Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 495 Men Are Childish in Private

Chapter 495 Men Are Childish in Private

The three of them have been obedient children since they were born.Don't make trouble when you are full, and sleep obediently.Even when I took it to get vaccinated, I kept my eyes open obediently, neither crying nor fussing.

The quiet siblings/siblings are in stark contrast to the crying children around them, let alone Su Yun and Xiao Lin, who are parents, feel very relieved, even the nurses around them are very happy with the three brothers and sisters. People need to speak more softly.

Su Yun didn't show it on the surface, but she was actually proud in her heart.

Her baby is so obedient, and they will be so obedient when they grow up, so they, as parents, will have a lot of peace of mind.

After sitting at Zhao Meiyu's house for a while, my younger brother's eyelids kept drooping, and he was about to fall asleep.Su Yun didn't stay any longer, and told Zhao Meiyu to endure it for another ten days before confinement.

"As long as you think that I haven't washed my hair for forty days, you will have a goal in your heart."

Su Yun didn't forget to comfort Zhao Meiyu with what happened when she was in confinement.

Zhao Meiyu: ...

I was not comforted, and even thought of the weather where this person could be roasted. If you don't wash your hair for forty days, isn't your hair full of lice?Thinking of Zhao Meiyu's chills in that scene, she suddenly became cold again.

When Su Yun returned home with the child in her arms, she found the old man had come.

She smiled and handed her sleeping brother to Mama Zhang, and then asked the old man if he wanted to eat here?
The old man definitely wants to eat here, but he just heard that Su Yun and Xiao Lin are going to take their children to Fang's house today, if he stays to eat, it may delay their young people's affairs.

The old man was a little confused.

The old lady said, "Okay, let Chunhua go shopping for vegetables, and I'll order some noodles for you."

"Then how about I go shopping?" the old man asked cautiously.

That appearance is very similar to when a child who has done something wrong asks his parents.Su Yun couldn't help showing a smile, the old lady glared at the old man, and called him angrily to go shopping together.

Since they were going out, Su Yun and the others must be going out too.

Lin Chunhua accompanied the old man and the old lady to the vegetable market, Su Yun and Xiao Lin together, and Zhang Ma took the children to visit the old man Fang.Now they have made a regular visit to Fang's house once a week, and sometimes they will stay there to accompany Mr. Fang.

Really like family.

This time when Su Yun and Xiao Lin came over, it happened that Liu E and his wife also came over. Seeing the white and tender child Su Yun and the others were holding in their hands, Liu E liked it very much.

"Oh, this child is really well raised."

Triplets are already rare, and triplets raised so white are even rarer.Liu E likes children very much, and at the same time hopes that her unborn grandson or granddaughter will be as white and tender as Su Yun's children in the future.

During the meal, Liu E asked Su Yun in a low voice what is the secret of raising children.

"Your child is really well raised now. I still remember when I gave birth to Zhenghuan, he was black and thin, and his father suspected that I gave birth to a monkey."

Su Yun: ...

Is it so exaggerated?

She raised her head and glanced at the serious man who was playing chess with the old man. Su Yun really couldn't imagine what kind of expression such a serious man would use when he said that his son was a monkey.

Liu E seemed to have guessed what Su Yun was thinking. She smiled and said, "Didn't you think so? Your Uncle Lu looks very serious on the surface, but he is actually like a child on the inside. Even now, he is still very childish."

Su Yun bent her lips and smiled, "Is this probably a common problem of all men?"

In front of the person I like, I can never get rid of my childish side.No matter how high a position he sat outside, he was still childish when he returned home in private.

Just like Uncle Lu, Xiao Lin, and grandpa who is nearly seventy years old...

"Hey, I said it doesn't count, it doesn't count, Lu Daguo, don't try to deny it, how could you be able to check if I didn't put the chess down just now? It doesn't count."

"Don't think that I will bully others when I am old and my eyes are blurred!"

Elder Fang's rambunctious voice came from the side.Su Yun made up another list in her heart, and her grandfather was the same, the older he got, the more childish he became.

Regrets are so high-sounding.

The family had a happy dinner, and Su Yun and the others returned home around nine o'clock in the evening.

Because the school is on summer vacation, Su Yun has to devote herself to work, and the time of coming here may not be so punctual, so she stayed a little late today.

When she got home and put the child to sleep, she also took a shower and washed her hair, and came out of the bathroom wiping her hair with a towel. While wiping her hair, she asked Xiao Lin if grandpa was here today.

Xiao Lin, who was recording the data, raised his head and glanced at her.

She just took a shower, and because the weather was too hot, she put on soft light orange shorts and short sleeves, revealing her white arms and well-proportioned legs, and a drop of water followed her wet hair. The movement slipped from the neck and fell into the clothes...

Xiao Lin felt that it was a bit too hot this day.

He obviously drank a lot of water, but he was still flustered and even wanted to have a nosebleed.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin who hadn't answered for a long time in a daze, and for a moment she couldn't understand the meaning of his fidgeting eyes.She continued talking to herself, "I thought grandpa came over today and said something that made grandma unhappy."

Then I was busy cooking to make grandma happy...

So she guessed wrong?

Just as Su Yun thought this way, the thoughts in her heart hadn't settled yet, Xiao Lin who was keeping accounts put down the pen in her hand, pulled away the stool, stood up and went to take a shower.

Su Yun:? ? ?
"what happened?"

Talking to herself, she wiped her hair, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, glanced at the three little guys sleeping on the bed, she chuckled silently, dried her hair, took the book aside and flipped through it, waiting for the last strand of hair Sleep when the moisture dries up.

After the little ones are five months old, the cribs for them are not big enough.

Mama Zhang originally suggested letting the children sleep with her, but Su Yun didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with the children.Xiao Lin built a 1.5-meter bed by himself, and put it side by side with Su Yun's original bed. A guardrail was made on the side against the wall, and the top was covered with a soft quilt to prevent small children from sleeping. The guy rolled over and hit the guardrail and hurt...

The two beds add up to a total of three meters wide, which is enough for a family of five to lie on it and roll around casually.For this reason, Su Yun also custom-made a large mosquito net suitable for this big bed.

At this moment, the three little ones were lying side by side on the bed hung with a large mosquito net, sleeping very soundly.

At the head of their bed, Xiao Lin deliberately set aside a storage grid with a baffle about [-] centimeters wide, on which were placed their milk powder, their respective feeding bottles, clean diapers, and baby moisturizer , something to prevent mosquito bites...

In this way, when the little guy needs to drink milk powder or change a diaper in the middle of the night, Xiao Lin can reach what he needs with just a lift of his hand.

Don't ask her why Xiao Lin woke up to make milk powder and change diapers, but Su Yun was too tired to wake up, Xiao Lin had to bear the 'evil' he did by himself...

 After the update, when everyone enjoys reading the article, don't forget to vote for my new article!The same chronological story, a rough man with a beautiful wife, super sweet!
(End of this chapter)

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