still on the job, although he had reached a very high position, he still had no pretensions at the lower level, and he went to dig out good seedlings himself.

Xiao Lin was also able to get to know Mr. Fang across many levels by chance...

Su Yun sighed, "We will go back and see more in the future."

She knew that once the old man sent something out, it would definitely be impossible to take it back.So they can only walk around as much as possible. Since the old man regards them as blood relatives, they have to do better.

Xiao Lin nodded, approving Su Yun's proposal.

Su Yun lowered her head again and recorded the gifts from the old man in the notebook, and then carefully put them into the jewelry box that Xiao Lin made for her back then.After closing the small box and locking it, she put it in the drawer and closed it, then she turned around and asked Grandma Xiao Lin if she was back.

"Grandma should be able to comfort grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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