Chapter 492
Su Yun gave up simply and resolutely, without any intention of trying again.

Xiao Lin stood up from the car with a smile, "Daughter-in-law really asked me to come?"

"Nonsense, do I seem to be joking with you?" Su Yun shook her arms, and she didn't know what went wrong, why couldn't she carry him?She thought about it, and finally attributed it to the fact that the man's body was too tall and too heavy.

It's not her problem, it's his problem.

Xiao Lin smiled and walked to the front to support the front of the car.He held the middle of the front of the bicycle with one hand, and with the other hand, he could hold Su Yun firmly to the back seat of the bicycle and sit down.

What kind of invincible strength is this?

Su Yun has already expressed that she has nothing to say.

"What's wrong with my daughter-in-law? Do you still want to give me a try?" Xiao Lin asked with a smile in his tone.

Su Yun gave him a disgusted look, she didn't want to talk to him about this kind of knowingly asking, and gave him a look to understand.

Xiao Lin couldn't hold back her smile, pinched her angry cheeks, and then stepped on the bicycle to go out.

"Let's go, take my sister for a ride."

Su Yun: ...

You are so glib, you don't want to complain anymore.

Because today is the [-]th day of the three babies, and the grandparents also chose to get their marriage certificate today, so Su Yun decided to cook a table of good food at night and invite Zhao Meiyu and the others to come over for dinner.

In that case, you will have to buy more food.

Su Yun was watching the boss help catch the fish, she turned her head and asked Xiao Lin who was carrying big and small bags next to her, "Do you want to ask Azhou and uncle to come over?"

I don't know if the old man told the people in the Chen family about getting the certificate?If not, how would they react to the news?Does anyone think that they want to take over Grandpa's property?

According to her understanding, Chen Jinzhou and Chen Shennan should not have such thoughts.The only thing to worry about is Chen Yuru and Chen Jinzhou's mother, Fang Huiwen.

Su Yun frowned, and couldn't make up her mind for a while whether to call the Chen family over for dinner.

"Buy a little more food, I'll go back and give them a call later."

"it is good."

The young couple bought a lot of vegetables at the vegetable market, and Xiao Lin carried all the things they bought, and Su Yun never touched them.She glanced at Xiao Lin with some disgust, and felt that this man was becoming more and more lawless.

She's not a child, how could she get tired when she lifts a handful of vegetables?

This idea is bad, very bad.

Just speaking from the bottom of my heart, although her face is full of disgust, her heart is extremely sweet.The two left the vegetable market together, and many people who passed by them looked sideways, looking at Xiao Lin who was full of things in one hand and did not forget to stretch out the other hand to protect the lesbian next to him. People are envious.

Comparing Xiao Lin with their other half, the other half of their family can be thrown away.

Marrying a man who is able to marry such a man with superior external conditions and who is also considerate is something that every lesbian dreams of and is difficult to achieve.I don't know what good fortune that lesbian has cultivated?

Waiting for those envious people to look at Su Yun's face with a faint smile, they are envious and at the same time feel balanced.

One has to have a face like Su Yun's to be eligible to ask to marry a man with similar conditions.Ordinary-looking people like them, let's live an ordinary life with the stinky big guy at home...

Su Yun didn't know that they just came to the vegetable market to cause such a big fluctuation in other people's hearts.When they got home, Su Yun told Wan Zhaodi who was still chatting at home about coming over for dinner in the evening.

Wan Zhaodi was a little embarrassed, she came to the capital and said she was going to take care of her daughter Zhao Meiyu in confinement, but she often came to Su Yun's house for dinner.

Although Meiyu also said that Su Yun's family is in a good condition, she asked them to come over for dinner because she has a good relationship with them, so Wan Zhaodi should not think too much about it.But how could Wan Zhaodi not think too much?

Even if the conditions are good, they have earned it with their own hands. If they keep coming to people's homes to eat like this, they are taking advantage of others.

"How embarrassing..." Wan Zhaodi stood up in embarrassment, "We eat at your house a lot, I..."

"Ma'am, you're welcome, you're not an outsider. And you can't eat much." Su Yun smiled and said to Wan Zhaodi, asking her to sit here and chat, and she went to the backyard to prepare the dishes for the evening.

Wan Zhaodi knew that since she couldn't avoid coming over for dinner, she got up and followed Su Yun to work in the backyard.

"Miss Zhang, look at the children, I'm going to wash the vegetables." Lin Chunhua said to Zhang's mother who was gently shaking the cattail fan for the three babies.The weather is hot recently, and babies are more likely to wake up when they sleep during the day, so Zhang Ma and Lin Chunhua will take turns to gently fan the babies with cattail fans.

That gentle wind ensures that they won't wake up from the heat or catch a cold.

Mama Zhang nodded, "Okay."

Although both of them were paid to help work in Xiao's house, after all, Mrs. Zhang was appointed by Mr. Fang to take care of the baby, so most of the time, Mrs. Zhang mainly took care of the baby.

And Lin Chunhua was responsible for taking care of the old lady before, so naturally she has to do more housework than Zhang Mama.

Everyone worked together, and seemingly a lot of dishes were quickly cleaned up.Su Yun didn't even make any effort, Lin Chunhua and Wan Zhaodi had finished the rest.

She is in charge of cooking.

It's still early, and she doesn't have to cook so fast.After wiping off the drops of water from his hands, he went to the living room, just in time to see the old man sitting on the sofa and taking a nap.Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin, and silently asked him if he wanted to let Grandpa rest in the room?

Also, if I went, was it in grandma's room or the guest room?

It's just that what Su Yun didn't expect was that as soon as she asked Xiao Lin, the old lady asked the old man to go to the room to rest.

"What do you look like sitting here and taking a nap? If you are sleepy, go to sleep in the house."

After the old lady finished speaking, she led the old man into her room.

Su Yun: ...

Well, grandma is indeed a hero among girls, there is no need for others to worry about her!Su Yun smiled, and went to the side to see her children.

During dinner at night, Chen Shennan came over.He and Fang Huiwen came here together, just the husband and wife.

Fang Huiwen followed Chen Shennan with a shy smile on her face. When she saw Mr. Chen, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but quickly swallowed the words that came to her lips.

He smiled at the old lady beside him, and greeted him silently.

The old lady didn't care either.

Instead, it was Chen Shennan, who took a step forward and knelt down in front of the old lady and the old man with a puff under everyone's gaze.

"I'm sorry, old lady. I sincerely apologize to you for the wrong things my mother and uncle did back then. I'm sorry! It's their obsession that made a big mistake, which caused you to work hard for most of your life. I'm sorry."

 After the update, all the cuties should support my new article, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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