Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 491 The old man and the old lady finally got the certificate

Chapter 491 The old man and the old lady finally got the certificate
The old lady asked someone to bring them a message, saying that she was with the old man.That's why Su Yun and Xiao Lin came back from the hotel first.

She thinks that the old lady and the old man should be comforting the old man. As young ones, they should give them the old man free space.Xiao Lin nodded.

"Grandma is amazing."

"Well, I also think grandma is very powerful, and I also want to be as powerful as grandma." Su Yun talked about the old lady with a look of admiration.

Xiao Lin pinched the tip of her nose, "I don't want my daughter-in-law to suffer so much like grandma."

" mean grandpa is bad? Don't blame grandpa, he is actually the biggest victim." Su Yun still spoke for the old man.

Xiao Lin didn't say that he was very strange to Mr. Chen, but he would not approve of Mr. Chen's actions.

If it were him, he would never marry another woman under the condition of memory loss.

Xiao Lin believes that some things are engraved in his bones, such as his love for Su Yun, will never be erased because of the passage of time or the loss of memory.

It will always exist in the deepest part of my heart, in my own bones, in my blood.

He didn't express what was in his heart, but Su Yun understood what he meant after being stared at by his scorching eyes. She gasped, and Xiao Lin moved forward...

There was the sound of cars downstairs and the voice of the old lady talking.

Su Yun quickly pushed away the man who was about to stick to her body, "Go away, grandma is back."

Xiao Lin was a little displeased with his daughter-in-law's attitude, feeling that she was becoming less and less interested in him, Xiao Lin was a little aggrieved.

"Daughter-in-law, do you not love me anymore?"

A grievance sounded, and Su Yun, who was arranging her clothes, raised her head and glanced at Xiao Lin in surprise.

"Are you secretly reading the magazines from Xiangjiang again? Do you still know such a fashionable word as love?"

There was a thick teasing smile between her eyebrows and eyes, and Xiao Lin gave a muffled hum, looking quite aggrieved.

Su Yun couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Brother Lin, if you continue to do this, I will feel that I have four children."

Three babies, plus the eldest child Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin's face suddenly became serious, and he stretched out his hand to scratch her, "Little girl, do you know that talking nonsense is very dangerous?"

"Huh? How dangerous is it?"

Su Yun tilted her body to avoid Xiao Lin's 'claw' with a smile, and the two went downstairs while arguing.

Seeing the old lady sitting on the sofa, and the old man bending over beside the stroller looking at the three children, all of them had silent and sweet smiles on their faces, which made Su Yun have a bold guess .

She raised her head and glanced at Xiao Lin, and quickly smiled and said to the old lady and the old man with a normal expression, "Grandma, you are back, grandpa is here, are you here for dinner? Brother Lin and I will go buy some food and come back."

They didn't pack any food for today's wedding banquet, so they had to buy the food for dinner.

Of course, Su Yun's question actually had another meaning. She just wanted to confirm whether the old man and the old lady had let go of the past as she thought.

Old Master Chen raised his head when he heard the voice, with a kind smile on his face.It's just that he didn't answer Su Yun immediately, but first glanced at the old lady sitting on the sofa.

This move is like asking the opinion of the head of the family.

The old lady nodded with a normal face, and took out two marriage certificates similar to awards, "When I married your grandfather, I was too busy, and I didn't think about getting a marriage certificate. It just happens to be popular to get this now." If I have time today, I will do it."


Unexpectedly, the old lady even went to get the certificate.

However, Su Yun only hesitated for a moment, and soon returned to normal.

"Well, it's better to have a marriage certificate, and now everyone pays attention to this."

Zhang's mother on the side also echoed, "Yeah, how could we have a marriage certificate when we got married before? As soon as we collected a few clothes, we moved to someone else's house with our luggage. If the conditions are good, there will be wine and lively, but if the conditions are not Well, even if you go there with your clothes after work at night, you are considered a family."

Zhang's mother is also in her 40s. She opened her mouth to recall, and Lin Chunhua also recalled.Both of them are about the same age, and they can talk together usually.

Soon, the home became their memory meeting.Seeing that the awkward old man returned to normal, Su Yun pursed her lips and smiled, hooked Xiao Lin's thumb lightly, and winked at him ambiguously.

That look means 'how am I good? '

It was so easy to resolve the embarrassment that the two old people might have.

Xiao Lin smiled lightly and rubbed Su Yun's hair, he knew that his daughter-in-law has always been very powerful.

Wan Zhaodi, who was on the opposite side, came over and rushed out the door, and when she heard Mama Zhang and Lin Chunhua reminiscing about bitterness and sweetness, she also joined their team and chatted.When a few people of similar age start chatting, they are naturally very excited.

Su Yun smiled and took Xiao Lin's hand, and the husband and wife went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables for dinner.It just so happens that they are usually busy and don't have much time to visit the vegetable market together, so today is considered a half-day leisure, and they went to the vegetable market together.

The vegetable market is not far away, so instead of driving, I ride the bicycle that Su Yun rides to school.Su Yun was already able to ride the bicycle very skillfully, she supported the front of the bicycle and looked at Xiao Lin with a smile.

"Whose brother is this? Do you want my sister to take you for a ride?"

The sloppy words are like a hooligan.

Xiao Lin laughed sullenly, "Are you sure you want to drive me?"

"Hmm? Otherwise?"

Su Yun raised her chin slightly, she is very confident in her driving skills now.Carrying Xiao Lin on such a flat road, there is no pressure at all.

"Okay, then fulfill the wish of my daughter-in-law."

Xiao Lin was willing to accompany her and coax her, so naturally it was impossible to refuse her request.He looked aside, "Excuse me, comrade, how can I get in the car?"

"You can do whatever you want, old driver, sister!"

As soon as Su Yun, the old driver who spoke out loud, felt the bicycle sinking.She turned her head and took a look. Xiao Lin was sitting on the back seat of her bicycle, with a pair of long legs resting half on the ground......

Su Yun: ...

It seems a little heavy?However, she still believed in her own level, kicked off the pedal and pushed forward vigorously.

The wheels didn't move.

Su Yun:? ? ?
Is Xiao Lin so heavy?She pulled a bag of rice in the back and never had such a situation!Su Yun didn't believe this evil, she gritted her teeth and pushed forward with all her strength!

"I don't believe it anymore."

She pushed and talked to herself.

As a result, Su Yun pushed the bicycle until she was sweating, so she barely moved the bicycle forward, but her hands were so sore that she couldn't hold the handle...

Well, let the men do the hard work!If she wants to play a hooligan and take people for a ride, she has the heart but not the strength.

"I can't do it, you come."

(End of this chapter)

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