Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 493 Complete Reconciliation

Chapter 493 Complete Reconciliation
No one expected Chen Shennan to kneel down.

The people in the yard, including Fang Huiwen, did not expect Chen Shennan to make such a move.She looked at Chen Shennan in shock, and wanted to pull him up but didn't dare.

As for Mr. Chen, he pursed his lips and looked at his son, not knowing what he was thinking without saying a word.

Chen Shennan knelt on the ground and continued to say, "My mother did such a thing. As her son, I am very ashamed and feel very sorry for you. I know that the harm she made will never hurt you. I can't make up for it, but as her son, I am willing to make up for it as much as possible."

"As long as you open your mouth, I'm willing to do anything, as long as it makes you feel better."

Chen Shennan lowered his head, his tone was very low.

In fact, such a thing happened to their family, and as a child, he also felt very uncomfortable.Especially since his younger sister was still making trouble at home all day, he felt very stressed by himself.

Chen Shennan even wanted the old lady to beat him up and scold him, even if the old lady was a little harsher and told his father to sever ties with them, he would have nothing to say.

After all, as Azhou said, their arrival is just a product of Guan Qiuju's conspiracy...

Chen Shennan kept thinking about it, and stretched out his hands.

He raised his head and met the old lady's kindly smiling face.


"Get up, silly boy, it's not ancient times anymore, and I'm not a landlord and bully in the feudal period. It doesn't make sense to kneel down if I can't do it."

The old lady stretched out her hand to help Chen Shennan up, then took his hand and continued to speak earnestly, "Let the past be over, don't worry about it all the time. Although what the Guan family did is really embarrassing, But they really saved your father."

"Based on this alone, I can offset the suffering I have suffered for decades."

For the old lady, as long as the old man is still alive, it doesn't matter if she suffers for the rest of her life.It's best for him to stay by her side. If he can't stay by her side, then she also hopes that he can live a good life in a place she can't see.

That's what she thinks she likes.

The open-mindedness and self-cultivation of the old lady formed a sharp contrast with Guan Qiuju's carelessness.Even though Chen Shennan is Guan Qiuju's biological son, at this moment he has to admit that his mother is really not as good as the old lady's finger.

No wonder his father didn't like her anymore.

Su Yun, who had been standing behind, saw that the time was almost up, so she reached out and poked Xiao Rin's waist, and Xiao Rin said, "Uncle, Auntie, don't stand outside, come in and eat."

"Grandpa, would you like some wine?"

The topic turned to eating, and the old lady took advantage of the opportunity to praise Su Yun's cooking skills. When she praised Su Yun, the smile on her face became stronger and her eyes almost narrowed.

The tone is full of pride.

Fang Huiwen on the side saw the old lady love Su Yun so much, and felt deep envy in her heart.

What she didn't understand was that it was also a compliment. When Guan Qiuju was alive, she did not say that she was obedient, saying that she was a good wife, a good mother, and a good daughter-in-law.

Guan Qiuju said a lot about how she was doing, but why didn't she feel joy or joy?
Fang Huiwen didn't know that there was a difference between a compliment and a compliment.

Some compliments are deliberate, just like the old lady, she is really proud of Su Yun.And Guan Qiuju's compliment to her was completely formulaic, just because Fang Huiwen was obedient and became the kind of person Guan Qiuju expected.

So it's normal for her not to feel happy.

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Su Yun who was standing not far away with a smile on her face, and faintly felt that her smile seemed to be shining, as dazzling as the rising sun, but it was not May sting the eyes.

She seemed to suddenly understand at this moment why her son fell in love with such a girl...

No one should be able to reject such a girl who exudes confidence from the inside out, right?Both men and women are equally irresistible!
Fang Huiwen suddenly felt relieved.

She also smiled at Su Yun, "Then we are really lucky tonight."

Chen Shennan was a little surprised, and he glanced back at Fang Huiwen.Normally, his daughter-in-law rarely took the initiative to talk to people, and she was the kind who couldn't socialize.Why did you suddenly speak now?

Fang Huiwen noticed Chen Shennan's gaze, "What's wrong, Brother Nan?"

Chen Shennan shook his head, "It's okay, I heard the little bastard from the Xu family tell Azhou that Xiaosu's craftsmanship is very good, Huiwen, you can eat more."

"Well sure."

Everyone seemed to let go of the estrangement in their hearts, and the meal was naturally enjoyed in harmony.

Even the three babies who were going to sleep after drinking full milk powder opened their eyes and babbled and babbled in the cradle, not knowing whether they wanted to join the adults' conversation?Or sing to attract attention?
In short, the atmosphere is very harmonious and harmonious.

And from this day on, the relationship between the Chen family and the Xiao family became closer, and they would see the two families having dinner together (or is it more accurate to call it a family?).

And Mr. Chen would come here to see his three great-grandchildren every day after he got off work from get off work, and then he would have dinner here before returning to Chen's house.He hasn't stayed here before, but it doesn't affect that they are a family.

In such a harmonious atmosphere, time passed quickly and soon it was time for summer vacation.

At this time, the triplets were six months or almost seven months old, and they could sit up and play steadily.

Speaking of them sitting up, a little funny thing happened.Among the three brothers and sisters, isn't the older brother fatter than the older sister?But who knew that among the three of them, the third one was the first to sit firmly.

Originally, when they were six months old, Su Yun and Xiao Lin intentionally put the three babies on the bed in their bedroom, thinking of training them to sit up, but the eldest wobbled for a long time, and kept swaying like a tumbler Yes, just can't sit still.

As for the second child, he glanced at her brother with small eyes, as if he disliked her brother's performance.Su Yun was amused, thinking that their second child would have some amazing reaction, but in the end she closed her eyes and pouted her buttocks, holding the bottle and drinking water.

There was no point in trying to sit up.

Instead, the third child sat up quietly when the eldest wobbled up and fell down.And it was successful once, without a wobbly fall.

This surprised Su Yun very much.

"Could it be that those who look thin are actually the most powerful?" She looked at Xiao Lin in surprise and said.

Xiao Lin was amused by his daughter-in-law's words, and looking at the third child who was blushing, he added, "This is probably the legendary person who can't look like it?"

"What are you talking about? Our third child is also very good-looking, okay?" Su Yun was modest to the outside, but she was extremely proud in front of her man.

"The third child must be like his mother and me, with a small stature and great strength."

As soon as she finished speaking, the third child fell on the quilt with a puff.

(End of this chapter)

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