Chapter 494 There Are Two More Friends
Su Yun silently turned her face away.

This is probably what is said in the legend, you can't boast, once you boast it will show your true nature.

Well, it's not like her, she is very boastful.

Xiao Lin was amused by her little gesture, and seeing him laughing endlessly, Su Yun glared at him angrily, "I won't tell you anymore, the third child is leaving, and mother will take you to see the little brother of the Gu family." go."

Su Yun picked up the third child, left the second treasure to Xiao Lin to take care of, and went downstairs to Zhao Meiyu's house on the opposite side by herself.

Zhao Meiyu gave birth to a son a month ago, together with Wang Yufen from Lao Hu's family, Wang Yufen also gave birth to a son.Su Yun didn't feel it when she was not a mother at first, but after she became a mother, she found that all the people around her seemed to have children.

Just like she and Zhao Meiyu have also changed from a little girl to a mother.

Time is really fast!
Su Yun put on a small hat for her younger brother, and she went out with an umbrella herself. The sun was too strong, so she was fine if she got sunburned, but her younger brother, who is skinny and tender, can't be sunburned.

Walking into the courtyard of Gu's family, I saw that the eaves were covered with diapers of all sizes specially for babies, and the sonorous cries of children came from inside the house.

Zhao Meiyu's child has completely inherited her loud voice. It is said that when the nurse patted his buttocks when he was just born, he cried louder than a one-month-old child. This is so funny. The nurses who delivered the babies.

They all said that it was because of good nutrition during pregnancy that the child's voice can be so loud.

Moreover, this child not only has a loud voice, but is also chubby. He competes with the eldest brother of Su Yun's family. He is very likable when he looks like a tiger.

It's just that this child whom everyone likes, is disgusted by Zhao Meiyu.She thinks her son should be gentle and refined, as elegant as Clivia (actually he likes the type of Gu Jinnian?)...

Now when the child starts to cry, Zhao Meiyu coaxes him and instills in him that boys should be calm and elegant, otherwise they will not find a wife...

Su Yun stepped across the threshold: ...

Is there such a mother as Zhao Meiyu?Worried about not being able to find a wife for the child when he was only a little old?Just as she was about to make a joke, Wan Zhaodi said in advance, "Is there a mother like you? Others expect their children to cry loudly, and you still think it's disgusting?"

She reached out and hugged the crying baby, and put it in her arms, humming a little tune softly to comfort her.

Zhao Meiyu snorted and found Su Yun standing at the door.

"Ah, our little brother is here, come and let the godmother take a look." As she said that, she wanted to reach out and hug him, but Su Yun moved her hand away in disgust, "You've got it, the doctor said that confinement should be done well." If you are in confinement, don't think about hugging and teasing your child all day long."

Wan Zhaodi, who was coaxing her grandson at the side, also nodded, "Xiaoyun is right, Meiyu, you are just disobedient. What are you talking about? It's hot, you don't wear a hat and socks, and when you get old, you will have headaches every day. Just know."

Now confinement still pays attention to covering, but Su Yun was fine at that time, because it was cold, so she could accept wearing long-sleeved trousers, a hat and socks.

But Zhao Meiyu can't do it now. It's July, the hottest time. Let her wear a knitted hat and socks, long-sleeved trousers and a quilt. She feels that it's better to let her die.

She pursed her mouth and said nothing.

"Look at how big you are, and you're still so childish even if you're a mother?" Wan Zhaodi let out an angry smile again, and walked to the next room with her coaxed grandson in her arms, "I'll take Xiaobao next door. sleep."

After Zhao Meiyu was confinement, she lived on the first floor.Gu Jinnian opened up the two rooms that were originally separated, and opened a door in the middle, one for Zhao Meiyu to rest, and the other for the person in charge of taking care of her to rest.

Previously, Gu Jinnian went to school during the day and took care of Zhao Meiyu at night.But recently there were a lot of things, and Wan Zhaodi couldn't bear the hard work of her son-in-law, so she took care of Zhao Meiyu during the day and night.

Fortunately, Zhao Meiyu had a normal birth, not as serious as Su Yun's at the beginning, so it doesn't take much effort to take care of her, just watch her not let her take off her hat and socks, and secretly turn on the electric fan...

Every time Zhao Meiyu tried to secretly turn on the electric fan to blow the air, she would be caught by Wan Banwai and scolded severely. Later, there was no trace of the electric fan in their house.

For this reason, Zhao Meiyu also said that her mother was targeting her, and she often complained to Su Yun about it.

No, now they are saying that she is going to die of heat, but her mother has a grandson and forgot about her daughter. Regardless of her daughter's life or death, she has no appetite for meals, and they don't let her add chili, or eat anything with salt.

Su Yun: ...

"Come on, don't make so much drama, my younger brother won't be able to help complaining about you as a godmother." Su Yun interrupted Zhao Meiyu's babble, with a strong look of disgust on her face.

Zhao Meiyu said, "Okay Xiaoyun, even you are not on my side anymore, are you? Let me ask you if we are still good sisters? Are you sure you have chosen which side you want to stand on?"

"I'm on the side of justice."

Zhao Meiyu blinked, "Are you saying I'm crooked?"

"I didn't say that." Su Yun shook her eyes and looked at her younger brother with eyes open in her arms, with a faint smile on her lips, "When you are old and you regret that you didn't sit well during the confinement period." , I will definitely remind you what you did when you were in confinement."

Zhao Meiyu: ...

Do you want to be so cruel?
Su Yun ignored her and did whatever she wanted.

Zhao Meiyu groaned twice, but obediently did not dare to take off the hat.

Su Yun sat here for almost an hour, and during this hour, she understood why Zhao Meiyu was so busy, because she was just free.

For a whole hour, her baby didn't cry or fuss, and fell asleep obediently with Wan Zhaodi in the next room.Zhao Meiyu is just like a big idler, lying on the bed feeling uncomfortable, and there is no way to move here.

The corners of Su Yun's mouth twitched. There is nothing more comfortable than having a mother by her side to take care of the confinement child.

Thinking of her own mother, she inevitably thought of Zhaojiacun again.

Of course she doesn't miss Li Cuifen, she just thinks that they are also rural women, why is there such a big difference between people?There are parents who are dedicated to their daughters, and there are also Li Cuifen and Su Aiguo who are extremely selfish and do not treat their daughters as human beings.

There is really no need to compare people.

Su Yun continued to tease the younger brother in her arms with downcast eyes, he was already able to giggle with her now, the white and tender milk balls are very cute.Sometimes Su Yun wants to laugh unconsciously while hugging them.

Just like now, when she was chatting with Zhao Meiyu, her younger brother didn't cry, but just obediently opened his eyes and looked left and right, very obedient.

Others said that the children came to collect debts, but Su Yun felt that their children came to repay their debts.

(End of this chapter)

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